Society Chessboard, Christmas at Hogwarts, Yule Ball at the Malfoy

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All nights that passed were full with whispers. The Press went crazy. The Prophet wasn't touched by this attack. Fudge was the first turned to stone. Voldemort quickly hand picked his Death Eater replacement. Umbridge. A wise choice as she makes Albus burn in this court trial. The only thing he has is his Chiefship but that can blown away too. There was almost no Order left. All becoming elite death eaters or worst. They stayed in the comfort of Hogwarts safely with Albus. Albus made them completely under his control if they didn't already pledge total allegiance. Those innocent souls. The best prosthetics were given to Ron and Albus. No one would like to know what happened next.
Myrtle cries hugging Harry hard. She was sooooo happy to see him again. His warmth stronger than ever. Even if his arms were gone. Rowena has been teaching Hermione for sure and showing her memories. Nova helps Neville get around to see Sprout. Sprout  was a mess. Her eyes glittered in so many tears but after she stopped herself. She soon got it out and asked Neville to be her apprentice for a mastery in Herbology. Nova could almost scream in joy. Then she was reminded of the enemies lurking in the halls. Those pesky Gryffindors, the Order and Albus. Neville soon joined her puffs with his sister as King. It was not like a Lavender and Ron ruling style. They were oh so definitely siblings who listened to each other and helped build each other up. Nova laughs at the idea of the Gryffindor Clan style of monarchy. The Queen rules over the women and the King over the men. They work together to create by laws and rules. A friend of hers gave her updates on the laws. They were repulsive. To say the least.
Albus brought a series of islands then decided to summon Novs to his office. She growls.

Albus watches the woman enter with grace and a rage that could kill him if not for an Auror standing right behind him. "What do you wish for Albus!" Nova hisses at him sending fear right into his soul. This is the Queen of Darkness speaking to you. "You architectural expertise. Say if I wanted a clan to live in peace or have a headquarters out of prying eyes?" Albus says coldly. Nova bites her laugh down hard. "An area that should made like if it never existed. A clan has its own rules and requirements but a Dark Clan needs a certain type of networks. Or that clan will die." Nova says so cold that the room is freezing over. The auror trembles at his wake. This girl is no child. Her eyes tell her story. Albus made this Inferno-of ice himself. There is only a child with people she loves. To the world she is a Queen. Albus asks sternly not wanting to show the Queen of Darkness fear, "What would that be?" . "For a dark clan is strongly connected to their monarchs and their people around them. They can't be separated from their king in separate properties for too long. Hogwarts is like a network for now filling the requirement. They need a hive. It's like Hogwarts in the shape of a castle but a community of people live inside. A society if you will. A entire for daily life for living quarters to a market is inside. Beware if the clan cleanness of Darkness has a hive their power could grow or shatter. You also must make this clan set it's currency. The Lost Song Dragon Clan's currency is knowledge. We share it and spread it to the people who gained our trust. We can accept non-half dragons now because our bonds have allowed to without need of such monarchs. Knowledge is our way with lively art of music. I know the way is through honor for them so find a way to display that honor as a currency but not through violence. Or my deal that made that clan work shall be activated and my sword will have no right to say who lives and who dies. They will just die.", Nova says still stone cold. She exits the office leaving a crippled Albus and auror. She knows his plans is to mold this clan into his dying legacy for her curse is slowly taking his life. She walks back into the Great Hall with grace that sends waves of fear or smiles in the hall. Harry soon heads to her with a bubbling excitement. This only means one thing. New members. Her bracelet screams in joy. I'll get the cauldron ready but how many? She links to Harry.
"Be prepared, sis. The House of Pranksters is secretly expanding, the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of badgers is expanding. The staff of Hogwarts are no longer loyal to Albus Dumbledore. Hagrid is joining too! The ghosts of Hogwarts are no more loyal to the headmaster. Soon there will be a society to build and a headquarters. These organizations secretly join together under the mark. They wished to be one like the Founders of old."
Nova could scream in joy. The uniting of the houses besides of one. One who sink to the lowest of humanity. And it was not the House of Snakes like the stories told.

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