Chapter 9

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Once hank had dropped connor off at cyberlife he headed back to the station, before he even got inside he noticed that something wasn't right as every human police officer were running around like headless chickens and it wasn't until hank looked at one of the many tv's that he found out why.

There was a massive crowd of deviants marching down town and he was on high alert instantly, he watched them all stand still as the swat team order them to disperse. These deviants are ballsy because even as they get shot at they dont move.

They are ordered to disperse again but one deviant who must be the leader steps forward, instantly getting shot at, he falls to the floor but before the one swat member thats approached can shoot him a different android appears from the crowd to defend the fallen leader and is ultimately shot straight between the eyes and dragged away, the huge crowd of deviants had disappeared but hank is sure as fuck that they would be seeing them again, somewhere else in the near future.

He works overtime that night as they try and figure out how in the fuck a group of Androids so big managed to go undetected until today, but no one in the precinct is able to find any answers so at 7am the next morning they all go home and are told not to come back till the following day.

Well everyone but hank is allowed this because once he's had less than 5 hours sleep, fowler is calling him back in. Only this time he's wanting both him and connor in his office "your off the case" he says the moment that connor has even closed the door and hank has to let that sink in for a few seconds "what? You cant do that! Not when we're so close" hank can't believe this!

He was finally getting into a case and he hasn't felt this type of determination in years, not since he was taken off the red ice team! His captain can only shrug looking apologetic for once in his life "it's out of our hands now" god fucking damn it! When had their investigation turned into a civil war?! How in the fuck had hank not noticed this?

Fowler had sat back down now "your back on homicide and the android returns to cyberlife" oh fuck this shit! Hank storms out of the office and goes to sit at his desk, ignoring all the looks he's getting, connor comes to stand by him "so your goin back to cyberlife?" He asks as it wouldn't be the first time but this would be the last time he'd ever see the android "ill be disassembled to see why i failed" Hank's eyes widen, holy fuck they are gonna kill his partner for not figuring this deviant shit out fast enough!

Hank leans forward "what if we are on the wrong side? What if we are fighting people who just wanna be free?" He asks to see what type of reaction he'd get "i guess we'll see when i get to jericho" connor says as he sits on Hank's desk and its the first real human thing hanks seen connor do. He cant help but jab at the android "when you refused to shoot that girl back at kamski's place you showed empathy, you put yourself in her shoes" connor's eyes move around the room and his face falls a little more before "im not programmed to say things like this, but with a little more time we could have become friends" hank feels a smile trying to make its way into his lips but a movement at the main enterance distracts him.

Ah christ here comes perkins, just what he needed, he isn't the only one to have a reaction because connor suddenly stands up "we need more time! Or maybe i could look at the evidence we collected" Jesus this guy is becoming panicked and hank didnt even know that was a thing androids could even imitate "i know the solution is in there" groaning hank gets out of his chair and sees connor deflate "key to the vault is on my desk" he says leaning towards connor so no one else hears the conversation.

Once connor had walked in the direction he wanted to go hank approached Perkins and when close enough he did the thing he's wanted to do since he first met him, he punches him as hard as he can whilst yelling "perkins! You motherfucker!" Which causes every officer near by to scramble in their direction.

Hank keeps up the facade that perkins had somehow done something to rile him up "let me at that fucker!" He says whilst being restrained by one of his friends "hes Totaly lost it" perkins says holding his nose as fowler joins them "ill have your badge for this" he hears as he's dragged to the other side of the precinct, but he couldnt give a flying fuck that felt way to god damn good. Fowler shakes his head trying not to look amused by what just went down, but he was failing miserably "what was that?" He asks once they are in his office and the blackout wall has been put up so no one could figure out what was going on.

Hank shrugs "he pissed me off and he got what he deserved" he watches as his captain just shakes his head and starts typing up a report "you can either hand in your badge or go on unpaid time off" hank decided on the unpaid time off because he knew it could have been so much worse, he knows what it actually is but fowler is being far too patient with him "there goes connor" he says and hank turns in time to see connor walking straight to the main entrance and disapearing and a few minutes later an unconscious gavin is taken to the infermary after being found knocked out in the evidence locker.

Somehow Hank knew that connor had something to do with it and couldn't be prouder.

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