Part 7

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Gilbert is still upstairs but the rest of us are all talking at the table.
Gilbert's pov:
I was woken up to Anne whispering in my ear and shaking me gently she made my favourite breakfast I eat it in bed and then go down stairs and say thank you and then I go back upstairs and get a towel and my clothes and the waterproof speaker I packed and Connect my Phoen put my music on and get undressed and go in the shower wash my hair when I get out I brush my teeth and brush,my hair and the got dressed up then go down stairs to see everyone still in their pjs.
I woke up last VP by and I'm ready before all of you I say

Anne laughs

At least we are awake Diana says

Yeah ruby says nodding in agreement

I'm going in the shower Anne says and she walks upstairs
I sit at the table and we all talk
When Anne comes back down she says get ready we're going to the beach she has already dried her hair and is in a bikini

Yes I say as I run upstairs and put swim shorts on get a clean Towel and my sun glasses,my speaker
My phone of course and then I go back down stairs and Anne asks for my help with the cooler and what to pack I help her then put it in the van and we all set off for the beach.

To our surprise no one else was at the beach I grab my speaker and put music on Anne's favourite song and I take my shoes of and run into the water Anne follows me

Anne and Gilbert- road trip Where stories live. Discover now