Operation Archangel

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The Wolf Pack were onboard the MCS Calypso, Jonathan, Kate and Juliana were in the cafeteria enjoying a meal before being deployed.
Juliana and Kate were discussing pet peeves, hobbies and family, while Jonathan listened in on their conversation.
Aapo came running in with Johnny on his shoulders, which Kate found amusing.
Kate:What are you goofballs up to?
Johnny:Nothing just came to see what you guys were doing.
Before the two got the chance to sit down, Ryuu came and told them to get their gear on and head to the planning-room one last time.
Once everyone was there, they went over the plan once more.
There plan consists the Frontier Militia with the help of The Wolf Pack and an independent mercenary, by the name of Riley.
They planned an assault on the Excavation Site on Tyche and taking any amount of element 115 and data concerning Project Gate Keeper.

Kate:Wh0 and where is Riley?
Juliana:Well, before you and John arrived....
Jonathan:Don't call me John.
Juliana:.......well before you and Jonathan arrived, we had two members by the name of Roger "Carson" Ridgewell and Joseph "Riley" Verlander.
Well I told you about what happened to Carson right?
Kate:Yes, firestar to the face.
Juliana:Yeah, it looked like an extreme Rammstein live show stunt gone wrong, anyway same mission Lara had crushed Riley with her titan.
Kate gasped while covering her mouth out of shock. She knew Lara was reckless, but didn't expect something like this to happen.
Juliana continued her story.

Juliana:Luckily he was a simulacrum, so we got a new body for him again, he was pissed.
Technician:Here, got a spare simulacrum body, hey a little help, these fuckers are heavy.
Lara assisted the technician to lift the body on to the table, they then proceeded load Riley's consciousness into the new body.
Technician:Give it a sec, it's still downloading.
Riley:What, where am I?
Bambi:How are you? Can you see me?
Riley:William?! Where the fuck is Lara? Where the fuck is that little bitch?!
Lara:Watch what you call me?
As Riley got up from the table, he charged Lara, taking her drinking glass and smashing it against her face and started choking her.
Lara:Wait, wait, it was an accident!

Kate:Wait, wait, this wasn't the first time?

Riley:Lara watch where you fire that!
Lara:Just stay behind me, it ain't that hard!
Lara and Riley were engaging 4 IMC titans by themselves, they still needed to wait for backup. Riley was attempting to phase dash behind the IMC Legion and take it down, just than Lara's flame core was online.
Lara:Alright out the way, flame core's online!
Unleashing her flame core it consumed both the Legion and Riley.
Riley:Lara! Wait, wait, WAIT!......

Back to first flashback
Riley dropped Lara on to the floor and stormed out of the room.
Juliana:Great, once the boss finds out about this, he's gonna tear ya a new one.  Hold on, let me take you to the infirmary.

Once in the infirmary, Lara's vocal chords were damaged when Riley strangled her.
Ryuu was concerned, not about Lara's voice, but where they would find two new pilots for The Wolf Pack.
Lara:(hoarsely)I know where we could get a couple of new pilots.
Juliana:Lara, just don't talk your vocal chords need to rest.
End of flashback
Juliana:And thats were you and Jonathan come in.

As the MCS Calypso approached Tyche's atmosphere, the crew met in the titan hangar and prepared for titan-fall.
Spider was being assisted by a marvin, before being saluted by the marvin.
As Sarah barked her orders, the hatch opened beneath them, she gave the pilots one last salute before sending them into battle.
Spider:Preparing for titan-fall! WHOOO!!
Banshee:I remember how much Carson hated the drop.
Doom:Too bad you killed him.
Riley:Cut the chatter, initiating drop-sequence.
The titans landed on the planet Tyche and were about 30 kilometers from Outpost-76.

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