Connor at cyberlife tower: hanks perspective

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Later that night whilst hank is laying on the couch with his big behemoth of a dog, theres a knock at his door. Looking at sumo in confusion "who could that be?' He asks whilst struggling to stand up and answer his door "lieutenant i need your help at the cyberlife tower" he hears the voice of his partner as soon as the door is opened, this confuses him even more because what the fuck could be happening there?

There's been nothing on the news other than some deviants protesting peacefully some place down town. Crossing his arms scowling at connor he grumbles "im not going anywhere in this weather" it's been snowing like a motherfucker for the last 3 hours and he'd rather stay in a place thats warm thanks.

Connor suddenly pulls out a gun and points it right at him "i wont ask again lieutenant anderson" fuck this isn't the connor that he was talking to a few hours ago, what the fuck's happend to him?! He raises his hands in surrender feeling genuinely frightend for the first time in his life "let me get ready then we'll go" the fucker gives him five minutes but hank is ready in 3.

The new connor drives them to the cyberlife tower, thankfully it's put the gun away but it still gives him a chilling look any time he moves to get comfortable. Christ even when connor first met hank he was nothing like this! They go in a secret way and head underground where hank sees thousands upon thousands of androids just standing in rows, not doing anything which is where this fucker of an android decides they were going to hide.

Fuck all happens for god knows how long as hank makes uncomfortable eye contact with the stationary androids around him but all of a sudden 6 guards approach the elevator closest to them.

As soon as it opens all hell breaks loose and hank sees connor fighting the guards whilst holdind a dead one to protect himself. Oh fucking hell he killed the guards in the elevator, now hes just Shot another 6! Is the connor he's watching the one that left the station? What the fucks he doing here of all places?

Fake connor pulls him further up the rows of Androids and stops just as the real connor starts walking up the middle and stops a good 5 rows away from where the two of them are standing. It must look like connor is about to do something to the android hes standing beside because fake connor suddenly pushes him forwards so that they are visible to the real one.

The fucking gun is being pointed at him again only its inches away now "step back connor! And ill spare him" it says once connor is looking at them "sorry connor, this bastard is your spitting image" it didn't really help that there was a gun involved to get him here either, connor for once in his life listens to an order and as he turns to face them, hank realises What's different about him, connor is a deviant!

The two of them talk back and forth before real connor lauches himself at the one about to shoot its gun. Hank manages to get out of the way only to watch them land a shit ton of punches so both of them are missing skin textures.

They start rolling around on the floor wrestling each other for a good 5 minutes before one of them has the other pinned "hold it!" Both of them get up slowly and right connor starts talking "thanks hank, i don't know what id do with out you" yes you do you piece of shit "get rid of him! We have no time to loose" he glares as it tries to make a move towards him and trains the gun at that one. Left connor suggest asking questions only the real connor would know "where'd we first meet" right connor rattles it off perfectly causing left connor to tense and mutter something.

He aims the gun from one connor to the other making sure neither move as he thinks of another question "whats my dogs name" left connor seems almost excited to answer the question whilst right connor complains that he knew it too, last question "my son, whats his name" it was the moment of truth "cole, his name was cole" left connor answers with his head bowed slightly "he'd just turned six at the time of the accident, it wasn't your fault hank!" Fuck thats his connor he can hear how emotional connor sounds as he speaks about the accident and how hank had come to hate androids "i lost my son because a human surgeon was too high on red ice to operate!" He yells finally accepting it was a human error that made him lose his son not an androids.

Once he'd finished speaking hank aims the gun at right connor and fires a bullet right between its eyes "ive learned a lot since i met you connor, maybe there's something to this" he says as he makes eye contact with the real connor who's got a tiny smile on his face "maybe you'll be the one's to make the world a better place" he lets connor do whatever the fuck he was going to do before they'd interrupted, watches as connor grabs the hand of the same android he'd been facing earlier and yells "wake up!" At him and pulls away.

The reaction is instant as every android that had been standing completly still and silent for the last half hour suddenly start moving saying "wake up" to each other until every single one of them is awake and waiting for connor to tell them what to do next.

But connor walks to hank and holds out his hand, confused hank takes it, connor then shakes it firmly "thank you for everything hank" he says and just before he disapears hank yells "hey! If you survive this shit meet me at chicken feed tomorrow at 1pm?" Connor smiles the first real smile hank had ever seen before giving him a mock salute "1pm!" He shouts back before every single android disapears and hank goes back home, turns the tv channel onto the news and is just in time to see connor marching down the streets of detroit with his army of androids. And for the second time in two days hank felt an overwhelming amount of pride for the android.

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