Part 18

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Gilbert's pov


Let's do this

I walk over to Anne after the flash mob finishes

I get down on one knee

Anne Shirley Cuthbert you are one of the most amazing people on this planet I want to try to make you as happy as possible so will you marry me I ask

Yes she says screaming with joy


Anne's PoV

Omg Gilbert just asked me to marry him in the best way ever

I'm so happy

He is just so perfect

I love him

This is going to be perfect

I want him happy

The wedding plan

We both planned most of it but I kinda took control

We both planned most of it but I kinda took control

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Ok one of the most important things of a wedding the dress

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Ok one of the most important things of a wedding the dress

I'm so bad at choosing dresses normally I would ask my best friend but I can't because The groom can't choose the brides dress so ruby and Diana are helping

We try on a loads dresses and is see this one it was perfect so I try it on and it's prefect

We try on a loads dresses and is see this one it was perfect so I try it on and it's prefect

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Gilbert's pov

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Gilbert's pov

The wedding day

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The wedding day

Anne I have loved you since I first met you I wanna make you as happy as you make me every day I'm lucky that I met my soulmate

Gilbert Blythe do you take Anne as your wife

I do

Anne cuthbert do u take the Gilbert to be your husband

I do

I now announce you husband and wife

You make now kiss the bride

Sorry it's so short but they end up having to kids  sorry I didn't want to drag the story out any longer

Anne and Gilbert- road trip Where stories live. Discover now