"The Bell"

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The Wolf Pack had retrieved the data they needed to know about the new weapon the IMC were developing.
They were currently onboard a Widow that was taking back to Harmony.
Jonathan(Spider) had multiple thoughts running around his head, especially what the scientists said about the power source the weapon used, element 115.
Jonathan looked at his 115 tattoo on his left forearm, although the tattoo had nothing to do with the element 115, it was a name of a song that had inspired Jonathan to learn the guitar in the first place, in other words a tribute tattoo.
Lara(Banshee) had noticed the tattoo as well and become awfully suspicious.
Lara:Spider, what's that tattoo on your forearm mean?
Spider:Oh it has nothing to do with the element 115 that the dead scientists mentioned , its actual memorabilia....Coincidence?
Lara however didn't buy into it and was now keeping a watchful eye on Jonathan.

After about an hour or so the crew landed on Harmony and were greeted by Commander Briggs. She congratulated the team and payed them a hefty amount, as mentioned in their contract.
Although the crew wanted to know what all the talk was about this new super weapon was, they followed Briggs into the planning-room and unloaded the information from the data knife into the computer.
But unbeknownst to them that most of the files were corrupted and or secured by a hefty firewall.
Commander Briggs herself wasn't worried, as she had Bish take care of the firewalls and recover any corrupted or deleted files.

Bish:Alright my work here is done, hand this over to Briggs.
With the Militia infantry-man obeying Bish's orders and handling it over to Briggs and the Wolf Pack, they were quite surprised.

As it turned out "The Bell" was just a nickname given to an IMC experiment.
It was originally named "Project Gate Keeper", the IMC had been experimenting with inter dimensional teleportation.
Project Gate Keeper was shaped as a bell, earning it the nickname "The Bell" amongst IMC personnel. Amongst the quiet, someone finally decided to speak up.
Lara:So inter dimensional teleportation, it reminds me of this old movie, that they used to show reruns of back home.
Jonathan :You mean "Back To The Future"?
Jonathan:Well you're wrong on that, you were thinking of "Rick and Morty", Back to the Future is were they time traveled, Rick and Morty however, was about inter dimensional teleportation.
Jonathan:Anyway, if they're experimenting with inter dimensional travel, it can't exactly be classed as a weapon.
Juliana(Vermilion):Who knows what they'll actually do with.
Jonathan:You know that design reminds me if this other bell the nazis "supposedly" were working on back in World War 2, me and my brother, back home were big into conspiracy theories, and this was one of them, I remember it being called "Die Glocke",
german for the bell, which were the IMC probably got the name from.
Juliana:So what did it do?
Jonathan :Nothing. It didn't exist, it was a hoax, but still though they're very similar in appearance, however people did speculate that it time traveled.
Juliana:Ok, if this prototype can travel through different dimensions, why nit time travel?
Jonathan:Ever heard of the grandfather paradox?
Juliana:(Shakes head)
Jonathan:Well it's very long to explain, but time travel wouldn't work, or it'll be to complicated compared to dimensional travel.

As they continued to look through the files they found out experiments carried out by General Marder and a scientists by the name of "Gary Sanders".
Bish pulled up a file of Sanders, date of birth, education etc....
Lara:Wait a minute, that's the guy who gave us this information!
Briggs:What else did he give?
Lara:Nothing, told us that he never worked on this project, bet he was the one who tried to destroy the evidence.
Bish:Well if it was him, he did a butcher of a job.

Scrolling through the entry logs, they found a few keen ones that attracted  their intrust.
Entry log#47
Dr Gary Sanders
"Previous attempt at inter dimensional teleportation was yet another failure, with General Marder breathing down my neck on getting this project to work, we have resorted to but Project Gate Keeper on a hiatus till further notice."

Entry log#53
General Marder
"We have resorted to using IMC captured personnel, taken prisoner back at the Battle of Typhon. We've taken prisoner "14-567" out of his holding-cell, prisoner is unwilling to comply, we've registered prisoner 14-567 with "Flunitrazepam", subject has now been sealed inside the transportation device."
The doctor waited for Marder's signal, meanwhile the test subject had regained consciousness and now banging on the bell's door.
"Hit the switch!"
As The Bell activated, something went wrong as the power to the device immediately shut off.
"Attempt 53 at teleportation was yet another failure, test subject has been incinerated and is now nothing but a pile of ash."

Bish dug further into the file and was able to locate several excavation sites, two of them located on Gridiron and another located on Tyche, the one located on Gridiron was tilted as Excavation Site 64, while the one located Tyche named Outpost-76.
They were used for digging rare elements found deep underground of the planet's crust, most notably the element 115 that was used to power Project Gate Keeper.
General Marder has hired mercenaries working for the IMC's ARES Division to minimize IMC casualties.

Sarah:So, you guys up for another contract?

The Wolf Pack:Project Gate Keeper  (CANCELLED)Where stories live. Discover now