All chains are gone, Truth finally fully revealed, No going back

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Following Weeks.
The Ministry was going crazy in and out Hogwarts and all because a Blood Feud started. They were watching the chess board table like hawks. Of course everyone is planing something.
Nova is in the Room of Requirements doing the one thing she can't do outside it or anyone who's not in the clan, be herself. She has burned so much midnight oil on her first masterpiece of magic and know it's done. Scissors that cuts all invisible and visible chains tied to you.

 Scissors that cuts all invisible and visible chains tied to you

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What Nova is wearing right now:

Nova holds it and then all chains on her appear

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Nova holds it and then all chains on her appear. Many with one name on them, Albus Dumbledore. Light stings attached to herself holding the clan, her twin and mates' mind link and connection. Her pair of scissors can't cut those. She begins cutting the chains. Every single last one. Her wings, horns and tail glow bright as her magic that was chained is no more. All truths chained up are gone. Albus lost all control over her. Wet tears pour down. Two new stings are added to her but Nova is still trying to guess why. She turns herself to smoke and flies off. She finds the three beds. There are tons of chains on Harry, Hermione and Neville just like there were tons on her. She is in a total rage as she cuts all of them off. Albus there is no going back. Nova is calm as she turns herself back to smoke and flies back to her place of Hogwarts. She changes back into her Queen Hufflepuff uniform and gently places the scissors inside and heads off to the common try room to call a meeting.
Everyone is soon down as she cuts off the chains attracted to her house mates. All of them being Albus's doing. Everyone in Hufflepuff no longer trusted him the same ever again. They decided to cleanse all houses that proved the full trust of Hufflepuffs worthy to them. Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Soon everyone besides the Gryffindor clan was free of Albus. Exactly how Nova wanted it. She knew what Albus is underneath it all. She wanted to make that Dark Clan suffer for hurting her family.

Soon Nova was called to the Hospital Wing to find out an ugly truth. Madam Promfey hands her the birth certificates of her, Neville, Harry and Hermione. If something of pure rage and hurt traveled up her throat then it did.
Harry, Hermione and Neville were already her family but this was the icing on the cake. They were her quadruplets. Their mother was Lily Evans Potter (Riddle) and Tom Marvelo Riddle. Nova cries hard. Gryffindor, Albus go drown yourselves in the Black Lake or even beat be mauled by the Whomping Willow.

Nova runs to a certain classroom with a certificate and a pair of scissors. The classroom is empty of students but a professor. Quirrell. "Uncle, please reveal yourself. Lord Voldemort I know you are there.",Nova says loud enough for him to hear. The pair of sea blue eyes flash a crimson blood red. Nova sees the chains tied to Lord Voldemort from Albus and she cuts them off in a instant. " Your welcome, I freed you from Albus. You might remember now." Nova says softly. Memories flash awake in the Dark Lord's head. He stares at his daughter with understanding and rage. He wants to kill Albus right now. Scratch that is going to give Albus a miserable life. Nova walks back to in front of the desk. She waits for him to recollect his rage. She still has the stone in pockets of her robes. Her eyes glitter in fury and hurt. Her siblings were tortured sans Albus called it a bloody accident! Nova remains still waiting. "Nova,my dear, I'm so sorry for what has happened to you but what did Albus do to the others besides from what I don't already know. I went "out of it" for a month." The Dark Lord or Dad says to Nova. Nova starts by explaining everything he missed in the past years then what has happened know all the way to the Blood Feud. "Once I get the stone, I'll have a body to give Albus torture with!" Voldy says enraged. Nova finally decides to do something that the light shall be destroyed for. She pulls out the stone and places it on the desk. "Give him torture and claim your guardianship of us." , Nova says before smiling softly then walking out the door.

Voldemort examines the stone. There is definitely something Nova changed inside it. He begins decoding it then to smirk. She made it also be able repair any damage on a magic core and strengthen it tenfold. My dear, Nova what Genius. He lets Quirrell take back in control to instruct him. After a couple of classes and hours later. There is still a stone but Lord Voldemort has returned to the life of being inside flesh. He examines his dark wings, horns and tail. He had never made a horcux out of his pure will but now his soul was back together again. His life years expanded back to full strength. The best thing he learned how to shift into his human form. His core completely removed of all damage done by Albus. His magic potential strengthen tenfold. He was already powerful but Albus has blocked 90% of his magic. Now he was at 110% of his magic so Albus you better watch out. You better not cry, you better not pout Nova Riddle is telling you why. Voldemort is coming to town to kill you!

He walks into Gringotts with a smile. When he leaves he has grin. He got his children back. He heads to Riddle Manor where he summons his death eaters. Then waits on his throne. He counts them all. Only 1 traitor. Lucius bows happily and Voldemort hugs his dear friend. "How much power did you grab waiting for me?" He asks chuckling. "Oh just enough to scare the heck out of the Ministry." Lucius whispers chuckling. Snape! He hugs his brother tight. "Hey brother but please tell us how did you do it?" Snape says softly. Tom nods and makes everyone sit. He pulls out four birth certificates. And places them on the table. Snape nearly shatters. "Our kids?" Snape says shocked.
Nova Nebula Riddle Aka Nova Dumbledore
Parents: Lily Evans Potter (mother), Tom Marvelo Riddle, Severus Snape Riddle (fathers)
Oldest of quadruplets
Neville Nix Riddle, Aka Neville Longbottom
Parents: Lily Evans Potter, Tom Marvelo Riddle, Severus Snape Riddle
Second oldest of Quadruplets
Hermione Evans Riddle, Aka Hermione Potter
Parents; Lily Evans Potter, Tom Marvelo Riddle, Severus Snape Riddle
Middle age of Quadruplets
Harridan James Riddle AKA Harridan James Potter
Parents: Lily Evans Potter, Tom Marvelo Riddle, Severus Snape Riddle
Youngest of Quadruplets
"Yes Severus. Nova had the stone and enchanted it with strong alchemy. I'm completely healed and free from Albus Dumbledore." Tom(Voldemort) says softly. Everyone is half screaming in joy that their Lord is free and healed but so so so angry at Albus. Tom explains what Albus did to them. The silent burning rage was obvious. "I have taken back all guardianship and all stolen goods. Sadly as we both know there was attack by the light with the torturing curse. This attack was called an accident. That attack let Albus push my children in a medical coma since he didn't allow the needed treatment, Amputations. As we know not having a physical arms or legs doesn't make you weak. Bellatrix being a fine example. She didn't have arms or legs and she can do fine things with her wand. She can help them. We going to break her and the others out. Sirius Black was accused a traitor for something he didn't commit all on the proof of his Dark Mark. We need to secretly ally ourselves with the dementors then break them out. We need to make a plan and get my children the treatment that they so need. Understood. After this then we can plan a war strategy and beat the heck out of Albus while protecting Hogwarts." Tom Maverllo Riddle says to everyone nodding. Then they get to work.

Albus knows not, years of years planing his conquest of world. What would have been his greatness work. Come reader, watch it all fall down. When a series of attacks happens, Albus is attacking finally supposedly playing "his chess board" little does he know after the accident it was no longer his to play.

Malfoy runs to Nova before dinner the dreaded meal of friendship happens. "Ron challenges all rulers to a duel. Against him and Albus Dumbledore. Help." Draco says shaking. Nova smirks.

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