Meet, Classrooms, Detenion and Hogwarts Press

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  What correspondence of a Monday? I'm right folks! Next morning rolls around and the Hufflepuffs was the first house to enter followed by Ravenclaws. Then Slytherins then Gryffindor. They don't sit however, the Gryffindors. They remain standing. Nova through very special permission and help of her house was there. She asks everyone to stand and stare at the Gryffindors. Something is up. The Hufflepuffs can't help but agree. They get Ravenclaw to stand as well. Slytherin soon joins in, not wanting to shown off. There was a cold stiff silence. All houses staring at Gryffindor. Percy soon walks forward to the golden owl podium. A series of scrolls obviously with hand crafted lidles. He breaths out shaking. He pulls out the first scroll. His face pale and tired. He looks awful. His polished back hair revealing a the puffy baggy eyes. He opens the scroll and begins reading, " Dear Slimy Mudblood Traitors Death Eaters Slytherin,
We the house of Lions have a gift for you. A slimy little one of your own wormed their way in our House. A b**** the dementors wait for with delight. A snake that will shift to you and a snake we gave the treatment we think all you f***ing damn snakes deserve. Meet the little one who got what all you gits deserve.". The scroll was then placed on the floor as the doors open. The Gryffindor head girl and boy stand their wands hosting Hermione in the air. She is seriously injured and weak with fear. Hermione in shaking so hard right now that it's difficult to hold her up . The head girl and boy with Hermione walk forward. To say that the Slytherins were angry was an understatement. They were pissed. Harry wants to scream and he stop doesn't stop himself, "Hermione!". The staff are horrified and shock. Snape however is loathing, in rage and most of all ready to literally kill some people. "Get this over with Percy. State what we want to say! We need to get out of here. Our lions are waiting to eat in the common room." The head girl says coldly. Percy blinks his eyes tight and reads the next scroll, "Shift beast. That is an order. (Hermione shakily shifts, this enrages Slytherin more because it's true, those damn Gryffindors hurt one of their own)  This thing has been through many things but here are some highlights. A student used a piece of your dark magic. The torture cruse.  (An erie wheelchair wheels over to Hermione. Nova bends and whispers in her ears. She shakily nods as she gives Nova the memories of last night. Nova takes the water in the air to make a projecter to visibly see what actually happened. Everyone watches in disgust and sympathy to Hermione) Thank you for the visual that was outstanding magic for a first year. Now back to the scroll. Right! With the pain, you lot deserve now acted on one. There was a House Meeting with a full vote more than the votes then these new rules when they were first acted. We as Gryffindors through and through reactivated the four rule of the Lion's Sword. With many updates. The following scroll is the rules and then a goodbye with us taking back the gift to the common room since it's served it's first purpose. A threat, a warning and a declaration There were some who didn't wish to harm that snake with a series of spells, they couldn't control their arms or legs so hurt the gift anyway. That is all of this horrid scroll. Now for the next one.
The New Lion's Sword.
Dumbledore was happy to help us by giving us the original. This scroll was the parchment of the original with the Updatements added on. For that we thank for restoring this priceless and Unqiue artifact.

All Slytherins  are banned from safety entering our domain without harm for "exception for heading to classes."
All weapons can be used on Slytherins at any given time. Rule 9 of the Gryffindor's is fully invoked so Gryffindors can harm any Slytherins that displeases them
All prank equipment is to also used to harm, or chase away Slytherins from our Domain with Potions are allowed to be used to punish Slytherin Rivals.
Lastly, the favorite, All Slytherins found an inch near our table will be injured.
That is the Lion's Sword. Gryffindor's MOVE OUT!". The Gryffindors March out the food being brought with them as they march to the v common room. After a quick fight between Nova and the heads of a Gryffindor. They allow her to heal Hermione. They released her from the tight grip. She falls immediately tot he floor. The House of Puffs rush to her and begin their magic of healing. Harry runs to her. Neville stayed behind. Fred, George and Leo gave him a letter and told him to give it to Hermione after she's healed. Hermione is soon rushed to the Hospital Wing. Neville runs after her. Nova rushes as fast she can go after them with Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter and a House of Hufflepuffs no less. They wait at the door like a block unit. Harry is hiding a panic attack back down as hard as he can. Draco is worried. Neville is showing no restraint on his panic and is shaking so hard while Nova presses her lips holding in her emotions with eas but the Hufflepuffs feel her mind screaming. Susan grips Nova's shoulder. She breaths like death.

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