Part 4

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Time skip ~summertime~
Me and Gilbert hanged out all the time we have 6 weeks of school

We built a den in the middle of the woods and that's were we hang out.

I get a text from Matthew saying
I asked your auntie she is going away in 5 days she will gone for 3 months 🥰 she said yes

Omg thank you ☺️
It's ok Anne

So Gilbert I just got a text from Matthew saying that my auntie is going on holidays for 3 months and she has the lodge cabin and I am going for 2 and a half months you wanna come I ask

Yes I would love too who else is coming he questions

Diana, ruby, Jerry and moody I'm going to drive us in the van I say

Ok I will pack my things tomorrow or something he says excited 😆
(Authors note: Anne had been a few times to the cabin)

Later that night

I text Diana

Hi Diana 

                                                          Hi Anne

Are you ok 👌

                                Yeah I'm ok what about you ?

I'm ok 🙂 so I asked Gilbert about the cabin

                                                       What he say 🤩

He said yes 🤩

                                                   I'm so excited to go

Me too

                                    My mam and dad said yeah

                              I got to go but talk to you soon 

Ok bye

Anne and Gilbert- road trip Where stories live. Discover now