Hospital Woes, Trigger Words, and a Casting of a Blood Feud

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The Great Hall was silent. Harry, Hermione and Neville went through an unforgivable curse to say the Slytherins were resigning their rage was true but their stone cold glare sent a chill down Hogwarts' throat. Dumbledore was smiling with Gryffindor it made everyone sick. At the end of breakfast everyone just got and went straight to the Hospital Wing. Madam Promfey let's for once everyone in. Nova stands the closet to all them. Her eyes glow darkly, " I know you know something, Madam. What is the actually permanent damage please?" Nova says coldly. Everyone just froze. Ravenclaws, Slytherins, and Hufflepuffs with an entire clan stare at her shocked, in total rage and worried for them. Promfey bows her head and says it out loud, "Some damage on Harry and Hermione requires amputation but I can't since the guardians are dead and Their magical Albus Dumbledore refuses to. So I was forced to place them under a coma. Neville is parazyled still, and he is deaf. Also there's a lung breathing twist on Hermione.". "You amputated a left leg. What else needs amputation? What twist?", Nova says silently. "Harry needs an amputation on his arms. The abuse and the attack caused too much damage. He'll definitely be able to do magic and all his abilities. Even Bending. Many both arm amputates are actually way better at it. Hermione's other leg. Hermione can only breath properly underwater so I placed an oxygenator on her as well." Promfey says shakily. Nova stares at the Madam and nods. "That son of a bastard." Flint says angry and everyone agrees. Nova stares, "I hate to say this but Dumbledore is happy because this has been declared an accident. The guilty walk free while innocent suffer.". There was cold silence once more. Then anger pours. "AN ACCIDENT, PLEASE YOU MEAN IT WHEN YOU CAST AN UNFORGIVABLE!" Pansy yells in fury. The doors open revealing Albus who should have died a long time ago. He walks over to the children. "Promfey, what's the permanent damage? Such a pain that this accident occurred." He says to a large group of children. Nova stares at her and glares it. I TOLD YOU. "Get out." Promfey orders sending him out with a slam on the door.
Dumbledore smiles out. His master piece of revenge. The child shall suffer for not obeying him.
Ohh he's wrong who shall suffer the most is him for enraging a fire that was supposed to die.
Nova is silent flames flinching off her. Draco places his hand on her shoulder with Pansy. "We're going to make them pay. Oh so pay." Draco says darkly.
"Oh yes we will." Nova says darkly.
All classes were cancelled and everyone sat in their common rooms talking about one taraget Albus and his house. He kicked Minerva out of office as head of Gryffindor and made himself head. He pushed forward the resorting of the Twins, Leo and Neville with Hermione. The Twins with Leo were now a Slytherin to no one's shock besides the delight of Gryffindor ridding traitorous snakes. They were getting impatient on the wait for Hermione and Neville however so they sent a bottle of poison to Nova to send their displeasure in the wait. Tension ran like fire. It was now the one time they were ordered to eat together. Dinner. Albus stands up and gives a speech of flames to show his victory of delightful revenge.
"The accident of the Potter Twins with Neville Longbottom is deeply upsetting. Such promise yet also all of it taken away." Albus says adding the wood to fire.
Nova stands up and sings darkly with her wand pointing a bright yellow, gold and black at the Hufflepuff Blood Feud guardian chain.
The Hufflepuffs stand pointing their wands at their chain and sing with her. The guardians slow tremble as the chain slowly dissolves. At the middle of this song the chain is destroyed. The guardians begin walking forward to the table their wands still glowing bright. At the end the guardians bow. The Blood Feud has started for the Hufflepuffs but it hasn't fully been broken that job lays for a Snake or Lion to decide. The anicent round table of Hogwarts emerges revealing the board. "Queen of Hufflepuff what shall you decide here is your crown and pieces." The head guardian says slowly opening itself up revealing the creature and objects inside. Nova takes the crown and pieces out first allowing it for now the guardian closes itself up. Nova turns back and begins asking her house what they want to decide. For a House is only good when the ruler knows what her people want and not only herself. They decide that will help anyone in Great need no matter what house but they ally with the House of Snakes. I mean what the House of Lions did was torture and they got no consequences for it. So half neutrality.
Nova with the House of Badgers places the pieces down. Soon Nova's uniform changes completely.

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