Hogwarts Press Field Day

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The Gryffindor Hive is Complete!

The Gryffindor Hive is Complete!

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A harsh breath echos out. Albus smiles that least two scholars and some of his puppets had the engineering minds. This hive is powered by the magic of magical "electricity". Flames. The Elemental magic of Heat. The protection wards with a bit of Goblin help made it almost unreachable and untouchable . Lavender cries out tears of joy staring at it. Her home, her pride. She could feel her lionesses scream with joy. Ron stares at her with a sweet warm and protection looking at the hive. Albus made many secret direct Floo Networks to the Gryffindor Common Room and many parts of the world. Everyone starts packing. There was nothing left for them in this world. Voldemort killed all their family besides the children and shipped them to Albus. It was for a retribution for what they did to his children. It frighten them. It made them scream that there were four Riddles in Hogwarts. Percy packs with Oliver. He bites back his tears. Mother and Ginny were alive but Dad. Dad was killed. Ron was happy with it. It made him sick. He could feel his horns, wings and tail flat themselves in sorrow but why couldn't Ron feel it!!! Oliver stares at him and whispers, "Percy, I know but we'll be okay. We'll keep Ron because he's our king. Also we'll make sure he keeps his sanity by the power of Knowledge! Love! I promise everything will be alright!". Percy smiles softly at his wind dragon mate. He was happy that Oliver could live as long as him. They pack slowly and softly heading to their homes and back before heading to the scholar sector. Percy and Oliver enter with smiles at their hardwork. Everyone soon settled in their residences before exploring this new world that was theirs. What was their lives and what was not. What culture they should build and what culture shouldn't be build. Those tiny things became major. Percy began testing the messaging system. Fixing everything and making sure the clock machine ticked right. Everyone just went to sleep for the night while some spent the night getting a head start or fixing communal functions. Everyone awoke soon and an order was placed in their heads to head to the throne room. They all did. No one betrays the King. They were all not prepared for the consequences. Nova's warning lefts a scar on the back of their hearts reminding what Fate awaited them if they decided to betray her. Ron smiles. The King smiles this means that it's going to be a goodish day. "I summon thy Queen of Darkness for some help in the requirement of our survival.", Ron says with a fake smile plastered on his face. The dread echos in the hall as black smoke engulfs the room to soon reveal the one Queen of Darkness dressed in her true appearance there was no denying that her children and her will bring the Darkness. The Queen is dressed the finery if darkness. The objects on her were indeed cursed. "King Gryffindor I advise not touching a single part of me. Everything on me is cursed.", The Queen says her white hair whipping darkly. Their Queen is silent with tears  and fear hidden very well.  " Have you made the crystal room this room? As the Crystal on the top of your throne with your wife?" The Queen says darkly. She wasn't in the mood to be here. King please be careful. Her eyes were charred ink black with white slits. Percy whispers to Oliver, "She is enraged. Things might get salty if Ron pushes it.". Oliver stares at Percy then stares at Nova seeing her eyes. "F*ck.", Oliver whispers back.
After a baffle of words. The Queen turns to them, "For this hive to work, you all need to focus on something that pulls you as invidials and a clan together. I'm going to direct that energy into the crystal. Once done as long as it's recharged once a year there will be no need to summon me unless you break what should not be broken. I'll tell you what you need to focus on to recharge once this is over.", The Queen says before summoning the Elder Wand with eas.  Everyone focuses on one thing. Honor, Bravery, Family and Fire. Not surprising. Nova bends it into the crystal. It glows like a bright flame. The hive is soon warm and accepting. Less cold and draft like. The Queen wants to leave now but Ron must ask her a question that shocks everyone. Percy never thought Ron could ask such a thing. "Queen of Darkness, I must ask should I worry for a Great War? How much your rage at Albus shall hurt my clan?", Ron asks stiffly. Every head now hangs on the Queen's words. "Albus thinks I want to kill him but that's a matter of perspective, my King. Why kill him while I can slowly make him burn for an eternity?  