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After spending several hours in the interrogation room, he was finally let go.
Before Jonathan could make his way to his room, he had to stop by the infirmary first.
The doctor had a surprised look on his face, it would have been the first time Jonathan had even entered the med-bay.

The doctor escorted Jonathan towards a bed, he began stitching his chest up first, than moving on to his face.
Jonathan winced as the doctor cleaned his wounds with what felt like rubbing alcohol, Jonathan had made that mistake before and remembered how much it stinged.
After the doctor was done with cleaning Jonathan's wound, he moved on to his bruises across his face and chest.

The doctor:Jesus, who did this?
Jonathan:Take a guess.
The doctor:IMC?
Jonathan:Fucking Lara!
The doctor just sighed and continued.
Moments later Juliana walked into the infirmary, she was going to ask the doctor for painkillers, but froze when she saw the poor condition Jonathan was in.

Juliana:What the fuck happened to you?
Jonathan:I don't wanna get in to.
Juliana just stood there in shock, she just felt extreme guilt for what happened to him.
After all, she had assisted Lara to strap him down to the chair in the first place.
Juliana:(quietly)I didn't think she would go that far.
Juliana just adverted his question and move the conversation towards her painkillers.

The doctor handed her a bottle with her prescription.
Jonathan:Hey, don't get hooked on to those things, okay?
Juliana:I won't.
Jonathan:Be a tragedy if you did, I sure as hell was.
With that Juliana headed out, but not before looming besides the door frame.
Jonathan:You leaving, or you got something to say?
With that Juliana left.

The doctor gave Jonathan a bottle of painkillers to help with the pain, but Jonathan refused to use any form on painkillers, as he had been addicted to them in the past.
Jonathan made his way through the hallway, he saw Kate in the distance on her phone.
He quickly pulled his hoodie up and tried to avoid her.
Jonathan made his way to his room, he removed his clothes, his bruises made nearly impossible due to the pain it registered.

Jonathan threw his clothes on the bathroom floor and hopped inside the shower.
The hot water began removing any dried blood that had dried to his skin.
Jonathan just spaced out inside the shower, letting the hot water run its course.
Jonathan meditated, he tried forgiving Lara for what she had done to him, but he couldn't get rid of the anger and rage inside him.

After spending around 20 minutes in the shower, Jonathan turned it off.
He grabbed a nearby towel and began drying his hair and body with it.
Jonathan glanced at himself in the mirror and noticed he had grown a small stubble.
Jonathan grabbed the shaving cream for his cabinet and applied it across his face, he than grabbed his razor and began shaving.
Jonathan continued to shave till he cut himself, it was entirely by accident, as Jonathan removed the razor, blood began pouring out.
He quickly grabbed a piece of toilet paper and clogged the cut.

After shaving the rest of his face, Jonathan just sat on his bed thinking what to do.
In the corner of his room, he noticed his guitar he brought with him.
It was an old ESP LTD EC model, one of his prized possessions.
Jonathan grabbed his headphones, plugged the guitar into his interface, than plug into his laptop.
Jonathan had recently downloaded a new amp simulation software to his laptop, being able to mimic hundreds of different guitar amps.

Jonathan loved technology like this, making it easier for him to carry his passion everywhere he went, instead of having a robot do everything for him.

Jonathan played his guitar for an hour.
During mid-song, Jonathan heard a knock on his door.
Jonathan put down his guitar and went to peek through the peep-hole.
He noticed it was Kate, he didn't want her seeing him like this.
Jonathan put the chain-lock on his door, that way Kate wouldn't see the left side of his face.

Kate immediately noticed Jonathan's weird behavior, she knew instantly by the way he had the chain-lock on his door.
Kate:What's sup with the chain-lock.
Jonathan:I just want to alone right now.
Kate:Oh...I was just wandering if you'd like to get something to eat.
Kate seemed to be hurt by his introverted behavior.
Jonathan hated to decline Kate's invite, as he always liked spending time with her.
Hell, he even had a crush on her.

Jonathan didn't want to hurt Kate's feeling furthermore, he declined nicely before shutting the door on her.
Jonathan really hated his decision, his stomach grumbling and he knew that the chefs had prepared something delicious in the cafeteria.
Jonathan went through his cabinet, he found nothing, but an expired pack of ramen noodles.

Not wanting to starve and not wanting to show his face to Kate, he only had one option, Aapo.
Jonathan put on his hoodie and headed towards his best friend's dorm.
Once arriving Jonathan knocked on his door.
He noticed loud noises coming from inside of the room, so he knocked even harder, to the point he began kicking and shouting to get his attention.

Aapo opened the door and both were surprised by what they saw.
Both of the boys had cuts and bruises on their faces.
Jonathan:You good?
Aapo:Yeah, yeah. You you're self?
Jonathan:I've... I've been better.
The boys just stood there awkwardly.
After a few seconds Aapo invitee Jonathan into his dorm.
Jonathan:So, what the hell happened to you.
Aapo:You know, injures from the last mission is all.
Aapo was clearly lying, it was from the interrogation session with Lara, but Jonathan didn't want to continue questioning him.

Jonathan looked around the room and noticed Johnny, passed out on the couch.
Jonathan:So, you two live here together.
Jonathan:Hey, listen uhm.. You got anything to eat?
Aapo:Yeah head to the cafeteria, they got Italian food tonight, pasta, pizza, lasagna, everything.
Jonathan:See the thing is, I don't want Kate to see me like this.
Aapo:(chuckles)Oh you're really in to her.
Jonathan(sighs) Yeah.
Aapo:You know,(whispering) I got like 9 cans of ravioli in the pantry.
Jonathan:Thanks man, you're a life saver.
Aapo:(whispering)No problem, just don't tell Johnny.

Aapo searched his pantry drawers, to his surprise the 9 cans of ravioli he had stocked a few days ago were no longer present.
Aapo:You didn't happen to eat any of my ravioli did you?
Johnny:I had like, one can of ravioli.
Aapo:Well Johnny, there was nine cans of ravioli, you ATE ALL OF THEM!
Johnny:I only ate two.
Aapo:Really? Cause a moment ago you said it was one.
Johnny:Little column A, little column B.
Aapo:Ok! Cause a can if ravioli doesn't just grow a pair of legs and walks away!
Jonathan:Look it's fine, I'll go elsewhere.
Aapo:No, no. Come on, I'll go down towards the cafeteria and get you something.
Jonathan:Thanks man.

As Jonathan and Aapo gave each other a fist-bumb, Aapo left to get his friend something to eat.
Johnny was still laying down on the couch, surrounded by his empty beer cans.
Moments later, Aapo came running in through the door.
Aapo:'His knees weak, arms are heavy. There's vomit on his sweater already'....
Aapo/Johnny/Jonathan:'MOM'S SPAGHETTI!'

Aapo unwrapped the plate and handed in towards Jonathan, before giving him his eating utensils.
Jonathan chowed down on his meal, it was disgusting and fascinating watching him eat.
Aapo just stared at Jonathan while he ate, he was disgusted, but couldn't look away.
It was like watching a wild animal chow down on its prey.
Aapo let out a small chuckle, Jonathan ignored it and continued eating.

After Jonathan was done eating, Aapo went to get something from his closet.
Aapo brought out an old Stiga Stanley Cup Table Hockey Set.
It looked very old, Jonathan wondered if it would break in the beginning of the match.
Aapo had purchased it awhile back, he tried to ask if Johnny would play it with him, but he always refused.
Having finally someone to play with, the two started to put the set together.

The Wolf Pack:Project Gate Keeper  (CANCELLED)Where stories live. Discover now