Chapter 4

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Hank knew he was over 2 and a half hours late for work, but after filling out paper work for the shit that went down with the deviant yesterday afternoon, he went out for a much needed drink and didnt get in until well after 3am. So when he eventually walks in to the precinct he's less than happy to see connor anywhere near his desk, why was it here again? As he got closer he noticed the android was doing its weird scan thingy around his desk but soon notices him "good to see you again lieutenant" he's about to respond but captain fowlers voice catches his attention.

He isn't suprised that he's being summoned, it happend pretty often at this point so with a grumble he takes one last look at Connor before walking in "I've got 10 new cases of deviants on my desk everyday" fowler starts as soon as hank is sat down, whether he's listening is a different matter "its always been isolated incidents, old ladies losing their maids, all that crap" hank notices fowler looking behind him so he looks over his shoulder, when the fuck had connor walked in? Turning his attention back to his captain he begins speaking again "but now theres reports of assault and homicides like the guy last night" where the hell is he going with this?

Hank watches as Fowler turns his attention to him "i want you to investigate and see if there's a link" Hank's jaw drops as he stares at his superior in disbelief almost standing up to walk out but choses to move forward in his chair "why me?!" The look on fowlers face showed hank that he's been expecting this "i think your perfectly capable for this type of investigation" hank scoffs as he starts raising his voice which his captain also expected because he says in that annoyingly calm voice is "either you do this investigation or hand in your badge" hank had enough and storms out and goes to his desk, practically throwing himself into his chair before crossing his arms over his chest grumbling quietly and glaring at anyone or anything that dared make eye contact.

The bittersweet silence didn't last long as connor joined him again "I'm sorry if my presence causes any inconvenience lieutenant" hank now glares at his desk as he tries to ignore the piece of plastic that was now his partner "in any case, i want you to know im very happy to be working with you" huh that makes one of us pal, rolling his eyes at the buddy buddy shit the android is trying to do hanks suprised when it actually asks something useful "is there a desk anywhere i could use?" Sighing he points to the one attached to his own and it quickly heads around and sits down, swivels the chair a few times before looking at him as hank stares at his terminal. Just as hank thinks he doesn't have to talk to the plastic prick any more it asks something personal "you have a dog right? Whats its name?" Jesus christ how in the Fuck did it know that?

Oh right the invisible dog hair from sumo on his chair what a creepy fucker this thing is, and of all the things to ask about its his favourite band "it has energy" it says in a weird tone of voice before finally doing some weird android shit to his terminal and muttering "243 files, all date back nine months started in detroit and moved across the contry" to its self as if letting hank hear his findings would do jack shit, it then gets up and almost bounds around to him talking about some AX400 assaulting a guy last Night and that they should start the investigation right this very second. Snickering hank finds something to do on his tablet and starts to type any random shit onto a blank document he finds "lieutenant anderson i intend to file a report to my supriors" ha so the thing has higher ups too.

It touches hanks back which is the last straw as hank stands up pulling connor by its jacket so he's pinning it to the wall "if it was up to me I'd throw the lotta ya in the dumpster and set a match to it, stop pissing me off" he growls as chris tries to intervene and tell the lieutenant about a lead, hank immediately heads to his car to follow it and thankfully connor doesn't say another word as he drives. Parking outside the only store on the street hank heads in and is told about the AX400 robbing the place at gunpoint, great crazy android with a gun just what he needs today. As he talks to his superiors he tries to ignore connor whos standing at attention beside his car "we have a sighting! It went that way!" One of the rookies shout running to them and without hesitation connor takes off down the road just managing to avoid running into people before disapearing down an alleyway. As hank catches up he sees the android in question head through lanes upon lanes of heavy traffic, but thats not the only thing he notices. The AX400 has a child with it.

He notices connor moving As if trying to follow "what the hell you doin" he growls putting a hand on it's shoulder as if that would stop it "i cant let it get away" it says before getting over the fence and also running through many lanes of traffic getting nicked by cars and trucks as it went, hank looses sight of connor whilst also trying to watch the AX400, it didnt care for its own life but that of the child's as it risked getting hit multiple times after ensuring the child was safe. He saw connor was catching up now and he couldn't believe his eyes as connor and the ax400 wrestled one another, connor fell to the floor and the 400 and child briefly hugged on the side of the freeway before disapearing just as connor stood up and some how made his way back to hank.

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