Part 6

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Anne's pov:
I get dressed and brush my teeth and then I said good bye then I packed my bags in the truck and went to pick up the others I got Gilbert first and helped him pack his bags into the truck he sat in the front next to me the others sat in the back. the drive was quite far so I stopped at the next gas station I saw And everyone went to bathroom I bought everyone and filled up the tank and we set back on the road.


We finally arrived at the cabin and I unlocked the door and walked in everyone behind me

Ok so there's 3 bedrooms and there's 2 single beds in each one and a bathroom in each so we have to deicide who shares a bedroom it's not like we're sharing a bed I say nervously

Ok I'm sharing with Anne if she wants to  Gilbert shouts

Yeah ok I say back as he starts blushing

I will share with Diana Jerry says looking at Diana and she has a big smile 😃

Ok that leave ruby and moody to share you guys ok with that I say

Yeah they both say at the same time

Later that night everyone unpacked and got into their pjs.
We were all bored so I said let's watch a film 🍿

Yeah great idea Anne what films have we got Gilbert says smiling

Um we have got:
The  avengers endgame
Spider-Man far from home
Five feet apart
The book of Henry
The fault in our stars
I say looking at the rest of them

Ooo the book of Henry that is a good film ruby says

I have never watched me and Gilbert say at the same time.

Yeah let's watch it we all agree me and Gilbert are the only ones who haven't watched it.

Me and Gilbert cuddle on the couch like we always do when we watch a film he wraps

Half way through the film me and Gilbert start crying 😢
We could not help it. It's sad

When the film ends Diana and ruby make fun of us for crying

It's not our fault that the boy died he was to smart and kind Gilbert says defending us

Yeah I say in agreement

Diana and ruby are laughing so hard the can hardly breath

Let play a game moody says

Yeah what game though Jerry says

Spin the bottle ruby says nervously

Ok we agree
We sit in a circle and I get a bottle

Ruby you go first it was your idea I say smiling

Ok she spins the bottle and it lands on.........
Moody she pecks him on the lips

You call that a kiss a I shout
Gilbert laughs

Show us what a kiss Anne ruby says pointing to the bottle

Ok I say spinning the bottle
It go round and round then it lands on Gilbert
Yessss I think to myself
Show us how to kiss Anne Diana shouts
I walk over Gilbert and put my hand on his cheek and kiss him for about 30 seconds.
We are both blushing when we pull away
That's a real kiss I say

Ruby and Diana laugh

Everyone goes to their rooms I get into bed me and Gilbert talk for a while then he drifts off I can't help to think about him his beautiful brown eyes that you could stare into for hours  his brown Curley hair with his smile with is heart warming and his freckles splattered across his face like stars ✨
I finally drift off
~10:30am~ I wake up and look over at Gilbert who is asleep I go down stairs everyone's asleep in there rooms so I start to make everyone breakfast
I make pancakes and bacon 🥓 they all wake up and eat it except for Gilbert so I make him some eggs and bacon because I know he likes them I make him coffee and take it up to him put it on his Chester draws and wake him
Morning Gilbert I whisper in his ear and shake him softly then I whisper your breakfast is on the Chester draws and leave

Anne and Gilbert- road trip Where stories live. Discover now