Part 8

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Me and Anne splash each other and the other join in once they get in the water me Anne swim around racing each other.
Anne's pov
While me and Gilbert are swimming we get out and walk up to the quarry which was close to the beach and sat at the edge feet handing down it was safe to jump but no one felt like it yet so we waited I got up to sit by Gilbert but I fell off and the the shook of me falling as I hit the water I blacked out and Gilbert jumped in after me crying and dragging me to the surface. I then woke up when he laid me down I hugged him tight as we both just sat there as the taller boy held me I felt safe in Gilbert arms he was comforting he was whispering in my ear you scared me Anne

I'm sorry I didn't mean to I say crying

Anne you didn't do anything wrong you fell you can't help falling over he says.

Diana, Jerry and moody rush down

ANNE are you ok Jerry shouts

She's ok Just a little bit in shook Gilbert says

Ruby finally got down and I stand up to walk back to the van.

We reach the van I get in and everyone gets in Gilbert sits in the front with me as always I like having him next to me.

Gilbert I say quietly

Yes Anne he says

Thank you for saving me back there I say nervously

I would die for you Anne besides you saved me once he says

When I say confused

The first day we met you pushed a boy off me and cleaned up my cut he says smiling

I wouldn't call that saving your life nothing near what you did today but I would die for you to I say smiling as we pull up at the cabin.

I unlock the door and walk to the kitchen and ask who's hungry everyone puts there hand up and I grab my phone what do u guys want from the Chinese and when they tell me I order

Later that night
We all watch a film this time we watch The  avengers endgame once again me and Cuddle on the couch and we both cry at the end of the movie not our fault that tony and Steve died.

Everyone still laughing at us so I go up to our room I said goodnight to everyone and turned to Gilbert and said I see u later and walked up stairs and got my pjs on everyone else was already in their pjs. I get my headphones and put my music on lay back looking up at the ceiling
what happened today scared me and all I want is to be back in that moment in his arms in Gilbert arms I shake my head to get that thought out of my head I should not feel that way about him he's my best friend

Anne and Gilbert- road trip Where stories live. Discover now