Attack on Titan

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The Wolf Pack gathered inside the hangar with multiple Widows waiting for their departure. Spider was making sure his L-Star was loaded, Winter had equipped her Longbow DMR, alongside her Spitfire.
The crew now boarded the Widows and were waiting for further instructions. Banshee was breathing rather heavily, this concerned Winter, as she never seen Banshee this nervous before a mission, Banshee had always been very "fearless" person in battle. She couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or simple nervousness.
Kate tapped Lara's leg.
Kate:What's the matter, you're never like this before a mission. Is it because where we're going?'S nothing, okay.
Kate left Lara to herself, while still keep an eye on her.
Lara continued to breath heavily.
Lara:I have a very bad feeling about this. Kate,(snaps fingers) flask.
With this being said Kate immediately reached for Lara's flask.
Kate:No Lara, you don't need a drink!
Lara:Kate! Just a little bit for courage.
Kate:No! You don't need a drink, we need you fully sober.
Lara:Barker would say otherwise. Please , JUST A LITTLE.
Kate:"Just a little".
The Widows engine began to rumble and began to take flight.
Widow-Pilot:Next stop Core Systems.
The pack had finally arrived to the Core Systems. Lara had fallen asleep during the flight.
Spider:Did she really fall asleep, flight wasn't even that long.
Widow-Pilot:Alright ladies and germs we have arrived to your Final destination. Naaw, just kidding.
Kate woke Lara up.
Kate:Get your gear, we've arrived.
Lara hesitantly removed the guardrail from her seat and took a swig from her flask only to notice it was half empty.
Lara:Fuckin' hell Kate.
Ryuu:Alright everyone get inside your titans, and remain inside till we arrive at this research facility, unless you wish to freeze to death.
As the ship reached Titan's atmosphere and began it's decent in to the moon's landscape, the pilots took a look threw the ships windows, and couldn't help but admire the scenery that was in front of them.

As the ship reached Titan's atmosphere and began it's decent in to the moon's landscape, the pilots took a look threw the ships windows, and couldn't help but admire the scenery that was in front of them

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Kate:You know, in the midst of all this chaos we never really take the chance and appreciate the little things in life

