New Titan

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It's currently 3:00 o'clock in the morning,
it had been two days since Jonathan's interrogation.
Aapo was sound a sleep, he had just spent two hours playing ice hockey with Jonathan.
Jonathan however was wide awake, he had difficulty falling asleep with his bruises still healing.

Jonathan rolled around in his blankets, but to no avail.
Jonathan decided it would be worthless trying to get some sleep, so he headed towards the break-room to see if there was anything to eat.
Jonathan put on his bathrobe and slippers and headed out.
He stopped in front of Lara's dorm, he stood in front her door giving her the middle finger while mumbling "fuck you Lara" and moving on.

As Jonathan walked through the dark hallway, he noticed light coming from the break-room.
As Jonathan walked in to investigate, he noticed Lara sitting down reading what appeared to be a comic-book, while drinking tea.
Jonathan didn't want anything to do with Lara and headed on out, but not before hearing his stomach grumble.
This caught Lara's attention, she raised her head up, moving her hair aside.
Lara:Spider, what are you doing here.

Jonathan:Same as you, just want something to eat.

Jonathan didn't want to talk to her and decided it was best to ignore her.
This turned out to be futile, as Lara kept trying to get his attention.

Lara:There's nothing in there.

Jonathan:(agitated)Thanks for reminding


Jonathan:I called you a nerd...because of...(grabs comic-book) you seriously read comic-books, how old are, aren't you like 37?

Lara:I'm 34.
At this point Lara seemed to get very annoyed with Jonathan.
Lara:What's your problem?

Jonathan:You! You're my fucking problem, I can't sleep due to my bruises still healing....That you caused!

Lara:Just give me my comic-book back.


Lara:(sighs) Please?

Jonathan:You know what? I'm sick of you always getting away with your bullshit. It's time that someone stood up to you and taught you a lesson.

Lara:Look, I'm to tired to follow what's going, ok? I asked you nicely, just give it back.

Jonathan:You don't even know why I'm mad at you, do you?

Jonathan grabbed a lighter and held up Lara's comic-book and prepared to light it on fire.
Jonathan was able to burn the the lower left part of the comic-book.
Lara got up from her chair and tackled Jonathan to the ground, while trying to grab her comic-book back from Jonathan.
Lara grabbed the book from Jonathan, but Jonathan had an iron grip on the book.

The two fought over it, knocking over kitchen appliances in their way.
At this point all the noise woke several people from their sleep.
Lara eventually ripped the comic-book from Jonathan, but she only ripped off a part of the cover, Jonathan still held the rest of the comic-book.

Lara tried violently taking the book back from Jonathan without damaging it, as it was a limited edition.
Jonathan let go, causing Lara to fly across the room, hitting her head.
While Lara was still on the ground, Jonathan took the book away from her.

Jonathan pulled out his lighter and lit what remained of the comic-book.
Lara watched as Jonathan burned away something she was so passionate about.
Lara stood there in a stunned silence, while Jonathan just glared at her.

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