Part 16

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Gilbert PoV

Why haven't you asked her out yet jerry asks

Because why would I I answer

Because you like her Diana says

Yeah but Anne doesn't like me back I say

Yes she does she told me Diana says

Really I jump up for joy

Yeah I'm her best friend she told me Diana says

Ok I will ask her never mind that's to scary I say

Grow up Gilbert Jerry says

Anne's PoV

Why have you asked him out yet ruby asks

Because he doesn't like me back I say

Yes he does he told me moody says

Really ? I smile at the thought

Yes I'm his best friend he told me
moody says

Ok I will ask him never mind that's to scary
I say

Grow up Anne
moody says

Gilbert PoV

We all meet up at Anne's house I can't help thinking about what Diana said what if she does like me

Hey Anne walks over to me  smiling

Hey i say back with a big smile

You looked lost in your own world what were you thinking about she asks

Nothing important just  how I'm going to ask for a dog I say lying

Yeah a dog will be good for you she says

~Later that night~

Dad I say walking into the living room

Yeah he says

Can I have a dog I will take good care of it I ask nervously

Son because you have been through a lot why not he says

Really I jump for joy

Yeah you can go get one tomorrow he says

Omg thank you so much I say

I go to my room OMG I'm having a dog that like amazing

The next morning

I go to town dog shopping I get everything the dog will need

Then I walk into the pet shop I look at all the puppies

There so cute

I see this one in the corner by itself I picked him up he was so cute and cuddly I bought him

I named him peter
He's a pug crossed shitzu

I grab my phone and ring Anne

Anne come over my house I say

Ok I won't be long like 15 minutes she says

Ok I say unlocking the door

Bye she says

Bye I say

~Knock knock~

Anne I run down the stairs and open the door

Hi I say very happily

Hi she says

I take her to my room wanna meet someone I say

Yeah she's confused

I get the dog

Meet peter i say

Omg he's so cute she picks him up and cuddles him

He falls asleep in her arms

Why did u name him peter she asks

Because he is a pug / shitzu so I can call him peter pug Parker and dress him up like spider man on Halloween I say

Omg that's so cute she says

Anne's PoV
Gilbert I say

Yeah he says
I put the dog down in his bed

I need to tell you something I say

What is wrong he says

I just kiss

Fuck it right

Sorry about that I say

No don't be he says

I feel the same way he says

Really I say

Yeah like a lot and have since I met you he says

Me to I say

Anne he asks

Yes I say

Will you be my girl friend he says

Yeah answer

Omg bets day ever

Anne and Gilbert- road trip Where stories live. Discover now