Chapter 5

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Ignoring the gloomy but annoyed look the android beside him had on it's face, hank drove in the complete opposite direction to the station he'd rather get an early lunch than be sat around explaining how they manage to Lose their suspect. Parking up and turning off the radio thats been blasting heavy metal the entire ride here to ensure connor didn't try to talk or explain his actions earlier he gets out without a word slightly suprised that connor didn't say anything about joining him, and immediately has to stop one of the fancy autonomous cars from hitting him.

Once that shits over with he meets up with gary ordering his usual burger "the plastic with you?" He gets asks mainly out of suprise, to which he grunts out an answer before pedro appears from around the corner "i gotta hot new tip for you" oh here we go again, the last few tips he's had set him back a few weeks wages but soon gives his friend some money before he disapears with a departing "you won't regret this" yeah we'll see about that, unsuprisingly connor has followed him and soon moves to stand beside him. As expected the fucking thing doesn't keep quiet "I'd like to apologise for my behaviour back at the station" hank can't help but roll his eyes as it yammers on about some shit he doesn't care about "they even gave you a brown nosed apology protocol, damn company thought of every thing" before it can say anything hank gets his food and heads to a near by table.

He can't help but snicker as connor follows him like a lost puppy and stands at the other side of the table "enjoy your meal" it says suprising hank for the first time as it actually shuts up long enough for him to eat at least half the burger "your meal contains more than 1.4 the recommended daily intake of calories and twice the cholesterol levels, you shouldnt eat that" hank dispite not giving a shit couldn't help but look down at the burger he was eating before shrugging "everyone's gotta die of something" it looks a little confused at this and shuts up for a minute or two "is there anything you'd like to know about me?" Yeah maybe why the fuck you don't shut up.

Hank shrugs trying to shut any friendliness down but back tracks "why'd they make your face so goofy and give you a weird voice?" He says tilting his head a little as he waits for the long winded answer about integration with humans and some other shit that hank doesn't pay any attention too "well they fucked up" is all he says before moving to finish the burger as connor explains what it seems to know on deviants already whilst hank stares in complete confusion trying to figure out how the fuck it's figured this much out in less than two days "emotions screw everything up, perhaps they Arn't as different as we thought" he says before drinking almost half of his large soda in 3 gulps "so you dealt with deviants before?" He asks after a deep breath.

Connor nods a little "a few months back, a deviant was threatening to jump off the roof with a little girl" Hank's eyes widen a little hearing that, holy fuck he'd watched connor save that little girl then end up plummeting off the roof! Once that small shock wore off he changes the subject "done your homework on me?" what a stupid thing to ask it probably knows every littlr detail about him "i know you graduated top of your class and became the youngest lieutenant in detroit, you have a lot of disaplinary warnings and spend a lot of time in bars" hank rolls his eyes at the little add on at the end but doesn't say anything to counter act it "so what's your conclusion" does he even want to know the answer to that?

Connor seems to think of an answer which lets hank start on his fries "working with an officer with personal issues is an added challenge but adapting to human unpredictability is one of my features" okay first of all why the fuck did connor just wink at him, second why did connor sound slightly nervous when it said 'personal issues' and third what the fuck is going on with its light thingy? Its as if connor started lagging for a few seconds because it suddenly starts moving "theres a deviant sighting a few blocks away, maybe we should check it out" again hank thought he would be dragged to his car but the android just left him to eat while it goes to sit in the car. Maybe connor wasn't as bad as he thought.

When hank pulled up to the building 10 minutes later he almost scoffed at the thought of anything being here human or android, but he got into the elevator with connor anyway. He walked out to their floor but was slightly confused when he saw connor stood in place with its eyes closed "hey connor! Run outta batteries or what?" Watching as connors eyes opened hank crossed his arms waiting for an explaination "i was sending a report to cyberlife" damn hank wishes he could do something like that instead of sitting in the same spot for hours with annoying co workers like gavin pissing him off, they eventually get to where they need to be with connor taking charge knocking firmly waiting for something to happen. Hank shrugs when it looks at him before connor knocks harder and yells "open up! Detroit police!" Damn it can be intimidating, he's suddenly moving to draw his gun when something clatters inside and he orders connor to get behind him.

Kicking the door down as hard as he can, the only thing that appears in his vision is at least 20 pigeons flying towards him and out of the door, checking the rooms one by one as he slowly moves down the corridor he notices connor disapearing into one as he waits to breach and clear the last room, once connor is standing behind him again hank kicks the door hard enough that it almost breaks from the hinges getting startled by a flock of pigeons that fly at him again and scopes the two connecting rooms as connor walks around "our guys gone looks like we came for nothin" he grumbles as connor walks past him again and tells him about a fake id before disapearing into the connecting bathroom.

It mentions something about an led in the sink as hank opens the window to let some clean air in before joining it as it stares at the wall filled with what looked like mazes and 'RA9' which confused the both of them as hank went back out into the main room so connor could finish whatever the fuck it was doing in the first place, he yelled at any pigeions that got in his way before connor walked by him again and to a chair in the corner stairing up into a hole in the ceiling. Something suddenly jumps on top of his android partner sending it to the floor as it fled "what are you waiting for?! Chase it!" Hank yells as connor got to its feet again and within seconds hank is the only one in the room. Hank tries to follow only just catching up enough to see connor vault its self through a broken window before they are gone again.

The next time hank catches up he watches as the run away deviant and connor ride on top of a passing train, the deviant disapears over a high wall with connor climbing up the ladder and doing the same a few moments later and the chase was back on with neither of them in sight, hank takes a detour ending up at the end of a corn field just as their deviant emerges out of it "stop right there!" He yells taking over because who knows where the fuck connor is, but the deviant doesn't stop instead pushes hank over the ledge leaving hank to cling on for dear life as he tries not to look down, then there's a hand on his arm pulling him back over "shit! Oh shit!" Is all hank yells once hes back on solid ground.

He looks up to find connor standing above him "i should have been faster" it says looking away from him "you'd have caught it, if it wasn't for me" ah well we know what it looks like and with that hank starts walking back the way he came "oh and connor" he says as it turns to face him, thanks "nothing" he says instead before heading back to find his car with connor following a few minutes later, but the android doesn't get into the car it heads in a different direction but hank really couldn't care less.

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