Chapter 14

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Sorry for lack of updates! And sorry for any mistakes.

Things seemed to go smoothly from then Daryl got a job working in the auto shop and we had also booked to see the doctor and today was our first appointment. I sat in the small waiting room tapping my foot watching the clock tick where was he?

"Miss Daley?" The nurse called.

I sighed and gave a small smile standing to my full heigh and followed her into the doctors office, it was pretty much empty just a desk,chair and a bed with a couple posters. She smiled and told me to sit on the bed and wait for the doctor to come in.

"Ah Miss Daley." He smiled,

"Dr Webbs."

"So let's get straight into this shall we?"

I nodded, this was probably going to be the most uncomfortable thing ever picking and prodding taking tests and asking me questions and I had to do it all on my own. No doubt Bruce made him work over time and he will obviously say yes.

"Thank you." I smiled closing the door and walking back into the waiting room.

I look over to the corner to see Daryl sat there hanging his head fiddling with his keys, his eyes slowly meet mine and he stands. I smiled a little he looked like a scolded kid waiting to see the headmaster.

"I'm sorry I just..."

"It's fine, I get it."

"No it ain't fine Bruce was..."

"We are both healthy." I smiled handing him the ultra sound photo.

He squinted and then looked at me, "I don't see it."

I giggled, "Just there."

I pointed to the tiny dot in the middle and he squinted again. "So tiny."

"Yeah I'm only 6 weeks."

"It's been that long..." He mumbled.

"Yeah it's been that long Daryl."

"So when you gotta come back?"

"Uh they will call me to arrange an appointment."

"I promise I will be there next time."

I gave him a flat smile I guess I didn't know if to believe that or not I gave him the spare copy of the ultra sound and a quick peck on the cheek before I left heading home to get some rest seeming the night before I got stuck at the shop finishing a job on a truck with Daryl because the owner demanded it this morning.

"Sam?" Daryl called,

I poked my head up from the couch I could see Daryl's truck outside so no doubt he'd finished work, I rubbed my eyes before getting up an answer the door, surprisingly enough he'd brought dinner.

"Didn't think you'd come baring food to me Dixon."

"Figured you'd come straight home and sleep so brought some..."

"So you didn't make it then?" I smirked,

"No." He chuckled,

"So what is it?"

"I got you a Chinese Chicken Salad Daisy said you liked it and I got a burger."

"So you asked her to make us this?"

"Yeah at short noticed I was gonna take you out but I knew you were tired."

"Thank you." I smiled kissing his cheek,

"No problem."

We sat down at my table and Daryl dished up the food if I'm honest I was quite surprised if of though he wanted to go home and rest not try and make up for missing the ultrasound I told him it wasn't a huge deal although I suppose he saw past that,

"I wanted to say sorry for earlier, I wanted to be there."

"I know you did it weren't your fault."

He looked at the clock on the wall, "Getting a little late."

"It's okay I don't mind you hanging around."

"Dont you wanna sleep?" He said stacking our plates,

I hugged myself, "stay?"

"I got work in the morning Sam."

"Never mind then, let yourself out." I sighed getting up from the table.

"Sam don't be like that."

"One night wouldn't hurt you Daryl."

He placed the dishes in the sink and started to run some hot water and turned to look at me leaning against the counter behind him, I just looked at my feet I didn't know what to say. I watched him start to wash the dishes I could see him tense up from knowing I was watching him.

"Go get some rest Sam."

I sighed,"See you at work then."

I started to head towards the stairs when he cleared his throat I looked back to seem him cocking his brow, "No kiss?" He said, I smiled a little and went back to give him a peck on the lips and then finally made my way up stairs.

Alrighty then, there's a chapter for you guys I know it's been a long time since I updated this and I do apologise! I could give you the reasons but their just excuses right? Two jobs and one day off I try haha :) please comment and vote it means a lot but also check out my other two stories And If By Chance and My Red Neck Angel.

The Only Way He Knows Pre-Apocolyptic (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now