Train and Headquarters of the Dark Lord

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Nova, Neville, Harry, Hermione, Justin, Daphne, Draco, Pansy, Theo, Leo, Blaise, Fred and George all together head to the train together with soft smiles. Harry walking with his Crutches smoothly even if he shakes here and there. Neville being pushed by Hermione with her and Harry's oxygenator on tightly but softly at the same time. Pansy chatting away with her and Draco. Daphne chatting with Blaise and Theo. Leo, Fred, George and Justin chat away with Nova planing the pranks to come.

So peaceful and happy but then a stupid Gryffindor just had to push Harry to the ground. Nova hexs him cruelly. The screams didn't even made her flinch. Draco and the other warriors hexing him too. Ron screams, "LEAVE MY SUBJECT ALONE!". B***h please do us a favor a leave us the heck alone and shut up. Nova stares at him and throws the lion at him and then they walk away and continued with their no longer peaceful day. It was always a Gryffindor here to hurt anyone and attempt to harm Nova. Everyone was sick of it. Even Harry finally agreed they needed a break from these halls of Hogwarts.

They reach the train and enter the compartment.
Same as last time(Christmas).
Girls with Harry and Boys.

Nova silently growls her glowing rage. "Why is it everything we do in public end with someone that I care about getting hurt!",Nova says and signs. Her rage clearly shown. "That's their fault. They just like to take their rage on us.",Harry signs and says weakly. (The train was moving by now) "They are going to regret that. The one goal left of the light Ministry is stop a half dragon war intervention or declaration of war on each other by the sides they support. Once a half dragon declares war on a clan they can't stop until one is completely destroyed or they surrender.",Pansy says/signs simply with the facts adding. "We aren't going to declare war! We just wanting to be kids not soldiers!" Daphne says/signs simply. Hermione, Harry and Nova nods.
Hoping that they wouldn't.

Draco punches a fist into his leg "softly", "There will be a day where I get to sent all those idiots besides Oliver and Percy to Azkaban!". "Why send them to Azkaban when we can prank them until they die?",Fred says darkly with a smirk with George and Leo. Draco smirks back as they begin pranking another epic year of pranking. Justin, Theo and Blaise chat until they land on one subject that pains Justin. The fate of Death Dragon mates.

The most innocent shall fade to dust. The dragon of death will wept in sorrow only on the deepest of their hearts.
The darkest of them all will rise as their final mate even if the first two are left as dust and  one left as her prize.

They remember that tome when they researched in the library. After that they understood why Nova didn't really want to rush the mating process but they didn't really care. Nova was Nova.

They remember the origin story of the Death Dragons.

In the sky a child was deep in sickness and the mother Life Dragon screams for her child to be soaring with her others. A mage came and offered a deal. He offered to heal the hatchling if she saved him from his illness. She agreed too quickly. He healed the child with tears of a Shadow Phoenix and the poison of a basilisk force ally taken. The child's horns, wings and tail was charred black and their blood as well. For the child wasn't suppose to survive but she did and forever more she soared as a disgrace to her family. A dragon of pain and death.

The mate curse was from the family. Nova even told them the mage that long ago helped the woman. Godric Gryffindor. He became corrupted over time and he was searching for a way to cure this sickness but at last he silently passed after a long battle finally returned to his friends.

Blaise, Theo, Leo and Draco were shocked to find the Founders of Hogwarts involvement in this. No wonder Death Dragons like to make deals so much and they are Unbreakable. They were made by a deal set to be broken. Draco was melting in tears. "You cannot make me cry Weasley Twins! Justin! But you have succeeded it is a very sad story.",Draco says as tears leaked out in mass. They compartment fell in laugher. Blaise was laughing so hard. He was the only one able to hold tears for later. Yesss Draco you finally admitted it!!!

They exit the train and wave their semi goodbyes for they knew that they would meet again.

Voldemort greets his children warmly before taking them to the headquarters of the Dark Lord for a tour and to get a look of the castle before they head back to Riddle Manor.

Nova stares at the first hive everything was organized and neat. It was like the Ministry of Magic was here but advancement and major improvements have taken place. They say in a car the entire time that held a open hanger. The efficiency of the head quarters was very high and many societies actually lived here. The level of engineering that must of taken was extreme but Nova admitted to helping. Tom chuckles knowing how far her help went.

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