Inheritances and Clan Forming

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The remaining of the day is greeted warmly with rivalry.  Harry was the first to run. It starts pretty simple. Harry is walking out of the Great Hall when a certain red-head comes. "Hey SNAKE!" Ron says knowing all too well that Harry can't hear him. WHACK! Ron kickers Harry's back. Harry falls immediately onto the floor. He can't move at all. His body to protect itself went numb. Harry wants to scream as Ron and Dean kick and punch. Draco was still sitting in the Great Hall waiting for Harry to come back from using the bathroom but that is taking way too long. Nova also notices. She turns to her familiars behind her eating their breakfast. She sees that Ruby already finished with Luna as she plays with. Nova chuckles. "Ruby, Luna can you do a favor please?
(Ruby) What is it, Nova? Pleaseeee be about Potter?
(Luna) You better not give Ruby a reason to like my feathers?!
Yes it's about Potter, Ruby. I think he might be in trouble. Two noticeable trouble-maker Gryffindors are missing with Potter. I need you two to check on him.
(Luna) I hope I can get to him before Ruby does. She loves that boy from the day she watched over him with you.
(Ruby) I just feel a certain pull towards him like the one I feel with Nova.
Ruby that pull is simple, he's half Royal Phoenix. It's normal because Royal Phoenixes are the children of the Nelus so it makes sense you want to protect him now go my child!" Nova mind links as they run off like a pair. Luna trying to fly as fast as possible to keep up with Ruby but failing miserably. Ruby sniffs the floor for his smell. She dashes floor by floor. The smell getting stronger on the 3rd floor. Closer to the bathrooms. Stronger. Red Hot. LAVA. JACKP-. Harry! Blood! Troublemakers ARE MINE. Luna gets there in the nick of time. Ruby's soft and adorable pink, red and white fur turns to jet black. Her eyes glow a Crimson blood red. Gas floats at the tip of her jaw. Her Ruby on her forehead glows the same blood red. "Ron! We got Nova's familiar on us!" Dean screams as Ruby roars. "Nelu." Ron says. "F***" Dean says as he runs with Ron. Ruby chases them far away from Harry before running back to him changing back to her normal self. Her eyes pour out tears on Harry. His wounds begin quickly healing. Ruby begins licking him to help with the serious ones. After a couple of minutes, Harry slowly stands up. He looks around and sighs. They're gone. He spots a strange cat? On the floor. Her eyes glowing at him. He smiles. He finds another animal. Did they save him? "What happened?" He says dazely. "We saved you from the troublemakers! Nova sent us after you!" Ruby says smiling proudly. Nova thank you. "Alright let's go back to the Great Hall. I'm sure she's worried about you." Harry says to Luna's approval. Luna wonders however. How did that boy manage to talk to them with eas. That is strange for wizards even half's. Especially when Nova was the only one able to talk to her. She is for sure not the prideful Hippogrift. She looks like one exactly thanks to this glamor from Nova. If anyone knew besides Nova, she might be dead in a week with her master. She stares at this boy, no one shall what one of a kind he is. Harry smiles at her gently stroking his hands on her feathers. His hands are the feel of crumbled paper and saw wood but have this soft innocent warm.  This boy is indeed been broken but not completely. Like Nova. Now she knows this feel of touch. The lose of their original color hair. The flashes of light in their eyes only to be replaced with dullness when scared or angry. Like the saw dust they are forgotten when they change the world. This boy has so much to learn and so does Nova. The one series of lessons they were never taught. How to trust. How to accept love without fear. How to let people in. They reach the Great Hall. Nova smiles. She runs off her seat and grabs Harry into the softest of hugs. She whispers softly, "I shall not literally kill Ron and Dean but they need to BACK off. Harry. I know enough when I see your eyes. Dumbledore put us through an eternity of torture. For many ideas, Immortality, to win a war, Power but never once thought about us. That is how I respect you. Not as a slave. Like a brother. Like a friend.". "Thanks Nova. I really needed that. I didn't get to know you well enough like Draco but you are a really great friend. It's hard you know. Not given a moment to just break a bit." Harry whispers back. Nova breaks out and nods for a few simple seconds. She heads to Draco and whispers a few things and nods. The entire group of Harry's Friends stands and grabs their food and float it away with Harry. Nova grabs Neville, the twins, Leo, her familiars, Professor Snape and Professor Mcgonagall with all the needed food of course. With the rest of the group, she heads straight to the only room she can think of for privacy, fun and a bit of breaking. The Room of Requirements. She stands in front of the door as it appears. She opens revealing the cozy fireplace and pillows, chairs, sofas and blankets. She enters and makes everyone take a seat. "Everyone has been brought here for a few things. One we have been given a week of just getting to know each other and I won't let my friends just hurt in secret any longer. That includes me. I think it's obvious me and Harry are going a Wizarding Breaking triggered by our childhoods. Lucky we never cracked. There is a way to cure it and that requires all of you. So I thought we would all play a game called Truth or Dare for 10 rounds." Nova aside grabbing her hair. Her tears are already leaking out. There is a ruff silence in the room until Harry asks politely, "Nova what is a Breaking?". "It's like a depression but worst. The obvious Symptoms are eye color and hair changes. Your hair and eyes change to black then finally white. Once your hair is white you slowly become emotionless. A personality is lucky within you but you can't feel anything." Snape says stiffly. "Don't worry Harry! We're going help you!" Pansy says immediately. Draco hugs him softly. " all right so Truth or dare is a class muggle then I made a safer version of magical. I brewed a Veritaserum and the antidote that everyone must take when asked a Truth. Everyone just do the dare. Hermione got out of the Hospital so Promfey should be here now" Nova says softly as the door opens. Promfey and Hermione smile sadly as Hermione sits next to Harry and Draco. Harry almost cries as he hugs her. Nova smiles as she sets everything up as Draco and Harry explain to Hermione. "Alright everyone ready?" Nova asks softly to everyone nodding. "Professors first!" Nova says giving the mic to Mcgonagall. "Snape, Truth or Dare?" Minerva asks chicly.  "I would like to test Nova's brewing skills on such a complex potion before anyone else. Truth." Snape says swiftly. He drinks at least 3 drops of the potion. He smirks. Perfection. " Is it true, I'll have to hold you back on the court day?" Mcgonagall says as it she counted on this. "Maybe, at this point I would be willing to pay the twins and the entire House of Pranksters to prank him until he dies. I want to kill him. He abused my only best friend's son. Lily's. No less. Then George Weasley with his own flesh and blood. Not even the Dark Lord would do this. The Dark Lord literally hates killing children. He lives for day of a magical child being born in his elite. I remember him literally barely containing his excitement on the birth of Draco. He ordered a festival to held for his birth. On Harry's he made the food for the festival with his bare hands. No Death Eater help or magical creature and definitely no magic." Snape says bluntly to the shock of everyone except Draco and Nova. "Yeah that was him. Oh Uncle was the best at throwing parties for Magical children." Nova says giggling as she gives Snape the antidote. "Lord Voldemort is your Uncle?" George gasps. "Yes, he's also Neville's." Nova says bluntly. George smirks at the idea. Nova soon smiles. " Alright my turn, Nova Truth or Dare?" Snape asks firmly. "Truth." Nova says while drinking down the potion. "What did Dumbledore do to you and Harry?" Snape asks grimly. "Torture. There was a forced prophecy out of a true seer named Sibyl Trewanley.  Harry is indeed the one to who can defeat the Dark Lord if he wishes. Dumbledore forced the last part about Harry has to kill him or Uncle killing him. He told the most trusted spies to Uncle about this prophecy. Harry's Parents. They had a set of Twins. One was named Hermione Lily Potter and the other was Harry. Dumbledore sent Hermione away to the Loyal and Trust Worthy Vampire Clan to beat the daylights out of her. Harry was his main focus. Tom went to visit Harry because he was their secret keeper with Peter Petitergrew. Dumbledore found out by Peter being a traitor. He went to the house and" Nova says going quiet. She shakes hard curled up in a ball. She tried so hard to forget that dreadful night but she can't and she'll never will. Harry hugs her. Nova snaps herself out of it. He needs to know the truth. "Dumbledore brought me that night. I sent my sister away that night so she could be free. Peter told Voldemort about my parent's traitorous actions that night so he killed them right in front of me. I knew Uncle for a long time but I stop seeing him when my parents believe Grand pa. I remember it was late. The moon was glowing bright. Uncle was under a black cloak to keep the Potters safe. Dumbledore used me as a human shield. Tom got me away from him. They started fighting. I searched the home for something to hide in. I found a map of Hogwarts and a invisibility cloak. I rushed to Lily as fast as I could to give it so she could hide Harry when. I was too late. Tom and Dumbledore came up the stairs. Dumbledore put Tom under a Imperious. He made him kill James Potter. Then he was forced to kill Lily. I watched Dumbledore laugh as she died. He said Harry is my weapon and so are you. That is what me start to truly hate him. He tried making Tom kill Harry in the hopes that he could kill Tom with the sacrifice of a mother. Dumbledore knows not the power the Dark Lord wields. His body was destroyed but his spirit was alive. The sacrifice of Lily protected Harry from anyone being able to touch him. Harry was shielded not from Tom but Dumbledore. Dumbledore wanted to make his weapon moldable so he sent you to the Dursley's and has taken  a ton of money out of Harry's vaults. He wanted to mold me as well I went through torture at his and muggle hands. After that night I began recording everything inside a journal. So when justice comes I can finally give justice to all those families he broke. I have made sure all of Harry's properties were kept in top shape.  I would watch over Harry through a dear friend, Mrs.Figgs. I watched over Hermione as well. To say my disgust was hatred would be correct. I watched both Potters go through the unimaginable. I got to watch my adopted siblings go through hell. I'm happy to say they have reunited. Harry is the youngest but is the Heir until ready to become Lord of Merlin, Potter, the Founders, Arthur, Shadows, Black, Flannel and Peverell. Hermione is Heiress of Ravenclaw, Flannel, Peverell, Potter, Black, Granger, and Morgana. George was the other spy on Harry and Dumbledore wanted his two other weapons together so he contracted us into marriage when we turn 17 and Forced Mated us. It was the third reason I hated him. The fourth reason is simple, He torture the adoptive parents of my younger twin, Neville Longbottom into insanity. Then sent him to his abusive adopted Uncle and Grandmother. The fifth is I got a front row seat watching him raise to power and crush families in all to create a World he desired. The Greater Good. I got to forcibly case myself, the Weasley Twins, my twin and the Potter Twins, many blocks, potions, spells and compressions. I hated every second of it. So here is my journal if you want to see in detail." Nova spats our. Her coiled rage boils out in each sentence.
The journal

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