Chapter 2

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Hank orders his third or fourth shot of whisky of the night as he watches the detroit gears game that he's been waiting for all week, smirking as deaton carter got yet another basket from the 3 point line, as the break came he moves to look at the bar now disinterested in the tv as he couldn't hear the commentary anyway. He hears the door open as the rain outside got slightly louder before a couple of voices are heard "thought those things weren't allowed in here" great a fucking android just what he needed. He sees the droid stop beside him "lieutenant anderson, my name is connor I'm the android sent by cyberlife" oh fuck it's here for him?!

Crossing his arms he continues to ignore it as he glares at the empty glass below "i looked for you at the station but no one knew where you were, they told me I'd find you having a drink near by" rolling his eyes as the piece of junk failed to realise that the more it talked the more it pissed him off "i was lucky to find you at the 5th bar" damn this things persistent.

Without looking up he finally acknowledged the android now known as Connor "what d'ya want" the game just started again so he cast his attention back to the tv as connor starts rambling again "a homicide was reported early this evening, cyberlife sent a specialised model to assist investigators" oh great just what he needed "well i don't need any assistance and not from you so be a good robot and fuck off" it continues to stand there giving instructions which pisses him off more "know where you can stick those instructions" he says snickering quietly but it stares at him blankly "no, where?" Oh for fucks sake!

Connor continues to stand beside him although he's quiet now, but not all silences last very long "tell you what how about another for the road?" It says slipping some money onto the counter "bar tender the same again please" it stand back once more watching hank down the entire glass in seconds, connor doesn't expect anything to come from this but hank finally leans back in his chair and looks at him "did you say homicide?" Hank half expects to be dragged out the door but the android or should he say the rk800 simply nods before waking towards the door.

Sighing loudly he stands although he has to hold onto the bar as his world spins for a few seconds before joining his plastic prick of a partner, it looks him up and down before offering to drive them to where they need to be, the audacity of this fucking thing! He gets in the drivers side as connor hesitantly gets into the passinger seat whilst hank messes with the radio, eventually he finds some knights of the black death to blast as loud as possible so it doesn't try to talk to him again. As they get to their destination hank finally notices that Connor is glaring at him, well the best an android could glare at least which makes him smirk a little as be parks up "you wait here, i wont be long" suprisingly it doesn't complain or otherwise react just saying "what ever you say lieutenant" fucking A whatever i say asshole.

Hank walks towards the hole in the fence which must be an entrance as the media tries to get any information they can from him, he approaches one of his bosses but the android at the gate says something that gets his attention, turning he sees connor trying and failing to get to him "it's with me!" He begrudgingly yells and connor is at his side in seconds, rolling his eyes he turns back to what he was doing before. His boss looked between the two before turning away "so got yourself an android" his makes hank roll his eyes "very funny just tell me about what happend" the two of them walk inside and instantly hank recoils from the smell that hits him "jesus that smell" he gets told it was worse before the windows were opened but hank cant believe it was ever worse than it is now.

Swatting down beside the male known as carlos ortiz he counts 28 stab wounds as he gets told everything they know, once thats wrapped up and his boss goes outside hank turns to look for connor, only to find it kneeling beside the murder weapon with dried blood on his fingers. The plastic asshole puts the two fingers to his lips and holds them there for a couple of seconds before pulling away "what the fuck you doin?" Hank demands, this startles the android enough to look up at him "im sampling the evidence in real time" huh it's useful after all "dont put anymore evidence in your mouth got it" hank hears it say something but Hank's already moved into the kitchen so doesn't hear it.

Hank watches as connor walks around and it looks almost aimless but soon connor starts to unravel what could have happend, getting it spot on with the evidence. It says something about the android they are looking for losing blue blood and it can still see it dispite the fact its faded or whatever the fuck, hank watches as connor stops at the end of the hall and looks up at something before walking back towards them and picking up a chair "what are you doing now?" Hank says feeling quite startled at the sudden abruptness of the situation "I'm going to check something" it says before disapearing into the attic which hank had only just spotted. After 5 minutes of silence hank yells out "Connor what the fuck is going on up there!" There's a few seconds of silence before a muffled "its here lieutenant" is heard, this causes hank to take over comands as connor drags the newly found android down from the attic.

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