Chapter 11

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Once hank had watched the peaceful protest, the inevitable attack of the androids that just wanted to be free and connor marching towards the broken barrier about 3 more times he decided it was time for bed. When he woke up again, it was because of sumo barking at some birds in the back yard.

Not really knowing what the fuck was going on or what time it was hank rolled over to look at the bed side clock. Groaning when he saw it was 11am and sumo was normally fed at 7:30 he got up.

He didn't go into the living room though, no he got a shower and freshend up before pinching himself to ensure that last night wasnt some sort of strange dream, even if it was it would have been a nice change from nightmares of the terrible night 3 years ago, once he's fed sumo and cleaned up the mess from last night he finally sits down and within seconds of putting the tv on, a speech from the deviant leader to the other deviants below him is on the tv.

There's three other androids standing with him and almost out of shot hank sees connors familiar jacket, hank felt himself relax knowing connor made it all the way to where he needed to be and survived the whole ordeal.

But after the first 10 seconds of said speech hank notices that Connor is acting strange although no one on stage notices. As quick as it had started connor began to act himself again, although he did have to put something away but still none of the four androids beside him noticed, and if they did none of them did the weird wireless communication fuckery with him. Once the speech ends, he watches reruns of all the shit that went down another 3 times before checking the time and oh fuck it's 12:45!

He starts getting ready, which seems to excite sumo who thinks he's getting taken out for a walk but is only let out into the back yard for 5 minutes before coming back in with a quiet whine from the cold, once the dog is settled on his bed near the now turned on radiator hank finally leaves the house. He gets to chicken feed a few minutes early due to the fact that detroit is basically a fucking ghost town, parking up he notices that Connor hasn't even got there yet which is fucking weird because the android usually thrives off of being early to everything!

Eventually hank gets out of the car to stand outside of his favourite place to eat, although he's unsuprised that it's not open. Its owner fucking dispised androids and was probably the first to high tail it to canada the first chance he got, now all hank could do was watch random wildlife scurry across the lifeless roads and into the tree's at different ends of the road, the sound of footsteps against the undisturbed snow behind him caught his attention.

He doesn't turn straight away as he has an idea of who could walk that carefully, but when he does he can't help but smile connor had made it through the night and was in front of him.

Connor smiles back at him, standing still not knowing what to do so hank makes the first move of walking towards him, connor catches on and moves two quick strides so that they are now face to face. Before hank has a chance to stop himself he pulls connor to his chest and holds him as close as possible, he feels connor tense at the sudden action but eventually relaxes into the hug as he wrap his arms around hank and nudges his head so its leaning against his shoulder "you did good son" hank says quietly in connors ear, not speaking too loud as if he was afraid anything louder than that could startle the android.

Connor is the first to pull away from the hug looking slightly awkward which tells hank that this must be his first ever hug, they stare at one another for awhile connor taking him in as if its the first time he'd seen hank, whilst hank watches connor who is slouching slightly as if he's tired.

That gives hank an idea "you had any sleep since last night?" Connor gives hank a look that says 'androids dont sleep' before saying "I've only been in sleep mode once and that was after my first mission in August" christ the guy has been with hank for more than a week and he's seen him put out more energy in that time than hank could put out in a year!

Hank rolls his eyes before motioning to the car "get in" this gets him a confused look "why?" He asks as if this is the first weird thing hank has ever asked the android to do "get in the car asshole! We're going home" the confusion on connor's face only grows but he does as he's told. Hank drives home with the radio playing at a suitable level as he actually wants to have a conversation with connor should the need arise, but it never comes as he parks the car outside his house "don't break any windows this time" he grumbles because he forked out a damn fortune having it fixed "you were unconscious, i had to get in some how!" he hears connor exclaim from the car.

Hank snickers as he unlocks the front door and a very happy sumo appears and knocks connor off his feet as he tries to walk in "he remembers me" connor says happily as he pets the huge ball of fur, this has got to be the cutest fucking thing hank had ever seen. Eventally sumo gets bored and climbes off of his new friend to go get something to eat, connor stands up and dusts himself off "alright take your shoes, jacket and tie off and get on the couch" hank says in amusement and is suprised when connor doesn't ask why and actually does it.

Hank goes to get a blanket a pillow and gets back to the living room to see that connor has already gone into rest mode, so once hes covered the resting android in a fish covered blanket bearly big enough to cover his whole body, hank then works on moving connor's head gently enough so he can get the pillow underneath. The small movement startles connor and he opens his eyes so quick hank almost punches him "its only me, go back to sleep kid" he says gently as he puts his head onto the pillow. Hank then leaves him under the watchfull eyes of sumo to rest as he gets a few more hours himself.

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