Chapter 6

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Hank doesn't remember passing out only that he'd been playing russian roulette but when the last time he pressed the trigger of his gun it had clicked so he downed half of his scotch or maybe it was whiskey that he was drinking, but now he can hear someone talking and sumo barking. The next thing he knows is there's a light tapping on his face "lieutenant" a teasing voice that reminded hank of someone, this makes hank open his eyes in response before mumbling something incoherent before a harsh slap brings him back into consciousness "it's me connor" what the fuck was it doing in his house and how the fuck did it get in?!

After yelling at the android and getting nothing but bullshit in response, hank found himself moving upwards then walking towards the living room "sumo attack!" He yells to the sleepy dog that had just come into his sights, he doesn't expect his dog to do anything but he hears a growly bark in response "good dog" he soon finds himself against the wall and grumbles out "think im gonna be sick" as all the movement in the last few minutes has fucked with his head and stomach. As he tries to stay upright he finds himself being pulled into the bathroom and then hes been seated on the bath which he snorts at but is startled as he gets pushed into the bath and gets stuck.

In his drunken haze hank doesn't realise Whats going on until it hits him "COLD! TURN IT OFF!" The fucker was using the shower to sober him up! Thankfully its over as soon as it began "what the fuck are you doing here?" He demands now freezing cold and slightly sober and gets a long winded answer about a homicide and how connor couldn't find him so he checked here instead, does hank even want to know how it got his address?

Finally finding the strength to push himself up and out of his bath he growls "get the fuck outta here!" To which connor actually starts to leave the room "guess it wasn't interesting anyway, a man found dead in a sex club downtown? Guess they will have to solve it without us" it says getting to the door way as hank relents talking about how iy would be good to get some air.

Connor gets him some clean clothes but stops to ask if hank is alright "wonderful, ill be out in 5 minutes okay?" hank is suprised when it leaves the room closing the door behind itself as hank finished throwing up, once he's sure the sickness feelinh has fully disapated he stands up and moves over to the sink and washes his face, then grabs a towel to dry his hair as he does this he hears connor say "what were you doing with the gun?" And he can't help but answer honestly "russian roulette!" He receives an answer to this but doesn't pay enough attention to hear a word of it. Hank eventually gets dressed and just like he promised he was ready in the 5 minute time frame that he gave himself.

As he came into the living room he noticed that Connor was crouching beside sumo who was in the corner, he watched as it patted the dogs back a few times before petting him, hank could feel a small smile grace his lips, an android that liked animals huh that was new. Connor stood up quickly as he noticed hanks presence as it came to stand beside him "be a good dog sumo, i wont be long" he quietly hoped this at least as he took one good look at the weather and almost turned back into the house.

Thankfully connor was the one to drive as the both of them agreed that hank was in no fit state to drive in this weather, it took 15 minutes of heavy traffic before they arrived at their destination and hank gave the place a once over "you sure this is the place?" Once connor confirms it is hank gets out and makes his headache even worse by hitting his head off the roof.

He stands at the enterance of the place as connor takes his sweet ass time getting out of the car "sexiest androids in town, now i know why you instisted on coming here" he rolls his eyes as connor walks right past him and inside the building without a word, which causes hank to share a look with the officer standing guard so that no one gets in or out before he too walks in to find his superior and find out what the fuck happend in the last few hours.

Once he's been briefed on the situation he scopes the place and finds that connor is standing uncomforably close to him as the superior tells him that gavin is in the room they are about to go in, which sours hanks mood even more because thats just what he needs a dead body and an asshole to deal with.

As usual reed has some shit he has to say but this time he includes connor in his little complaint, but at least the detective knows that there's someone in the room that out ranks him because he doesn't take it any further, although he does purposely shoulder check connor on the way out. Once the door has slid shut connor instantly starts to investigate, stopping by the human and scanning him for a few minutes before saying "he didnt die of a heart attack, he was strangled" well no shit!

Hank can see the bruises from where he's standing but that doesn't tell them anything "it could have been rough play" he says as he shrugs whilst watching connor move onto the broken android in the corner. He has to look away as connor takes some blue blood that was streaming out the androids nosr onto it's fingers and licks it "ah connor! Your so disgusting" hank honestly believes he might puke again.

Connor starts messing with the downed android and it suddenly boots up which scares the fuck out of hank as he watches it crawl away from connor and only stops when it hits the wall, connor talks to it but the only part that hank cares about is when it says "there were two of us! He wanted to play with two girls" before shutting down again seconds later, god damn was that shit creepy. Hank goes back out to talk to the manager to see if anything like this has happend before "no! Well yeah, a few months back a guy took one home and it never came back" wait hank does recall seeing an wr400 on connors list of deviant shit on the terminal it was on.

The more questions hank asks the more sketchy the manager becomes but before hank can say anything else connor is calling for him. He goes to it and immediately regrets it as the fucker asks him to rent the traci they were stood in front of, begrudgingly he agrees and is instantly awkward towards the thing as he declines going to a room with it.

Connor grabs its arm with a hand thats now white and does something with it where both just blink rapidly, hank starts to think that the both of them are broken when connor pulls away "it saw something!" It says moving away as the traci looks between the two of them clearly confused as to what the fuck is happening "a blue haired traci leave the room" how in the fuck are we gonna find something as unique as that?

Hank is once again awkward with the traci as he gets it to go back into its pod again, once that shit over with he follows connor around as it gets a trail that takes them through the entire building until they reach a staff only part of the building "hold it" hank says as he brings out his gun to breach and clear the room.

He goes one way checking the opened door way that leads to who knows where as connor goes another way "we're too late!" He yells as he walks around disgusted that people use these machines till they break and then they just get tossed out and a new one takes it's place! No wonder the world is the way it is, people would rather fuck one of these instead of an actual human being who can love you back!

There's suddenly commotion at the left side of the room and hank turns quick enough to see connor get tackled by a brown haired traci "don't move!" He yells and feels something grab him, he turns to face his attacker and lo and behold it's the blue haired traci they'd been searching for. Hank begins grappling with it but is soon pushed into a corner, but he can hear connor having it's own fight close by as he pushes the traci away from him only to trip on something that had been moved in Connors fight.

By now connor and it's traci had disapeared which causes the blue haired traci to rush outside with hank quickly following, once out there he finds connor and the brown haired traci laying on the ground and hank is suddenly apprehensive that the traci had made connor shut down as it stands up and pushes hank to the floor, this causes him to lose his gun but connor whos now upright again is chasing them and has picked up the gun.

But dispite the fact that all three of them have stopped moving connor doesn't fire "i didn't mean to kill him! I just wanted to get back to the one i love" is what hank catches of the conversation which the blue haired traci seems to have instigated "forget the smell of sweat and their dirty words" and with that the two traci's start climbing the fence and connor aims the gun at the floor as the two of them run off into the night "maybe it's better this way" he says quietly before walking back through the maze of a building leaving connor standing there.

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