Sorting and First days

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Harry walks into the cobble stone that is leading to the Grand Hall. First years together they walk to get sorted. Harry is talking and signing to his friends. Herimone and Draco. Herimone is definitely a bookworm like him times million more enthused about it. Draco like reading but prefers strategy games instead. Harry loves books because that was one of the only things he had to entrain himself at the Dursley's. Most of things he gave were bags of books that Dudley stole but to get them he had to let Dudley fight him. Draco can only think how one-sided that was. Hermione doesn'tj think that is a good way to get books. They soon stop talking a Mcgonagall approach's and gives her speech. The door soon swing open to the Great Hall. They kept the decorations! Harry couldn't help but smile. They added many touches to them but decorations are there to celebrate the beginning of the year. The flags, the sliver and gold streamers, the flowing gold snowflakes. Harry was so happy. The staff sees him and smile at his wide grin. Mcgonagall stands near the stool. The long parchment scroll and a hat? It's a hat for sure. A talking hat as it sings a song. Harry watches as Hermione and Draco with other first years are sorted. "Gryffindor!" The hat shouts. Now Harry can't choose. He wanted any house his friends were in but they're in both houses! Name after name goes by until at last Harry's name is called. His spine shivers at the thought of being this close to Dumbledore. The hat is slowly placed on his head. Hmmm, Harry Potter the heir of Hogwarts. Fun meeting you and your legacy to this school. The hat swirls in his mind, Harry can hear the words. What I can hear you!
Yes, young Potter. I'm in your mind! No one but me can hear us!
That's cool!
I see you been talking to the founders. They told you to let me choose right!
Yup, they put their heart and brain in you to sort the children when they left this world so please sort me!
"You have plenty of qualities for almost all the houses, Mr.Potter." The hat says in mind and aloud.
This is going to be difficult for you isn't it?
Yes, indeed.
"Plenty of wit and intelligence. A innocent and loyal heart even with a case like yours. Yet I see a strong thirst in you. To prove to yourself and find a family in Hogwarts. Ambitious is what helped you survive all those years. Your will to never change who you are to please others, your drive to be better each day. You truly are an interesting student to sort for me, Harry Potter."
Thanks but I think you know what I want.
"You want to be near your friends, that checks out Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Sadly both would have suited you with eas."
I'll let you pick from the remaining houses.
Not Gryffindor for sure. Even if friends are there. Dumbledore wants you there. It's a trap, I'm not falling for.
Harry gets off the stool and waves goodbye to the Sorting Hat and joins Draco. Draco instantly has Harry meet his friends. Pansy, Blaise are first. Crabbe and Goyle met Draco but they didn't suit him much. Draco helps Harry meet his other friends. Harry was welcomed actually. Pansy notices the tense expression on Harry and says, "You are welcomed and we're not going to hurt you! You have been very nice so the only possible reasoning why would be if someone was going to hurt you. We'll hurt them!". Harry relieves himself and nods. "Sorry, I just not fully used to being around people that don't at least punch me. I'm sorry. I'm kind of new to it." Harry says sheepishly. "Oh! Those people don't deserve you! We won't do ANY of that! Promise!" Pansy says with a look of sympathy. For a while the conversation continues about their backgrounds when they get to Harry's Draco bugs in. "Maybe, later more private. It's not a happy one. But you probably should know Harry's deaf." Draco says with a small glare of it's that bad. Pansy and the others notice so they lay off.
Meanwhile by the Gryffindor's table.
"Seamus! You don't believe what happened! Harry had a panic attack from me! His magic went crazy! Wind was blasting at me!" Ron roars in anger.
"That's what you for sure got because you pushed him!" Hermione streaks in rage.
"Why should you care about him! He hurt me and so he's going to get it! Also he's a Slytherin! Our enemy!" Ron spats.
"Ron! You better not be bugging Harry! I already wrote to Mom!" Fred snarls.
"Yeah besides I'll help you with the girl but not Harry!" Seamus says shaking.
"Ok. But why me and not Harry?" Hermione says glaring.
"Because he's deaf! And how he became deaf is sad already! I won't be surprised that the panic attack was triggered because Ron pushed him to remember when and how he lost his hearing!" Seamus spats.
Hermione already knew that he was deaf by the sign language and the reading of lips before speaking but Ron, you brought up that! He could hear before! Then how did he lose his hearing!
"Ron, have you ever thought what happens when you lose a vial sense?" Hermione spats.
"No. He probably deserves it." Ron smirks.
" No, he doesn't. When lose something that precious, you try to understand why. You try to find out what went wrong. If you're told over and over by others what's wrong with you. You start believing it. Then you start trying to fix yourself only to fail. If someone caused directly the lose, you also begin to fear them. What if they take your other senses? Like walking? Like talking? Like sight? Ever thought of that." Hermione says as she feels her left eye.
Ron glares at her, "Some people deserve something for the case of Harry. I think he deserves pay back.".
Dean nods, "It's called Karma. That's how it works.".
"Be prepared for me wanting to kill you then." Hermione says.
"Be prepared for me wanting to hurt you too." Dean says back. George can only glare a death sentence. Fred grips his shoulder. "He's going to pay, George. Just wait.", Fred says smiling. George snickers as he taps for the man's speech.

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