Chapter 8

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The next day hank is actually on time for work for the first time in 3 years because he had an idea over night, on who to go to, to find out what is going on with androids and why the fuck they are going deviant on such a massive scale. Once in the precinct he's at his desk in less than 10 minutes and starts to find old contacts "hey its hank, i need a favour" is all he has to say before the person on the other line gets shit done and within 2 hours of getting in he's heading back out and collecting connor "we've got someone to see" once connor was in the car hank then headed out of Detroit and into the wilderness.

After a long drive of connor asking a million questions, hank finally sees their destination, it wasn't exactly hard when it was a huge ass house in the middle of nowhere. He gets out but stops in his tracks when his work phone goes off "anderson" he says and is expecting to be yelled at but the somber tone of his captain has him on edge "hank its chris, he got attacked by a bunch of deviants last night" why had no one told him this whilst he'd been in the precinct?

He hears "we lost him a few minutes ago" oh fuck not chris, he hangs up without saything anything as connor comes up behind him "is everything alright lieutenant" and all Hank can do is shake his head before explaining, Why'd it have to be chris? He has a wife and a 5 month old for fucks sake!

He notices connor bow his head in respect for the fallen officer and hank can't help but smile at that, once he's cleared his head hank starts walking upto the front door "how did you find kamski?" Connor asks as he walks a few feet behind him making hank shrug "this guy was all over the news when androids first started popping up. If anyone knows whats going on its him" connor doesn't say anything after that so hank rings the door bell.

Just as hank starts to think that no ones home the door opens and a female android is standing there, this makes his brain stop working for a few seconds as he tries and fails to talk to such a nice looking girl "uh im lieutenant anderson, I've come to talk to a uh mr Elijah Kamski" the android stares for a few seconds before letting them in and hank is blown away as he sits down to look at everything, connor wanders around scanning every thing "nice girl" hank says not expecting a response but is happy when connor says "you're right, shes really pretty" so hank wasn't the only one to think that.

Connor sits down just as the female android comes back out of a random door leading to who knows where "Elijah will see you now" hank walks in first and finds a giant red pool with two smiliar looking female androids and the guy they had come to see either standing at the side or swimming back and forth "mr Kamski?" He says confused only to be told that the man they were there to see wasnt actually ready to see them yet, so hank watches connor walk around the room taking everything in but eventually kamski gets out of the pool just as hank was starting to get pissed off.

Once the android maid or whatever the fuck she was had dressed the man, kamski finally addressed him "what can i do for you lieutenant?" The way he stands annoys hank for some reason that he can't identify "we are investigating deviants, i was hoping you could tell us something we don't know" kamski doesn't say much of anything that could be useful to their case and just talks about philosophy which makes hank roll his eyes "what about you connor? Whos side are you on" christ this guy is fucking weird, yet hank is curious as to what connor would say "i dont have a side" hank crosses his arms hoping for something better than that if he can be programmed to say shit like that what else could he say that sounds genuine?

Kamski steps closer and continues asking what connor really wants but gets one of connors boring answers, he then changes tactic and calls the android maid known as chloe over to them. What the fuck is this guy trying to do? Hank bearly listens to what the guys saying until he not only made chloe kneel before them but he's opening a draw and pulling out a gun.

Hank begins to regret ever fucking coming here as Elijah puts the gun into connors hand. He can't believe that this lunatic is even trying to get connor to shoot the poor girl just to get the information that they want "connor dont" he says as he really doesn't want to see the poor android on the floor get her brains blown out. Connor finally gets the chance to decide and instantly moves the gun away from where it was pointing with a startled gasp.

It doesn't really shock hank because he's seen connor choose not to shoot before, but it still confuses him so once connor had joined him outside he cant help but ask "why didn't you shoot?" This makes connor who seemed to be power walking to stop a few steps below him "i just saw that girls eyes and i couldn't" Jesus his voice is shaking, what the fuck is going on with him "you're always saying you'd do anything to accomplish your mission" connor turns on his heel to face hank and boy did he look troubled "i know what i should have done! I'm telling you i couldn't!" Jesus he's defending himself far too much for an android thats only a 'machine' like he told kamski "well maybe you did the right thing" he tells the conflicted android before walking to the car to wait for him to figure everything out.

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