Chapter 7

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Once connor had joined hank in the car, he headed to the nearest store and bought a six pack of beer before driving to where he likes to sit and think. The playground that he used to bring cole to, the view on a dark snowy night was spectacular and for a few minutes everything was silent. But as hank opened the third bottle of beer connor decided to join him "nice view huh?" He found himself asking although he knew he'd never get an answer back "i used to come here alot before" he trails off at that not wanting to spoil the nice atmosphere with bad thoughts.

Of course the android standing two feet away notices this "before what?" It asks after a beat of silence "before, before nothin" hank says with a silent huff, connor seemingly forgets about the conversation as it steps towards the river "we're getting No where with the investigation all the deviants are made at different times, different places" as it finishes it's sentence hank watches connor turn to face him and it seems genuinly lost "there must be some link" as soon as hank says these words the androids eyes widen and says a seriese of letters and numbers.

Jesus androids believing in god what next? Connor steps closer to hank "you seem preoccupied is it to do with what happend at the eden club?" So that what that shit hole was called shrugging slightly hank says "those two girls just wanted to be together, they really seemed in love" hank knows a thing or two about that and its an emotion you can't fake.

It's at this point that hank gets an idea, so standing up to face the android he says "what about you connor" he sees its head tilt waiting for him to continue "you look human, you sound human but what are you really" his voice turns to a growl as if he's trying to intimidate connor which he knows wouldn't happen in a million years, but the question seems to quieten it for a couple of seconds "im whatever you want me to be your partner, a buddy to drink with" not expecting this answer hank tries a different approach of pulling out his gun and aiming it at the androids forehead.

For a fraction of a second hank thinks he sees connors eyes widen "are you afraid to die" hank growls again trying to get some sort of reaction out of connor which seems to work "it would be regrettable to be interupted before i could finish this mission" god fucking damn it the thing, no he really is more than a machine!

Hank's hand begins to tremble and he can't hold the revolver steady enough to shoot, so lowering the gun hank picks up the rest of his beer and storms away "where are you going?" Connor asks seemingly startled by the turn of events "to get drunker!" Hank yells back as he gets in the car and heads to jimmy's bar for something alot stronger than the shit hed bought. He doesn't get home till 2am and is far too drunk to get anywhere further than the couch, so stumbling further in and almost falling over one of sumo's toys hank falls asleep on his couch with sumo laying below him on the floor protectivly.

When he next wakes up it's because of his work phone going batshit crazy at 11am, sitting up slowly so he doesn't end up falling off the couch he picks up "anderson" he says as he hasn't checked whos calling "its about time you picked up! Ive been trying to get ahold of you for the last two hours!" Ah captain fowler what a lovely wake up call, but wait Whats going on? Fowler doesn't call him when he's late anymore "get you and your partner down to stratford tower!" Fowler yells before hanging up, hank has no idea what the situation there is but it sounds urgent.

He changes clothes and washes his face before heading straight there and unsprisingly connor is there waiting for him. There's no words spoken between the two as they get past security to which hank looks at the android behind the desk with suspicion before getting in an elevator.

Hank notices that Connor pulls something out of his jacket and begins doing something with his hands, at first the movements are breathtaking and hypnotizing but as they get to the 70th floor, the tings of what hank has realised is a coin has become rather irritating so snatching the coin whilst its in mid air between connors hands he grumbles "your starting to piss me off with that coin, connor" he hears an appology just as the elevator stops and opens, hank sees a shit ton of familiar people from forensic guys to some of his fellow officers from the precinct.

Chris acknowledges him as he says "Jesus what happend here? There a party and no body tell me?" Hank follows the officer side by side "a group of 4 androids infiltrated the broadcast room and sent out a message, were still trying to find out how they got past security" christ.

Someone near by mentions looking at the roof which confuses hank "they made their escape by parachuting off the roof, trying to see where they landed is hard because of the weather" hank silently scoffs at that because it was bearly snowing when hank got here and the incident happened less than an hour ago!

Chris mentions something about the message the androids sent out being on a big screen in the broadcast room anf hank really wants to go watch it, he notices connor has already disapeared in there after looking at something above the doors "oh yeah, lieutenant this is special agent perkins from the fbi" he has the kind of face he'd like to punch, this special agent takes one look at connor and asks "whats that?" Of course connor answers with his catchphrase at this point "androids investigating androids huh?" Perkins turns his attention to hank "you sure you want it around? After everything that happend" if it wasnt the fact that punching a higher ranking person is an instant boot from the force hank would have punched him in the face.

Chris leaves them alone but perkins just wasn't finished winding hank up "watch where you step, don't fuck up my crime scene" and with that he fucks off somewhere else "what a fuckin prick" hank sees connor nod his head as if in agreement which causes him to snicker as the android stops and presses play on the video "we hope that you recognise our dignity, our hopes and our rights. Together we can live in peace and build a bettee future for humans and androids" christ that shits creepy "think that's RA9?" he asks as he slowly moves away and connor seems to think it might be "anything else?" He asks as connor does his scan thing "ive identified it's serial number and model" hank doesn't believe that's all he identified judging by his shifty behaviour.

Hank then goes to look around everything else but briefly hears someone call for connor as well as a brief conversation but hes too far away to hear much but does get close enough to hear "even if it wasn't you that saved me, thank you" holy fuck! Thats one of the first responders to the hostage situation connor went to in August, but it seems that the fall from the roof caused connor to forget saving his life.

Once connor has disapeared some where hank heads back out to the hall way and sees the poor fucker that got shot from 50 feet, he doesn't stay around long as he visits different parts of the floor before stopping near the stairs leading to the roof and pulling out connors coin to try do some tricks. He isn't suprised that he isn't as goog as the android but he catches it a few times before putting the coin back in his pocket and looks around to see if anyone had noticed.

Thankfully everyone is busy doing their own shit so goes back out to where chris and a couple forensic guys are, then theres movement from where he'd just come from and an Android in maintenance clothes comes running past him, snatching a gun from an fbi agent and stops dead at the elevator. Seconds later connors voice is heard yelling "its a deviant! Stop it" just before he runs into view looking messed up, hank watches as connor grabs a gun from a police officer and fires a shot clean to the deviants forehead "nice shot connor" it then dawns on him that connor just saved all of their lives with his quick thinking.

They leave the tower 20 minutes later and when their in the car hank finally asks "what the fuck happend to you" as they park up in an empty parking lot "i was interviewing the three androids when the deviant got violent and ripped out my thirum pump regulator and stabbed my left hand to slow me down" he gives connor a look of confusion so he elaborates "it ripped out my heart and i had to crawl and get it back basically" holy fuck no wonder he was a few seconds later than that nut job!

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