Part 11

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Gilbert's pov:
We get back to the cabin and I take Anne hand and take her to our room.

What the matter is everything ok she says confused

I take out a hair dryer
I don't want you to get a cold I say plugging it in

Ok well I don't want you to get a cold she says

I laugh and say my hair is short so I don't have to worry about it as I knock it on and dry her hair

She laughs and says I can dry my own hair

What about that time you burnt the carpet because you faced the hair dryer to it I say smiling

Shh you were supposed to keep that a secret she says embarrassed

I have no one can hear me I say looking at her

Ok when did u become a hair dresser anyway she says looking back at me

Yesterday I says sarcastically

Ooo can you dye my hair I hate this colour she says

No I can't I say

And why not I thought you were a hair dresser she says

Because your hair is beautiful just the way it is I say nervously

Thank you she takes the hair dryer and dries my hair

So we're even we laugh about it and we call each other strange

So why did u dry my hair she says with curiosity

I don't want you to get sick I'm sorry it was weird I say

Why was it weird I think it's sweet she says

I just smile

Anne's pov:

Gilbert dried my hair and I kinda liked it that he cared so much I wonder why though I go in to the bath room and get changed.

When I'm changed I sit on my bed looking at Gilbert who is now dressed into his pjs as well

We should play a bored game with the others he says

Yeah I will go get the game and bring them downstairs I say standing up

I will help you he says

Ok thank you I say making my way to the attic stairs

As we go up it's very dark and full of spiders and bugs we go in get the games and go downstairs

Put the all on the table and ask which one we should have play

All of them moody says

Ok what one should we start with is say

What do we have Diana says

Um we have
Connect 4
Logo what am I
And the game of life
I say

Ooo ok let's start with frustration as since there's to many of us we will do teams of 2 Jerry says

Anne and Gilbert- road trip Where stories live. Discover now