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Kate:You know, in the midst of all this chaos we never really take the chance and appreciate the little things in life. Like, look at all this, it's truly awe inspiring .
Spider:Yeah too bad you can't live her, just breathing here would kill ya. But you're right, not a bad view, not a bad view at all.
Before the ship landed Barker walked up to Ryuu to say something.
Barker:You know it's wonderful having you guys put your life out on the line for a truly great cause.
Ryuu:Enough with the bullshit, is there any real reason you're here.
Barker:Look once you guys have what we need, make sure you signal us, so we know exactly where to  pick you guys up.
Ryuu:(pats Barker's shoulder) No problem.
The ship landed and the automatic doors began to open, allowing titans clear entrance onto Titan's surface.
Spider:Alright, you ready for this big guy?
KRUGER05:Always pilot.
Spider:That's what I like to hear.
Banshee:So how long towards this research lab?
Ronin:My titan is showing about 25 klicks east of our locations. So what y'all waiting for, least get moving.
Doom:What if we encounter enemy infantry?
Ronin:I doubt we'll see enemy infantry here, but titans may be a different story.
Banshee:We'll worry about it then, until than shoot anything that moves.
Sarah:(over radio)Wolf Pack this Commander Sarah Briggs do you copy?
Doom:Loud and clear.
Ronin:Is the helmet cam live?
Sarah:(over radio)Yeah, we see you. Keep heading east and keep in contact.
Ronin:Roger that.
The group kept pedaling forward to their waypoint, Spider and Winter for the most part couldn't get over the scenery around them.
Winter:Spider, do you read?
Spider:Loud and clear.
Winter:A'int it a beautiful sight.
Spider:Yeah you said so while we were in the ship.
Winter:I just can not get over it.
Vermilion:Hate to cut your conversation short but boss, I think you should come take a look at this.
Vermilion called Ronin over to a rather chilling discovery.
Ronin:Are those bodies?
Vermilion:There appear to be about five, three of them male.
Ronin:Matt scan those bodies.
MTT321:Affirmative. Scanning. Identity unidentifiable.
Ronin:How long have they been deceased.
Worry hit Ronin like a shockwave, fearing that one of those bodies could belong to his missing wife.
MTT321:They appear to be decaying at an alarming rate, it is hard to get a clear reading.
Ronin:Just guess.
MTT321:Approximately 7-13 days.
Vermilion waited for a response from Ronin but he kept staring at the bodies. He was lost in his own thoughts with a mix of worry and vexation.
Ronin:Never mind, lets just keep moving.
As minutes passed the crew ran into some trouble along the way.
SID515:Pilot, I'm detecting enemy forces up ahead.
Winter:Roger that. Did anyone else hear that as-well.
Ronin:Yes, enemy forces, hold up a second.... Commander Briggs this Ronin do you copy.
Sarah:(over radio)As clear as day, there a problem?
Ronin:We are detecting enemy forces up ahead, how should we handle this?
Sarah:How many?
Ronin:Doom! Sonar pulse.
As Doom shot out a sonar pulse beam, the team noticed that they weren't the only ones looking for this research facility.
Doom:I'm counting at least five hostiles, and as far as I can tell they don't appear to be IMC, but someone else.
Ronin:There appear only to be five titans, but the weird part is there don't appear to be IMC.
Banshee:You didn't send anyone or hire anyone else did you?
Sarah:Of course not, take 'em  down pilots.
Bambi:Shouldn't we save one for interrogation?
Banshee:How am I supposed to do that?
Ronin:You'll find away, you always do.
Enemy pilot:Heads up, IMC AHEAD!
Enemy pilot#2:Roger that, engaging bandit.
The enemy faction mistaking the Wolf Pack as the IMC, the Wolf Pack headed into a fire fight against the unknown organization, the odds seemed to be with them with this battle.
Spider wielded his broadsword and headed against a Legion class titan that was hosing him down with bullets. Although Spider was able to block them with the sword, he still received damage as the sword doesn't block 100% of the bullets it's fired upon, Spider was swiftly able to phase shift around the titan and avoiding it's rounds.
Spider was able to distract the enemy titan, while Winter was able to unload her titans predator canon's rounds into it's chassis. As the titan reached a "doomed state" Spider was quickly and swiftly able to swipe the titan of it's legs and ram his sword threw the titan's cockpit, ending it and it's pilot's life.
As the enemy faction was down by one, the odds were shifting against them.
Ronin was able to trap the enemy Ion into a tether trap and activating his Flight Core and unleashing hell upon the poor Ion, the titan's pilot made the idiotic move and decided to eject from the only thing keeping her from freezing to death.
Spider:What the hell is that pilot doing? Don't they know they'll freeze to death with out their titan.
Winter:Feel kinda bad about that.
As the skirmish continued, they lost sight of the ejecting pilot. Victory clearly favoring the Wolf Pack, as they continued their assault on the unknown organization and its pilots.
Their was now only two titans left after Vermilion obliterated them with her Laser Core, melting right threw the titan's cockpit turning them pilot into ash.
Doom:Asche zu asche.
Vermilion:What's that?
Doom:It's german, in means "ash to ash", felt appropriate for the moment.
While all the chaos going around, Winter was showing concern for the pilot that ejected from their titan.
Winter:Hey has anyone seen that lonesome pilot that ejected not that long ago?
Bambi:Weird thing to be concerned about right now luv.
With that being said Winter heard a sickening crunch coming from underneath her titan, meaning that she presumably just squished said pilot like a mosquito on a  hot summer night.
As the battle came to an abrupt end with the last titan standing surrendering to the Wolf Pack, only to be eaten alive, so to speak.
Enemy pilot:Look we didn't know this place was crawling with  IMC...
But the surrendering pilot soon came to a sudden realization.
Enemy pilot:Wait, you guys aren't IMC.
Ronin:We're contracted mercenaries working for the Marauder Corps.
Banshee:Great now we're gonna have to kill her.
Winter:What?! Why?
Banshee:Because zipperhead over there said who we are work for!
Ronin:The fuck did you just call me, watch that tongue or I'm cutting it off.
Enemy pilot:Look I won't tell...
Banshee:Not like you ever get the chance to.
Enemy pilot:Look, I'll start over. My name's Abigail Landers, my team was sent her by a goddamn MVRN to look for it's owner, we thought you guys were IMC.
Ronin:Wait a second. Your excuse is that a damn robot sent you here looking for it's owner.
Abigail:Look I know it's sounds like a lie, but it's not, I swear to fucking Christ I'm telling the truth.
Feed up with the pilot's "lies", Ronin had Banshee settle her fate.
Banshee giving the choice of life or death and not wanting to have to deal with possible reinforcements, if the pilot turned out to be actually lying, she ultimately decided to go along with her usual choice. Death.
Banshee punched threw the titan's cockpit, ripping the pilot out and exposing them to the harsh atmospheric conditions the moon had to offer. With Winter strongly concerned about the pilot's fate.
Abigail:Ple..ase you ca....n't me here. I don...'t wanna di.....e this.
The pilot spoke while shivering out in the cold.
Winter:Where are you from?
Abigail nodded, her body temperature was declining at an alarming rate, if Winter wanted to save this pilots life she had to act fast. Winter had offered to call an extraction for the poor pilot, even offering for her to wait inside her titan's cockpit until the extraction team arrived. Banshee being strongly against helping the enemy, she launched an incendiary trap near the pilot. With the pilot knowing what was about to happen, she accepted her fate and closed her eyes. Banshee proceeded to ignite the incendiary trap, causing it to burst into flames, burning the pilot alive.
Banshee:Warm enough for ya?
Banshee:She could have been lying!
Banshee:Quit being so sympathetic towards the enemy. Do not allow yourself to feel for them, as they won't feel for you.
Winter swearing that this was different, Banshee refused to listen.
As the crew moved onwards with their mission, the crew where still about 5 kilometers of target.
Krazy-8:How much longer?
Bambi:Quit your whining little man, we're almost there.
Krazy-8:Fuck you!
Bambi:That's not very nice for a young man your age to say.
After Krazy-8 was feed up with Bambi's teasing the two got into a small fight. One after another as the two threatened to blow the other person up, Banshee stepped in.
Banshee:(Deploys incendiary trap)How about the two of you shut the fuck, before I send the two of you back to hell were you belong.
Ronin:Hey! Everyone , come over here.
The Wolf Pack approached the mountaintop next to Ronin.
Spider:Beautiful view.
Ronin:Not the view jackass! Look!
Ronin pointed out to a Research Facility out in the distance, alarms blaring out, and what appeared to be in lockdown.

Ronin:Not the view jackass! Look!Ronin pointed out to a Research Facility out in the distance, alarms blaring out, and what appeared to be in lockdown

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Doom:Jesus, whole place looks to be on lockdown.
Ronin:You don't say.
Vermilion:What do you think could have alerted them?
Banshee:Uuuhh I don't know, how about all the gunfire you useless twat!
Vermilion:That was miles away, no way they could have heard that.
Spider:So,what's the plan?

(Authors note: Wow, what a cliffhanger. Part 2 will be available shortly.)

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