Part 15

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Gilbert's PoV

Anne takes me to her house there no one else there
Just the 7 of us
Anne places me on her couch
I take a shower and change clothes
Anne makes me a drink and some food

Then she pick me back up and takes me to her room
Everyone else stays down stairs

Thank you Anne I whisper in her ear

For what she asks

For saving me I answer

You saved me remember besides I don't want you getting hurt I'm sorry that you did  she whispers

It's not your fault Anne I whisper

She places me on her bed

I can walk you know I say

She laughs

You just get some rest  she says

Anne this is going to sound so stupid I say

She looks at me

But I am kinda scared to sleep I say looking down in embarrassment

That's ok she says

What would make you feel safe she asks

Uh maybe you can stay here with me  I'm sorry never mind I say

She laughs and get into the bed with me she places the sheets gently over me and her and she cuddles her head in my chest.

I drifted off

Anne's PoV

I smile
Gilbert is finally safe and I'm in his arms I'm glad that he feels safe with me

I mean he hasn't had sleep for 3 days or food or water

I mean I did sleep but at least I had food and water

I feel bad for him I could never imagine going through something as terrible as that
But how did he have a dream that told him what would happen

Time skip

I'm walking to Gilbert's house then I get a text:

Anne my mam found out I'm gay and she is taking somewhere something that will stop being gay she said I don't know where  to I'm scared ~Cole

I text Gilbert

Cole's Mam is taking him away but he doesn't know where

What that awful

I'm near your house hold on


I knock his door

Anne he says

What are we going to do he ask

Uh we could find out where she took him I say 

She is not going to tell us he says

Good point I have an idea hold let me ring the others i say 

So the plan is I Diana you dress up and pretend that moody is your son who is why and your looking to stop him from being gay I say

Everyone nods

Let's go

Diana's PoV

I knock the door of ms Cole's house

Hello she says

Hi would you mind we had a word I say

If you don't mind about about she says

My son he is sick he saying all this stuff about liking boys I say

You must come in right away she says

She told em everything bingo I know where Cole is

Dumb bitch

Cole's PoV

They keep showing me pictures of girls and guys if I like the ones of the guys they shock me

They have introduced me to a girl
a girl named spirit

But she has a girlfriend

Me and spirit get along quite well she was telling me about her girlfriend

I tell her about my friends

A nurse walks in our room and says we have been well behaved so we can go to the hall now if we want

She leaves

We just look at each other and laugh

Omg we can finally go to hall I have always wanted to go there I say

Omg same spirit says

Later that night

Anne's PoV

We finally get to the camp

We get our stuff park the van go around the back of the building

Look In the window of Cole

We look in the rooms then we see Cole with a girl

I tap the window

Cole looks over and opens the window

Anne he says

Hi Cole we have come to recuse you Gilbert says

Let's go climb out the window I say

Can spirit come as well she's my friend Cole says

Sure I say

Come on spirit we're getting out of here Cole says

They climb out the window and we all run to the van

When we get in the van I start driving and we hear alarms going off

We did

Gilbert I say

Yeah he says

Are you ok I ask

Yeah why he answers

You were kidnapped that's not an easy thing to go through I say

Hey I'm fine I have you   You keep safe and you saved me I know the others did as well but you really saved me he says

You have me to you know I would die for you know he says

I would die for you to I say

Anne and Gilbert- road trip Where stories live. Discover now