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Spider:So what does a Monarch titan do again.
Panther:It can upgrade itself on the battlefield, it can also grant itself shield with the energy siphon. Pretty cool, huh?
Spider:I guess.
As the trio headed in to support their teammates with the assault. They got a first hand encounter of what the Monarch was capable of, Winter was immediately quit impressed, Spider, not so much.
Spider:You're so easily impressed by everything!
Winter:Oh come on!
Spider:Seriously, that titan doesn't do shit!
Panther continued to mow down a Scorch class titan, while Winter couldn't help but admire the simulacrum.
Winter:Damn! You're quit skilled.
Panther:Well, I was a pilot.
Winter:Aren't you still a pilot?
Panther:No, I'm an explorer. Left that life long ago.
Spider didn't trust the simulacrum one bit, he constantly stayed behind him, incase something were to happen.
Suddenly, the IMC outpost began exploding, which wasn't supposed to according to plan, they immediately went to find out.
Grunt CPT:The IMC has begun destroying this place, they don't want us to have whatever is in those files.
Head towards the extraction! Move, move it!

The IMC began tearing the place down themselves to prevent the information from getting into militia hands.
Vermilion was inside the science laboratory collecting data. She collected whatever data she could with her data-knife, as the building began collapsing around her, she began to get nervous and when people get nervous, they tend to make mistakes.
Vermilion hurried to collect whatever files she came across, some of them not even containing data concerning Project Gate Keeper.
She removed her knife from the computer and headed towards the exit.
With the building she was in falling apart, rubble and debris falling around making it harder and harder for her to avoid it and getting hit.
A big piece of rubble fell from the ceiling, she was swiftly able to dodge it with the help of her jump-kit.
She was almost near the exit, an explosion rang through the facility, causing multiple pipes falling on top of her.
Trapped, Vermilion couldn't lift the pipes and debris off her.
She began sweating and panicking, she knew if she was going to make it out alive, she would have to keep her cool and think rationally.
Vermilion fired her grappling-hook, but couldn't manage to pull her out of the wreckage.
The building continued to fall apart and time was running out, she was going to be buried alive or explode into a thousand pieces.
She was running out of options, so she did something she probably should have done from the start, radio for help.
Vermilion:Can anyone hear me? I'm trapped inside the facility, I'm trapped underneath a pile of rubble.
Winter:I hear you! Where are you exactly?
Vermilion was relieved, but it was short lived.
Vermilion:Just head inside the north-west building, then continue down a narrow flight of stairs till you see me.
Winter:What? Vermilion you're breaking up!
Where are you again.
Just like that, her radio signal cut-off, with no-one coming to her rescue, she began accepting her fate, trapped underneath a pile of rubble.
It was becoming very hard for her to breath underneath the debris, barely able to even move, she felt like she would suffocate before the flames reached her.
Vermilion said her final goodbyes, even though nobody would be able to hear them. Slowly her vision darkened, as the smoke around her began covering everything.
This would be her final moment alive.

As the IMC continued to destroy Outpost-76, everyone began heading towards the extraction, both militia and IMC personnel alike.
Winter quickly made a headcount, making sure everyone was alive, till she remembered.
Vermilion, she had radioed for help, trapped underneath a pile of rubble.
Winter quickly made her way towards the north-east section of the outpost.
Winter's thoughts:Wait! Was it north-east or north-west. Damn it Kate! Why can't you remember?

Winter began having second thoughts. This was critical, as a single second could change the outcome.
She than ran towards the north-west section of the outpost.
At this point, Winter was the only one still remaining inside the outpost, everyone had headed towards evact, she had to make this count.
Winter kicked in the dismantled front-door.
She immediately began coughing, caused by the heavy smoke from the fire.
Her titan informed her to keep her helmet on and stay beneath the smoke.
Winter made her way through the facility, with fire crackling around her and the smoke making it very hard for her to see, she remembered that Vermilion had mentioned stairs.
Immediately Winter began searching for any sign of staircases.
She noticed a staircase leading towards a sup-level basement.
Winter headed towards the staircase, she took a peak down the staircase, but all she could see was smoke.
Winter called out.
Winter:Juliana! Where are you?
Winter's stomach began to wrench, she had a sickening feeling she wouldn't see her teammate again, but she began worrying about something else.
With the smoke covering 90% of her visibility, even if she wanted to leave, she couldn't make her way towards the exit.
Winter was met with a dilemma.
Either leave her teammate to die, or save her teammate and risk her life in the process.
She couldn't think clearly, nor breathe, due to all the smoke.
After arguing in her head, she decided she would risk her life saving Vermilion.

The Wolf Pack:Project Gate Keeper  (CANCELLED)Where stories live. Discover now