Chapter 3

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Once the deviant is in the interrogation room, hank is sitting across from it in a matter of minutes. Watching it for any signs of agression he asks "what happend before you took that knife?" as expected he gets no answer which causes him to become annoyed and click his fingers in its face, yet again theres no reaction "why didn't you try and run away?" He truly wants an answer to that, he's been wondering since they found the damn thing.

With no answers, reaction or even movement from the android hank reaches his breaking point and slams hia hands down on the table, glaring at the machine "say something god damn it!" the only thing that happens is the file in front of him fluttering forwards before he looks towards the one way mirror "fuck it im outta here" he stands and joins connor, gavin and chris in the observation room "we're wasting our time! We're getting nothing out of it" he grumbles as he takes a seat beside chris.

Of course reed suggests roughing it up a little which connor deflects saying it won't feel any pain and they would damage it, gavin who hates androids more than hank himself rolls his eyes asking what they should do "i could try questioning it" is heard from it causing reed to laugh either out of suprise or just to be a dick, but hank to his suprise says "what have we got to lose?" They watch as connor enters the room hank had just left standing beside the table to loom at the file for a couple of seconds before sitting down.

Hank feels himself move ever so slightly closer to the window as he sees connor's head tilt ever so slightly to the left "my name's Connor, what about you?" All three men are suprised by how soft connor's voice had become, yet dispite this theres still no reponse which pisses hank off more "your damaged" hank hears the cold edge to Connors voice coming back "did you owner do that?" There's the soft tone again, it must figure out that going good cop isnt getting it anywhere because Connor suddenly changed tactic "if you don't talk I'm going to probe your memory" there's a slight pause before the silent android jumps and moves back in its chair "no! Please dont do that" bingo.

Hank sees a small smirk on Connors lips as the deviant looks towards the mirror "w what are they gonna do to me" it says looking back at Connor who doesn't hold back "they are going to take you apart and look for problems in your bio components" hank's jaw drops slightly as the fucker tilts his head to the right as if trying to see what reaction it would get "why'd you tell them you found me? Why couldn't you have left me there?" It asks sounding desperate as it twitches quite a bit "they would have found you i was just faster" did, did connor just lie to it? The deviant looks around again before saying "i don't wanna die" just loud enough for the lieutenant to hear "then talk to me" connor says back to it's soft tone of voice again "i i cant" god damn it, they were getting some where!

Both androids are silent for a couple of seconds and hank starts to think they are communicating in their minds, but connor suddenly picks the file of pictures up and slams it on the table causing everyone to jump "28 stab wounds! Didn't wanna leave him a chance huh?!" Connor yells as it stands from it's seat, hank, gavin and chris give each other looks of shock and confusion before turning back to watch connor "did you feel anger, hatred?!" Hank watches intrigued as it gets in the deviants face "stop it!" The deviant begs but connor carries on and on and on till it finally relents and sits down. The deviant opens its mouth "he tortured me every day, i did what he told me, but there was always something" Hank watches the deviant speak sitting back in his seat and smiling slightly.

Guess connor had it's uses after all, once it finished talking connor asks some questions "why did you write 'i am alive' on the wall?" connor wasn't the only one that wanted to know, hank had wracked his brain over the meaning of it from the second he saw it "he used to tell me i was nothing, i had to prove him wrong" hank could understand the deviant stricking back in so called 'self defense' but not this, at this point hank tuned every thing else out until the quiet talking turned into thuds "what the fucks it doin" gavin asks sounding slightly afraid "it's destroying itself" hank says moving to stand as he remembers connors earlier statement that androids self destruct when stressed. Gavin and chris barge into the room with hank not too far behind, he watched as Chris tries to desperatly stop the deviant as gavin barks orders at him.

Connor who has been standing quietly in the connor says "dont touch it you will only make it worse" hank had noticed that its stiff posture was even stiffer and could only hope that it wasn't gonna self destruct as well, gavin and chris pay no mind to the android warning as chris finally unlocks the handcuffs only for the android to grab his gun, stand up, point the gun at it's self and pull the trigger in a matter of seconds. Hank and Gavin who had doved to the floor thinking it was going to do more than that slowly stand up "holy shit" Hank says in shock as he steps over the downed deviant to get to chris "you okay?" The shocked detective can only nod as he takes the gun from where it had landed before leaving the room.

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