Part 10

775 19 2

~Time skip~later that night
Diana's pov:

Me and Jerry are in our room chatting away
Then I ask him
So do u think that Anne and Gilbert like each other ?

Yes it's so obvious he says

I know right it kinda of annoying like tell each other already I say back

Yeah I know he says

I'm getting tired so I'm going to sleep he says yawning 🥱 he says

Ok I'm tired too I says back too him

As I slowly put my head on the pillow I look up at the ceiling thinking.

~time skip~the next morning
Gilbert pov:

I woke up early today before everyone I just sat down stairs on my phone on instagram and j see Anne's post off all of us together when we were at the water park I like it obviously.

Then I think about Anne and how amazing she is I can't help my self I suddenly realised that I have a crush on Anne I always knew I did but you never fully know but I do now.

I want to tell her but how ? what if she doesn't feel the same way or what if I tell her and then she hates me and it ruins our friendship I can't lose her.
I can't lose Anne.

This is killing me do I tell her or do ignore my feelings. I was thinking so much about this I didn't realise that Diana and Jerry were up they were both stood there looking at me confused

Good morning I say

Morning Gilbert you seemed in a different world she says

I was that's why I say smiling

Oh and what was You thinking about Jerry asks

Something for me to know and you to never find out I say

They just laugh

Anne wakes up and comes down stairs

Morning Gilbert she says with a bright smile

Good morning Anne I say smiling back

Anne reminds me of a song but I can't think of the name.
It's a good piano song no words I just can't remember the name.

All through the day I try to figure out what the song is.
Everyone is dressed and showered

So what should we do today ruby says

Yeah what can we do moody says

We can go on a hike Anne says

Yess I love hikes I shout then feel embarrassed when everyone looks at me I blush a crimson across my face

I love them too there so good for the imagination Anne shouts noticing my sudden redness covering for me I wink as a thank you she smiles.

So you guys up for it or me and Gilbert can go alone she says looking around the room for reactions

Yeah we will come Jerry says

Ok let's get ready it looks like it about to rain though ruby says

Oh we will worry about that later just take a coat I say

Yeah Gilbert's right moody says

Me and Anne go up stairs and get our things I get
Head phones
Snacks that I brought for us
Bug killer I know how much Anne hates spiders so do I To be honest I'm not afraid of them I just don't like them
A spare hoodie
3 massive blankets
A scarves
I throw it all in my bag looking around for anything I forgot I take lots of water to
Everyone does water is important on a hike I mean it's a long walk up a mountain so we all take water we all have like 13 bottles each

On our way up the mountain I stay at the front with Anne talking to her on the way up about random things nothing important it's just nice to talk to Anne about anything really besides she is the most interesting person I have ever met.

We finally get to the top and sit down have a rest
An hour later we decided to go back but on the way down it started to rain badly as well and ruby tripped and hurt here foot so I find a abandoned house in the woods it's like a club house it's in the middle of woods kinda like the of it but not as cool but it will do as shelter from the rain.

We're all cold and I remember the blankets
Guys I brought blankets just in case
I give blankets to moody he wraps up with ruby
And Jerry and Diana wrap up together too
So me and Anne do as well we all just talk to each other everyone brought hoodies except Anne so I give her mine

Oh Gilbert I can't because then u will be cold but thank you she says

How did I know u would forget I brought 2 I say

You know me to well thank you she says with a bright smile.
She puts the jumper on its ways to big for her but it looks nice.

Benjamin wallfisch kiss I shout

Everyone looks at me

I love that song Anne shouts

Where's it from I feel like I should remember I say

It bill and bevs kiss she says

Oh yeah thanks Anne I say smiling

For what I didn't do anything she laughs

As the rain clears up we make our way back to the cabin

Anne and Gilbert- road trip Where stories live. Discover now