War Games

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Ryuu had announced over the loudspeakers, that they were going to run a simulated battle inside their simulation-pods.
Jonathan made his way into the simulation room, he looked around and noticed that everyone was there, including the pink simulacrum, Emil "Panther" Héroux.

Jonathan walked up to Emil to talk to him.
He noticed that Emil had color palettes in his hands.
Jonathan:So...you gonna finally git rid of the pink?

Emil:Yes, how about this color?
Emil pulled out multiple shades of blue color cards.
Jonathan:Either is fine, they all look the same to me.

Emil:Really? Cause I really like Royal blue and space blue ... can't decide... how about you?

Jonathan:Like I said...they look the same to me.
One by one, everyone began piling in, Lara noticed Jonathan and walked toward him.
Lara:So...you wanna give the credits right now, or after the fight?

Jonathan:Fuck off, Lara. I'm no pushover.
Jonathan had recently placed a bet with Lara, to prove that his new titan can take out any titan, including hers.

Everyone except for Ryuu had entered the room and were now waiting for him.
Some of them were talking amongst themselves, others on their phone or holo-pad.
Ryuu was the last person to enter the room.

Ryuu:Alright... is everyone here?


Ryuu:Great. Like I said we'll be running a simulated battle with the sim-pods, I'll be monitoring and observing your performance. It'll be a 4v4... Blue vs Red. Emil you'll be joining us... you want to roll with us, prove your worth.

After Ryuu explained what would be going down, everyone got inside their sim-pods.
As the sim-pods rendered the pilots, loading them into the simulation. Meanwhile Ryuu was fiddling with the consoles nearby, as the technicians were stationed at computer terminals, to make sure everything was running.

Soon enough the pilots spawned inside the simulation. Teams were split into two.

Red-Team consisted of Doom, Krazy-8, Banshee and Bambi.

Blue-Team consisted of Spider, Winter, Vermilion and Panther.

As they spawned inside the simulation, AI forces began spawning as well.
Grunts zip-lined from their drop-ships, while some came in with drop-pods.

Ryuu announced over the radio.
Ryuu:Alright Pilots. This is a battle of Attrition, winner takes all!

Spider took out his L-Star and began wall running across the Most-Wanted posters of the Angel City section off the map, to get to the center of the map where all the chaos was taking place.
Panther equipped his EPG and activated his stim ability.
Soaring across the map at the speeds of lightning.

Spider approached a drop-pod that had just landed. Activating his holo-pilot ability.

Grunt:I see the pilot!

Spider obliterated three grunts alongside a couple of specters, until his L-Star overheated, causing him to swap the battery out while letting his gun cool down.

Grunt:Backup! I need backup! Anyone in this sector?!

Spider chased after the grunt, pulling the grunt down and stabbing the grunt in the face with a data-knife.
The grunt vanished into a blue haze and Spider appeared out of cover, while simultaneously loading his L-Star.

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