Chapter 1

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The first thing hank saw through his slightly drunken haze was the tv, groaning he looks around spotting sumo lounging near by. Sitting up to grab the remote he unmutes the tv only just now realising he's left it on a news channel, bearly awake and not nearly drunk enough to complain he looks at what bullshit they are spewing this time.

Only to find he's stairing at a rooftop of some place down town "the android has shot down two officers and is currently holding a little girl hostage, we'll bring you more updates as we get them" this puts the lieutenant on high alert keeping his eyes fixed on the tv as a movement to the far right of the picture gets his attention. Someone has just come outside! Hank's eyes widen as he sees the android who started this mess fire his gun at who ever that was.

He's suprised to see that no one pulls them back inside but on closer inspection and a lot of squinting hank comes to the realisation that, it's not a person they sent but an android "what good will that do?" He grumbles to himself, watching as the android 'detective' or whatever the fuck the news womam just called it move slowly towards the crazy one. He sees them talking or more like shouting at one another as the new Android suddenly kneels down, had it been shot?

Hank feels apprehension but sees it rip off it's own tie and doing something with it just out of shot before standing again, it begins to move again talking the entire time which actually seemed to be doing some good and soon both androids are facing each other. It looks like the girl says something to the android 'detective' because he puts a hand out but this causes the crazy android to be riled up again, at some point the situation starts to de escalate because the other helicopter just out of shot is waved away.

Hank watches as the two androids talk or one does as the other glares and vice versa, but something escalates and the crazy android puts its arms out as if preaching "oh my goodness its jumping!" The news woman says as Hank watches in horror as the crazed android starts to fall back with the little girl still in its arms, he moves to stand up but sees movement from the second android.

Its running and it just manages to grab the girls arm and pull her back onto the balcony before gravity takes it over the edge and out of shot. The second helicopter catches the moment from behind as the crazed android and the 'detective' android fall and fall and fall until the lights of the ambulances and fire trucks below obstruct any sight of them "what the fuck was that" is all hank can think to say as the news woman says "the situation is under control" he shakes his head turning the tv onto a different channel before standing and heading out to the nearest bar.

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