Meeting the Wolf Pack

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Ryuu gave the two new pilots a tour of the headquarters. They started off by showing them the canteen, the infirmary where Ryuu had recently hired better staff in order to take care of his fellow pilots. He then showed them the gymnasium and the titan-hangar and later the armory and the locker room.
Jonathan had kept his earbuds in during the whole tour.
Ryuu:Anyway next stop I'll be showing you to your rooms if you'll follow me. Jonathan. Jonathan!
Fuck it! If he's not listening then it's not my fault, Kate, if he gets lost it's his fault! You know what this place is small enough, if he gets lost he's a fuckin' moron.
Kate walked up to Jonathan and ripped his earbud out of his ears, which Jonathan despised.
Jonathan:Aahh, fuck Kate! Why'd you do that?
Kate:Because you weren't listening.
Jonathan:I was listening, the volume was low enough.
Kate:Still though, show some respect.
Jonathan:Fine. Just don't do that again.
Ryuu then showed them to their rooms. Kate and Jonathan will be sharing their rooms.
Ryuu:Alright! This is where yall by staying, Room 203.
Jonathan:We'll be roommates?
Ryuu:Yeah thats what I said. Now unpack your shit and come to the break-room thats where you'll meet the rest of the gang.
Jonathan's heart raced as he realized he could get closer to Kate by being her roommate.
Jonathan's thoughts:(A yes this finally be my chance to get closer to her. Alright Jonathan don't screw this up!)
Kate moved into the room and started unpacking, Jonathan followed soon after.
Before Jonathan could start unpacking there was a heavy knock at the door.
Kate:Should we answer it?
Jonathan:Yeah go ahead.
Kate walked to the door hesitantly and asked.
Kate:Who is it?
???:It's your cousin! You rude fuck!
The door quickly swung open revealing who was on the other side of the door.
Lara:So...You decided to join.
Kate:Yeah didn't really know where else to go.
Lara:Well, I'm actually glad you did join I'll finally have someone to talk to, it gets kinda lonely when you don't get along with everyone else.
Kate:Lara what do you mean you don't get along anyone else, you guys should be like two peas in a pod.
Lara:You're the only one who ever made any sense.
Lara looked around the room and noticed someone who she hadn't met before.
Lara:Who's this bloke?
Kate:Who? That's Jonathan AKA Spider. You've heard of him right?
Kate could fell the tension in the room and knew what Lara would do to anyone who attempted to but her in harms way.
Lara:I don't think I recall.
Lara scanned Jonathan from head to toe and gave him a spiteful look.
Jonathan's thoughts:(She better not get in my way with Kate. Wait a minute, that just sounded creepy.)
Lara:Anyway you should come stay in my room.
Jonathan's thoughts:(NOOO!)
Kate:You sure?
Lara:Yeah, I'll finally have someone to talk to.
Kate:Jonathan? You ok with this?
Jonathan's thoughts:(Say no, say no, say no)
Jonathan:Yeah I'm cool with it.
Jonathan's thoughts:(Congratulations you played yourself.)
Lara:Anyway looks like you get to keep this room for yourself mister.
Kate:You gonna come by the break-room later on right?
Jonathan:Sure, don't really have anything to do here.
Kate gave him a hug and left Jonathan to unpack his things. Meanwhile Jonathan was left stewing in his anger for not telling Kate the truth about his feelings.
Jonathan was getting ready to meet everyone else in the break-room. Jonathan put on a Slipknot hoody and some black jeans on, and begin walking towards the break-room.
Lara and Kate entered the break-room. Right after Lara noticed something about Kate.
Lara:Kate what's wrong?
Kate:(sighs) I don't know. Kinda feel bad about Spider, I shouldn't have just left him to be by himself.
Lara:He'll be fine he's a grown man.
Once everyone had gathered into the break-room Ryuu had joined and introduced the two new pilots that had recently joined.
Ryuu:Everyone could I have your attention, I would like to introduce a couple of new faces.
Jonathan:Hi! Names Jonathan Reddit, I also go by codename Spider.
Kate:I'm Katherine Visser, but everyone calls me Kate and my codename is Winter.
Ryuu:Yes, and there both ex-IMC like most of us.
Jonathan:Most of us?
Ryuu:(whispering into Spider's ear) I'm not so sure where Bambi is from.
Ryuu:William Churchill. Anyway would y'all like to introduce yourselves.
A man with a bushy beard and a robotic left arm walked up to Jonathan and Kate and introduced himself.
Bambi:Names William"Bambi"Churchill luv, at your service.
Bambi took Kate's hand and kissed it.
Ryuu intervened and grabbed Bambi by the shoulders and said.
Ryuu:Alright cowboy she isn't gonna fuck you. Move on! Next!
Up next a women with red hair moved up to introduce herself.
Juliana:Hi I'm Juliana Ridley or Vermilion either way glad to have the two of you on our side.
Jonathan:You IMC as well?
Juliana:No i was an independent mercenary pilot before meeting Ryuu at a bar in  Angel City. We use to date.
Up next a man who was about 164cm in height and with a hint of a New England accent came up and introduced himself.
Johnny.Sup bro I'm Johnny or Krazy-8 either is fine.
Juliana pulled Kate and Jonathan aside at told them to "Not to make fun of Johnny height, as that little SOB sure can knock you into a coma".
While the pilots where chatting Ryuu noticed someone was missing, and just when he realized who, a red haired man came walking through the door.
Ryuu:Aapo where the FUCK were you?
This only seemed to agitate Ryuu even more.
Aapo:Took a nap.(BIG-ASS Yawn) Juliana was supposed to wake me up.
Ryuu:You're a grown ass man, how can you not do that yourself.
Aapo:Shit happens.
Ryuu had been feed up by Aapo's aloof attitude and decided to punish him.
Ryuu:Aapo! I've had enough of your attitude and I have no other choice but to punish you.
Aapo.PuNiSH mE DaDdY.
Aapo replied in a sarcastic tone, which caused everyone to laugh and infuriate his boss.
Ryuu:What the fuck did you just call me?
Ryuu then slapped him across his head and threatened him and warned if he didn't stop joking around and not taking things seriously.
Ryuu:Anyway go introduce yourself to the two FNGs over there.
Aapo:Hello, I'm Aapo, as you can see I'm quite the jokester.
Kate:Nice meeting you.
Jonathan:Holy shit! Aapo is that you ?
Aapo:Yeah, it's been awhile how have you been recently, hows your brother?
Kate:Brother? I thought you grew up in a orphanage.
Jonathan:I was, and later adopted, you know step-brother or so to speak.
Kate felt embarrassed that she didn't know much about Jonathan's personal life. After all she did complete basic and pilot training with him, and had known him for about 4 years.
Aapo:Anyway come with me I've missed hanging out with you.

(Authors note:Thanks for sticking around so far, if you've enjoined the story so far then, leave a like and if you didn't then sorry that the story didn't please you. Anyway I'll be back as soon as possible.)

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