14- Excuse You!

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A few weeks later, Dalton and Maddie took the long route to Maddie's mother's house, where her sisters, his sisters, even his mom was meeting them there to plan things. Maddie was excited, she couldn't wait to finally get to plan one of the most important moments in their lives together. When they got there, Brynn ran out of the house engulfing Maddie in a hug a soon as she had gotten out of the car.

"Maddie!" Brynn shouted childishly, despite her seventeen years of age. She clung to Maddie, wrapping her legs around Maddie's waist.

"Hi, Brynn. Is everyone here already?" Maddie asked, when Brynn jumped off her.  She took notice of the extra cars in her surroundings.

"Duh, they've been here for hours! We've all been waiting on you." Brynn said, pulling her towards the house by her arm. Dalton followed behind them into the living room, where he and Maddie were greeted by many hugs.

"So, Maddie.. Have you guys planned anything? Themes?" Sarah, Maddie's mother, asked, as they all sat down. Dalton looked up from his phone to answer, but Maddie hit his leg.

"No, we will not be theming anything with Doctor Who, Harry Potter, or any other fandom that you are in or may become a part of." She gave him a warning look with that, making him laugh slightly and look back down to his phone.

"How about colors? What colors do you guys like?" Dalton's mother questioned, taking Dalton's phone from his hands as if he were still a child, causing him to groan in protest. He reached for the phone, but his mother narrowed his eyes. Retreating, he instead reached for Maddie's hand.

"I like blues and purples." Maddie commented, picking up one of the catalogs her mom had laid out for planning.

"That's so descriptive!" Genevieve said sarcastically, "What shade of blue and purple, genius?"

"Don't be mean. Um, I guess like a medium violet or a royal blue color?" Maddie said, Dalton nodding when she looked at him for approval. He really didn't care what it looked like, he just wanted to know what time he had to be at the church and how much it was going to cost. Dalton was only here with them because Maddie asked him to be, he'd rather be rehearsing with Hunter, Knoche, and Kitty right now.

"Okay, so now we know what colors we are looking for when we go dress and tux shopping." Sarah said, writing in the notebook she set out beside the catalogs. "Who will be the bridesmaids?"

"I don't know, I don't talk to my friends from high school so," Maddie said, closing the catalog she had and setting it back on the table.

"So we'll have Brynn, Sophie, Genevieve, Becca be the bridesmaids. Who are going to be the groomsmen? You need four." Maddie's mom turned to Dalton, who was doing his best to not pay attention.

"I don't know.." He muttered, picking at the remnant of black nail polish of his nails.

"You two always don't know. What do you know? Probably nothing." Genevieve said, quite sassily. Maddie was starting to get annoyed with her, Gen has always been like this. Whenever Maddie had something she didn't, she'd get really sassy and mean.

"You can leave if you don't stop." Maddie warned, rolling her eyes.

"Genevieve." Sarah warned, and then turned to Dalton. "Well who could you consider to do the job. Remember, you need four of them."

"I guess Hunter, Knoche.. Will, maybe, I guess.." Dalton paused, thinking for a moment and then answering, "I guess that's it, I don't really trust the rest of those people."

"So that's three." His mom said, "It's too bad that Maddie doesn't have any brothers."

"It really is, I would take a brother over one of my sisters any day." Maddie laughed. There was a chorus of 'heys', before Sarah shushed them. There was a moment of silence and then they started talking again.

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