Part 9

775 11 3

As I'm listening to my music I see Gilbert walk through the door he sees me crying and runs up to me

Anne whats wrong he pulls me into his arms that familiar safe feeling I felt earlier came back
He gently whispers it's going be ok Anne 

I'm sorry I shouldn't get upset I say back into the crook of his neck

What are you upset about he whispers back

About what happened earlier I was so scared then you saved me I say

He just hugs me even more

He lets go of the hug and says why don't you get some sleep

Ok thank you Gilbert is say smiling at him as he gets on to his bed he drifts off and so do I

The next morning
Everyone is down stairs except for Anne

I will go wake Anne up Diana says

No you won't Gilbert say firmly

Why not she says

Anne has a rough night she was shaken up by what happened so I helped her then she went to sleep Gilbert say back

Oh ok Diana says understanding

I will wake her up later Gilbert says

I make her a cup of coffee and some toast
And take it up to her
I wake her by whispering

Anne wake up he whispers in a soft calming voice

Morning Gilbert I say with a weak smile

How are you feeling today he say with concern

Much better thanks to you I say

He smiles and we both walk down stairs

Anne are u ok they all say in unison

I'm ok thanks to Gilbert I say

Good Diana says

After breakfast
So I have an idea on where we should go but It's a surprise I say with a grin

Ok Want would we need to wear Gilbert says

summer clothes and bring swimming clothes ok I say

Ok everyone else says i run upstairs

And look through my clothes I wanna dress nice I get a new bikini and put it underneath my clothes I wear shorts and a red of the shoulder top.
As I walk back downstairs I grab my sunglasses and put sunscreen on and make sure Gilbert had some on
While we're leaving I noticed Gilbert forgot his sunglasses so grab them for him.

Half way through the drive

I forgot my sunglasses Gilbert says

I grabbed them for I say pulling them out and passing the to him

Thank you Anne he says

So where are we going we hear Diana shout

You will see I shout back

As we pull to the water park Gilbert has a big grin on his face

Omg yes Anne he shouts

As we get out we go into changing rooms and get I changed I'm the first one out so I've sit for everyone outside.
Once everyone gets out side Gilbert grabs my hand and pulls me to the swimming pool and we both jump in the other chase us.

Anne let's play chicken he says

Yeah good idea I say

I ask the other they say yes

I get on Gilbert's back and we win against everyone
Then we just swim around and go on the water slides.

Anne and Gilbert- road trip Where stories live. Discover now