You should only worry about war when you decide to kill one citizen of clan. Even on accident but we both know eventually someone on one side is going to die so yes if you haven't notice my rage at you is murderous but only for you Ronald. I don't target the innocent. I target the guilty. I hope you realize the minute you tortured my family there was going be consequences more than just all family connected to your clan be slaughtered. It is so fun that you know nothing of what's to come, my King." , The Queen says with a dark smile as black smoke surrounds the room. A blade is thrown at her by one of the warriors. It passes through smoke as she disappears. The clan is silent as a phrase rings through the halls before the smoke disappears, "Let's save the Pitiful Childrennnn. Haha! Bye!". Nova sent fear straight through into Ron but he didn't show it. He remained calm even if he was sweating bullets. "My brother scholar will now show us his work in his sector for hive use. Then the healers please explain to us the workings of the medical sector. Makers please show the market and your assigned slots and find your assigned customers. Afterwards we can start building our cultures" King Weasley says softly. Everyone nods before turning to Percy. They follow him to the tour of the scholar sector that can use freely and what special permission or access is needed. Percy smiles before leading everyone to the scholar sector. He explains the mechinary and rules. With classrooms and what classes he has to provide everyone with. How many books he has read and all the things he been teaching himself to teach others. Then they get to the messaging system. Meet the telephone of the hive. It uses flames to quickly give and receive messages with packages. All messages and packages are placed in a protective sheet bag that the receiver owns. Everyone owns two protective sheet bags besides the King and Queen. One for at least 20 packages. One for at least a 1,000 messages. The transmitter pipes that hold the flames that carry the bags to the receiver's mail box. The messenger send their bag with the message or package inside to Percy and Percy attaches the pipe to the receiver's pipe to their mail box and sends it over. Once he attaches the pipe it's a permanent change then the receiver and messenger can send messages back and four. The only is once you pull out your mail in your mail box JUST put the bag holding them but into the mail box otherwise the next you receive something you will find it burnt to a crisp. The house elves are here to help maintain the piping system and keep a person's pipe connections from clogging each other. When the elves aren't doing that they are here to serve the scholars. To make this fair. Ron bought everyone an house elf each. Since the royalty, scholars and healers had at least 21,500 each. Royalty having 40,000 house elves for one royal. The King and Queen have 80,000 house elves in total. The scholars have 21,500 elves. The healers have 21,500 elves all together as well then everyone has a personal house elf so there were at least 144,500 house elves serving the hive. Besides that was the scholar communal areas. Everyone began signing up for classes and having pipes added to their pipes. Like expected Oliver and Percy has to teach the entire clan a lot of subjects. The King and Queen separately of course but it was a lot of work that can kill someone that was why the scholars had a lot of house elves with healers. Scholars also get to handle all the paperwork and documents of the clan with the King and Queen. That was a literal pain to do so Percy created a literal series of systems to lessen the workload. With the Library of History. It is a library of scrolls that constantly being documented while this clan stands. It constantly writes the truthful history. You have to write an a entire decade of history just to ease a piece of history. The Library of Records. This holds the records of every single being in the clan. This would be used for court proceedings in the scholar sector as well. Library of Laws. The library that holds all the laws of the hive. Many were already in there. Let's just say there were many libraries. The clan heads to the healer sector. It works also like Saint Mungo's but with a few improvements. One a direct link to a making of medicine zone. Also the train system. It was works by blue and red flames. Blue are sun hot flames when red is regular. The blue flames push down from flame stones built into the train. The train tracks have red flame stones pushing up. This creates a magnetic friction causes the train to move and float a like bit off the ground. The more blue flames then the faster the train moves. Everyone has an compartment designed for them to use. The cost of the train is just to make sure your area is clean. Then the cars fueled by magma. The car turns the magma into metal. All you have to do is take the metal out of the tank and give it to the makers. Everyone has a car as well. Also boats for trading and conquering. Only Water Warriors and Healers with monarchs control how outside trading work.
Then the market was simple the makers show everyone the roads, the kinks and that was it. Everyone soon got to work on building a culture.
Major Morals
Scholars- acceptance and truth
Healers- Love and care with family
Makers- hard work and honesty
Warriors- the lions den, loyalty to the monarch and honor in the battlefield

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