1. Hang My Head, Drown My Fear, 'Til You All Just Disappear

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Detroit Michigan, MGM Grand Hotel May 17 2017

(Chris is 52, Andi is 29)

CHRIS:"Fuck... why won't this fucking key work!" I growl as I stick the hotel key in the door and jiggle it as best I can but nothing is working.

"Chris, hey man... here I got it, " Martin Kirsten says as he catches up to me and sees me struggling with the hotel key. One thing about having a bodyguard is that they always seem to be right up your ass even when you least expect it. I step aside exhaling as he tries the key for himself. Amazingly he is able to open it. He turns and smiles at me gesturing for me to go in, I just roll my eyes and head inside my hotel room.

"Is there anything else you need Mr. Cornell?" He says as I head over to the small desk in the room, my laptop sitting on the desk waiting for me to answer some emails.

"Um... I could use something to take the edge off," I say as I sit down at the desk, flipping my curls out of my face and attempt to turn the laptop on.

He steps into the small washroom, and I hear him turn on the tap filling up a glass of water, then moving back over to me, pulling out a bottle and giving me two pills.

"Fuck, this fucking thing isn't starting up again," I say as I force stop the computer and try to start it back up again.

"Here, let me?" Martin says.

"Have at it," I say disgruntled gesturing to the MacBook as he hands me the pills and the glass of water. I take the pills from him swallow them as quick as I can and he hands me a couple of Oxycontin which I crush up on the desk and treat my nose to that sweet burn.

"It seems to be dead... here... I'll uh..." Martin trails off and finds the cord to the MacBook but still no response from it. I eventually just tell him to forget about it for now.

"Is there... anything else.. you need at all?" Martin clears his throat as I take the last sip of my glass of water.

"No, I'm good..." I sniff still slightly feeling anxious and irritated but it should subside in a bit.

"Ok," Martin says and makes his way towards the hotel room door.

"Goodnight Mr. Cornell,"

"G'night..." I throw him a half smile as he heads out the door. Once the door closes, I walk over to it and lock the deadbolt.

Feeling exhausted with the release of euphoria kicking in, I lean back in the chair a bit, flip my curls out of my face and run my palm over my cheeks, feeling the stubble on my face. Fuck, it's been a long night, and damn this ringing in my ears wont stop. Suddenly my iPhone starts ringing and I notice it's Vicky again. Fuck, I wish she'd just leave me alone. I let it ring for a few minutes and realize she won't give up so instead I pick up the phone.

"Hey... yea... no...what...? Yea... I told you I was sending you those papers.  No, no I didn't... is this what you called earlier for? No I'm just... I'm just tired... no I didn't... What is that supposed to mean...? Wait what are you talking about? look, my lawyer is contacting your lawyer so there really is no need for you to keep calling at all... Vicky... No... hey don't hang up, Vicky? Vicky...! Fucking God damn it!"

I hang up the phone and toss it on the desk. Why does she always have to do that? Why does she always have to make me feel like this. I'm always fucking up. I'm never good enough. I know I'm the one who wants a divorce but she doesn't need to make me feel like this. I can't help it. I want out. I just wish it didn't take me so long to finally see her for who she really is.

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