First Duel, A bond, Awakening

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Nova walks to the dueling stadium. It was not used in a hundred years. She finds the worn tools and robes needed for this. She spots Ron, Albus, Draco and the Ravenclaw President. She mutters a few spells to make everything fair. Objects from Albus and Ron zoom towards her. She catches all them and places them in the confiscating bin. Things just got fair as Albus and Ron paled. She hopes she gets to make them scream for what they did to Harry, Hermione and Neville. It's shame that once this is over there will be stains on this dress.

 It's shame that once this is over there will be stains on this dress

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But Nova doesn't care about that. Those two hurt her family. They shall pay. Everyone is watching as she enters and reads the rules like if no one cares about it. All they care about is this a fight to the death. Her eyes glow in despair that this only a fight to serious injure but whatever she gets enough to hurt them legally. Right now it's Ravenclaw be Gryffindor. She is refereeing of course. Ron fires a spell at her on "accident" of course. She takes her wand and sends the spell flying back amplified. Good thing too it was indeed a nasty cutting spell. The Ministry officials write down the truth as Ron's left arm is cut off to the glee of Slytherin. Blood soon drips on Nova's dress. She lets Ravenclaw finish this with a hidden glee. Hufflepuffs can feel her burning rage at Ron and his clan. They already knew the truth and her hurt. They couldn't help but become gleeful at the reflection of the spell. They also kept the plan quiet. All the Ministry and Reporters are watching this with absolute fear at Nova. A complete idol world watches this distraction. Such prefection. During the meeting they discovered the Sercets and truths of this dark greedy system of Ministry. It made them sick. Really sick so they bonded a new Mark. A mark that means loyalty to the true good of the world. Loyalty to changing this world for good. They weren't considered death eaters because they didn't wear the dark mark but the Dark Lord treats them like elite death eaters. They were the Badgers at night and day. They did what's right to the bitter end. This distraction allows a power grab. By the end of this all control that Dumbledore had in the Ministry would be low zero. All death eaters would be free and would reveal the truth to many and gain supporters to their cause. This distraction allows a war to start. A war of change and revengeful blood oaths. Nova smiles softly let the music begin. Let freedom rip itself off the hidden chains. Slytherin and Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor and Albus Dumbledore.
Albus started firing spells left and right. Nova dodges each one while getting close enough to fire her first dark spell she ever made. It was pretty painful and something no wants to endure for long. White screams fly with blood splashing over her. Her dragon dances at the beautiful sound so much pain screams here with a few deaths here and there. It makes her strong and sorrowful. Albus's hand softly charges more into a deeper dark black. He screams louder. Ron is mainly only fighting Draco out of sheer terror of Nova. Draco is wiping his butt. You kind of need two arms to beat Draco who has a sword and a wand. Albus fires more spells out of control trying to get Nova to stop. Nova lets the spell finish its casting. Best thing about it. It's permanent and shall slowly kill you. She dodges again and finishes it. She uses another but "light" spell or a simple cutting off the other arm and both legs. She walks off covered in blood. It was freaky indeed. She helps Draco give off the finishing blow to Ron. They soon clean up before walking back out with musical instruments. She smiles darkly at what she'll be playing. Watch out Wizarding World. You let me to die then I'll just crumble you to only rebuild you the correct way you have also left in the dust.
The curtains on the top bunks unveil revealing the clan playing on their instruments. With Draco with them. She begins singing on guitar darkly as black lights and a dark chill worst than a dementor enters the room. Everyone shivers hard besides some certain houses who wore thick clothing. She sings as many "dark" creatures bow down to the Dark Lord. She singing as the world that only hurt was being destroyed. The world that Albus ruled crumbled as truth and all chains began to shatter at her voice. Queen of Darkness, she may be but she never lets true darkness win. That's what makes the Queen of it. She bows to the darkness that claim themselves in the truth. No one knew what makes the world so dark but it is obvisous they placed the greed in powerful positions. The world crumbles yet no one knows until it is too late and all there is left is war. Nova's eyes glow a dark black. The Ministry start screaming at her. Screaming orders but she doesn't hear them at her. All that Nova is right now in this song that is destroying the world you idiots built. The world finally after so many years of oppression shatters and allows light to fill the void once more. The Ministry then all those of greed turn to stone statues. No one arrests her as they watch her snap back into control. She instantly cries. No one in Hogwarts besides the people who needed to believed it. Well they believed parts of it. She wasn't in control of herself. She just sang out all her hurt and all the officials were cruel to the world in general so she actually did a favor. The statues then shatter into thousands of pieces ridding the world of the greed control lung the change. Many neutral, and dark with a few light here and there remain. Albus lost complete control. Albus screams on the inside while the Dark Lord laughs cruelly. Albus, you shall die a painful death in this war. What Nova did was mercy. They would just fix you up but they can't fix if you rot in a cell of the new torturous cells of Azkaban prison. The worlds that hurt children that has be broken open finally shall now die. You took the innocence out of them for too long. Everyone heads to their common rooms with a large hope that they'll finally get to be children. True children. Nova turns herself to black smoke and flies to Harry, Hermione and Neville with Draco. They sit in the chairs waiting. Professor Snape and Lord Voldemort enter the Hospital Wing. Snape explains to Nova and Nova hugs him. She missed this. She pulls out the prosthetics and the charmed to end after end wheelchair.
Harry's new arms:

Hermione's new legs:

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Hermione's new legs:

Neville's wheelchair:

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Neville's wheelchair:

 Soon the procedure was done and all they could do was wait

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Soon the procedure was done and all they could do was wait. Harry slowly got up to see a sleeping Snape, Draco, Nova and a man with long black trimmed hair. Harry instantly got up to hug Nova. Nova woke up softly. Her eyes adjusted seeing Harry. She smiled before pulling Harry to a hard hug on the floor. Hermione soon woke up and through sheer determination got there to join the hug. Neville silently crawled there to much of Nova's protests. They hug hard finally free of Albus's magic as their already preexisting bond grows. As they watch each other's memories and accept each other. Quadruplets are really powerful but are super rare. Only one other pureblood quadruplets existed the Founders of Hogwarts. Their gifted abilities were given to them being based off the elements. Neville, Nova, Harry and Hermione's gifts were based on something much more powerful. Life, Death, Fate, Time, Balance and Magic. So this was very much more powerful and honesty a dangerous process. Nova holds the literal Death element inside her so that complicated a few things but once the process was over. I can say when Harry, Hermione, Neville and Nova die they actually don't really get to. They be working the works of universe but they are most definitely not a god in any means. Just creatures that roam for all eternity and make sure the Balance is in order. This also extends to their clan who being doing their elemental jobs.  Nova holds the power of Death, Dark Magic and Gray Magic inside here. Neville holds Life and Light Magic inside him.  Harry is Fate and Balance. Hermione is Water and Time.

They chuckle at this. They just hug each other for now all they want to be is simple misunderstood kids.

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