Halloween, Qudditich Game, Attrack

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In the passing of weeks, classes were slowly getting more and more interesting. The one thing that made Nova feel out of place was the chains on the Blood Feud Guardians. She noticed the massive lost of chains on them.
22,608 in counting. As August leaves to September. She notices more are missing.  There were now 44,108 chains gone. That left 5,892 chains to protect the fragile locks and ropes holding the guardians back. She knew which house members chains these missing ones were. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Mostly out of logic in the Ravenclaw department but Gryffindor? Nah, they're up to something. Something big. She's got to find out. Also something strange but most likely expected. The one thing that recoil her were Ministry officials coming in and out of Hogwarts. Then she was pulled out of classes by the Minister. And the entire clan. The Minister's expression was sad and shocked at the group. He leds them to a table set with tea and many sweets. Harry pours everyone a tea cup and begins walking away. Nova grips his shoulder, "Is this what the Dursley's did for tea time?"
"Sit, you are indeed going to have tea with us."
Nova sniffs the tea for Veriserum to smell none. The Minister sits down next to Madam Bones and Dolores Jane Umbridge.
Umbridge stares at the half dragons in awe and excitement. Never has she seen such a powerful clan! She hated those pathetic laws she was forced to pass by the Minister since he didn't have the strength to take credit for his and Albus's laws. She really actually loves magical creatures, creature blood, werewolfs, vampires but her favorite is half dragons. They are so fascinating. A group of hatchlings like these however is something you don't see everyday. This girl with white hair and an galaxy ombré is calculative however. She can smell the distrust burning in eyes. She waits for the Minister to strike. She turn to her however with a sorrowful stare but soon turns back. Four words  play through Umbridge's mind. She knows the truth. Minister Fudge introduces her and Madam Bones. "I remember the last time we spoke you said you were abused by Albus Dumbledore under the influence of the truth serum. I have to make sure. There is no way that is true. That would bring shame to the Ministry." Minister Fudge says. Madam Bones glares at him with  steal eyes so does Umbridge and everyone in the room. The girl looks at the floor. She pulls out a journal and shows the Minister her life until then. Screams, pain, sadness, anger, hurt, death, and truth. Bones ent, so many trials that le into the gates of Azkaban. The Minister is ..very much guilty of several crimes but Nova plans to show that later in a court room. Umbridge is furious. "MINISTER DON'T YOU DARE SAY ANOTHER INSULT! YOU KEEP CONSTANT TAPS ON MANY OF THE CHILDREN IN THIS ROOM! YOU KNEW EVERYTHING!" Umbridge yells making the Minister go paper sheet white. Bones notices this rage, "YOU KNEW EVERYTHING!".
"I ask you freaks to not press charges." The Minister unaware how much terror he brought to a Heart.
Harry begins shaking harder and panting. "Get Harry James Potter out of here. Fred, George, Neville stay here. We have to talk to the Minister of Magic who's too comfortable in his seat of power.", Nova says aloud in disgust and worry. The orders were immediately obeyed as it was quite clear the Minister triggered a a panic attack.
"Minister, I order you to sit DOWN." Nova says immediately coldly as the Minister sits screaming. Best thing about Lyrical Magic, it came from Voice Magic. Nova and the entire clan can use both but only Lyrical at it's full potential except for those with the full ability of Voice. Nova is an exception because she was the first ever to use Lyrical Magic so she never set limits and always expanded the limits when there were some. One side effect of this was she was very connected to Lyrical Magic and Voice Magic. The side effects of her voice Magic are deadly so she tried to use it at the bare minimum. "You have just caused a panic attack to the Boy Who Lived or our Heart by reminding him of the abuse he faced at his relatives' place. So please be nice by shutting up and allowing these two kind people to question us." Nova says loudly. A raven sits on the window seal listening to every one. The crocodile glasses sharpen their steel glare at the Minister. "Abuse? What has happen to you children?" Umbridge says almost crying. "Torture." George says holding Nova's shoulder. Nova gently uncovers George's ears revealing what has happened. Bones and Umbridge is silent. Nova heads to Neville and thinks through the Twin Bond, "  Hide it no more please." Neville uncovers his arms and left eye. The nasty scars and words craved into his flesh make Nova bite her lips in worry and sadness. Fred looks at the floor biting back his tears. Nova reveals her scars and words craved into her skin. One sentence and phrase sticks out the same from Hermione, George, Nova, Neville and Harry. My weapon. I must not tell lies. "There are two more who aren't in this room. Hermione Lily Potter or Hermione Granger and Harry James Potter. I'll tell their story since I'm their older sister through adaptation from Lily Evans Potter and James Potter and mine in extra detail. George tell your story, (whispering) subtract Rita because your mom only did it to protect the family from a hater. Also Minister, We're pressing the charges to the max after this." Nova says looking coldly at the Minister before quickly turning to George. Nova soon sits down.

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