Chapter 15

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Sorry for any mistakes not spell or grammar checked,

It'd been a couple weeks since the ultra sound and Daryl has been a busy bee working all the hours he can which just means he's always sleeping we haven't seen much of each other out of work but it's enough. The boys from work invited us out for a couple drinks although I was hesitant I decided to join Daryl on the other hand he's working.

"So Sam are you single?" Floyd's brother Lee said.

"Um no I'm not single it's complicated." I smiled.

"Aw who ever the guy is he's on lucky son of a bitch." He chuckled taking a swig of his beer.

"Hey Sam you want another juice?"

"Yes please Dean."

"Why ain't you drinking?" Lee asked,

All the boys from the shop new but seeming Floyd's brother was in town he tagged along so he doesn't know I'm knocked up and I didn't really want to go shouting this news out in public.

"I'm taking it easy I had a couple weeks were I binged gotta let my body rest."

"Ah I see so you ain't knocked up then?" He chuckled.

A couple of locals heads turned looking in my direction but I shook my head with a laugh, "Now why would I do that? I got my life to live first."

As the night went on more people stumbled in and the boys got even more intoxicated it was that bad poor Dean had even had one to many it was all okay until The Samuels walked in and they hadn't forgot what went on I'm sure they ain't best pleased I weren't in contact.

"Hey now." Blake smiled bowing his hat to me.

"Hey." I smiled taking a sip of my juice.

"Now why ain't a pretty thing like you got a proper drink in your hand and a man by your side?"

"Mind your own."


He laughed and then ordered 3 beers one for him,his brother and me. I refuse of course but he kept pushing it. The more they drunk the more pushy they got. It was about 20 minutes later and they still wouldn't quit.

"Drink it, a man like me don't go buying drinks for a women like you."

"Excuse me?" I laughed.

"You think your gods gift or something?" Luke huffed.

"Don't yah get a girl ain't interested." I sighed heading outside to find Dean.

I pushed my way through the people in the bar outside where a small group of people were I could see the boys all crowded around Floyd's car that had just been done up and now looks pretty sweet.

"You don't walk all over me like that Daley." Blake hissed pinning me to the wall by my wrists.

"Get the fuck off me!" I snapped,

"You disrespect me after I save your ass."

"You didn't save me, you think your some knight in shining armour?" I laughed.

"You keep up your yapping I ain't afraid to hit a women."

I squirmed in his grip as he shouted some more abuse at me, he wanted me to leave with him and it wasn't happening. No one seemed to pay attention and it didn't surprise me as the locals do tend to avoid drama.

"Now I'm gonna ask again, you wanna come with me?"

I laughed and then spat in his face, he decided to strike me across the face with a painful slap and that's when I saw Daryl jump out of his truck not seeing Blake raise his fist to me.

"You bastard!" I cried as his fist met my stomach.

Daryl tore Blake away from me throwing him to the floor beating him senseless, Dean ran to me whilst the rest of the boys tried to hold Daryl back. It scared me how strong Daryl was when he got mad not even 5 grown men could hold him back.

"You trying to play hero or something?" Blake laughed with blood in his mouth,

Daryl stood there being held back, fists clenched and sweat dripping off of him along with some blood as Blake managed to get a few good punches in.

"You alright?" Dean said helping me up.

"I don't know." I shook holding my stomach.

"You stay away from her." Daryl growled.

"Or what Dixon?" Blake chuckled,

Daryl managed to lunge at Blake throwing another punch, the boys got him under control and he finally turned his attention to me. His eyes softened and the boys loosened there grips letting him go.

"You alright?"

"I'm fine, Dare your face."

'"I don't give a damn we gotta get you checked out." He huffed taking hold of my hand.

"Dare I'm fine!"

"I ain't taking no chances Sam."

He basically dragged me to the car and when I got in silence fell but that's when I could feel the impact of Blake's punch finally kick in. I hunched over clutching my stomach trying to help numb it.

"Sam..." Daryl said rubbing my back..

"Just take me home. I wanna go home."

"I wanna get you checked out."

"I don't wanna be spending my time in no damn hospital."

"Too bad."

The hospital...

"Everything seems to be Normal, just slight bruising I urge you to come back if the pain doesn't subside within a day." The nurse smiled wiping the gel off of my tiny bump.

I smiled taking in what she said, Daryl just sat there holding my hand the entire time I think he was more worried than me which was kind of cute. The journey home was relaxed Daryl had put on some of his favourite music which settled us both.

"You gonna be alright on your own?" He asked leaning on the door.

I held my stomach and took a deep breath. "Stay."

"I was hoping you'd ask." He smirked shyly.

I giggled a little taking his hand pulling him further into the house. He seemed to be much more relaxed when it was just me and him and honestly I loved it. We laid In my bed watching some late night tv some animal garbage but we enjoyed it.

"I ain't never loved someone like this." He sighed kissing my head.

"Back at you Dixon." I smiled.

"I'm gonna try my best for you's I know I ain't perfect."

"I love you the way you are, make mistakes be a jerk because that's you."

"I wanna do good by you Sam." He sighed again his hand gently resting on my tummy.

"That's all I need." I smile putting my hand over his.

Sometimes I forget i actually posted this one on Wattpad but I shall try update it more often :) comment and vote also check out my other stories!! :P

The Only Way He Knows Pre-Apocolyptic (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now