Exams and Power Grab

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The weeks had blown by. Exams do that to you. Nova and Hermione revised a thousand and times with everyone. Everyone would be dead in the exams if they didn't. Everything was finally over and this was their last week in Hogwarts. Well not over yet. The Blood Feud goes crazy during the last week. Each Dinner will have a competition. The winner gets 100 or more points added to their house. So far Gryffindor was going for sure lose their seventh year reign of the winner of everything. Slytherin and Hufflepuff were neck and neck at each other. Nova and Draco were fighting so hard against the other that it became crazy. The amount of friendly duels just became a daily occurrence from all Hufflepuff s and Slytherins. Everyone has at least dueled 5 times per day. Nova was in charge of this competition today. Even the host house can win points. Nova being Nova didn't make this easy. In fact she would bet the Ravenclaw Queen Hermione win this one for Ravenclaw.

She played this just right however. Months of secret talks with Father will be all worth it. Father will be able to get a massive grab.

She enters gracefully into the Great Hall and starts to set up her deadly Riddle game.

Everyone enters. She smiles. "Royalty plays so no one dies.",Nova says sickly as fear enters their spines. She stares silently and the pedestals holding magical guns with potions. "Okay so to win you must understand the Riddle in song.", Nova says softly.
Nova begins singing. Hermione and Neville play close attention not noticing as everyone grabs a magical gun and aim at Nova. Until they fire and the bullets fly off her but they see a small memory.
In the bottles that supposedly holds potions. One holds the fine taste of my poison while the other three hold potions. One makes you speak only the truth. One can turn you to something cold or brick like. One holds my rage to kill with. The last holds your exit out of this game and victory but first you must find the true enemy out of Hogwarts.
They flash back to them surrounded by black smoke singing the song. The pedestals holding the bottles glow bright. Hermione begins feeling the water of each bottle. She found the potion to her exit. The potion that allows her to walk straight Nova without hurting her. Know the enemy of Hogwarts. Rowena whispers it into her ear. "Who at this very moment keeps the four houses from fully uniting?" Ronald and Albus. The Cork holding the potion opens and Hermione drinks with Neville, Draco and Pansy. They walk straight through the smoke of Nova. Ron trues with Lavender but he is snapped back hard with a cruel laugh. Nova turns herself back into her physical form. Then Harry, the Twins, Blaise, Daphne, Theo and Leo join them. Then as planned they continue singing the song celebrating the victory of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

Dark Lord Power Grab
The death eaters as one, the dark creatures that  bow to the Dark Lord with The Dark Lord himself build the head quarters of the Dark Lord. A place for them to live peacefully besides the manors of the elite. A place for the dark creatures to live peacefully.  Her daughter distracted Albus well this was massive and Albus this time for sure will have no idea where the head quarters is. No one was able to get past the fog after Azkaban only two groups were the Lost Song Dragons and him. That was what made him smile darkly. No one will hurt his society again.

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