20- Epilogue

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Many, many years later, Maddie and Dalton were still together. They even had four kids. Paisleigh Vera, their oldest at age 14, Oliver Blaise, age 12, Avalon Sophia, age 10, and their surprise baby, Dallas Josephine, age 3. Paisleigh was spitting image of Maddie with Dalton's eyes. Oliver looked like Dalton, with Maddie's eyes. Avalon, or as they called her Ava, looked like a perfect mix. Baby Dallas looked just like Dalton's little sister.

Today, they never saw Paisleigh much. She stayed in her room most of the while the rest of the family was fawning over Dallas in the living room. Paisleigh always had her music up too loud and hid in family occasions. She never was without her bracelets or long sleeve shirts. Dalton could see the signs, and they worried him. He went to her room, and walked in without knocking, so she didn't have time to hide whatever she was doing.

"Can you knock?!" She shouted, shoving the blade she had in her hand under her pillow and rushing to push her sleeves down. However, she knew she was too late and her father saw.

"Paisleigh Vera, what is going on?" Dalton asked, sitting on her bed beside her.

"Uh, Dad.. I.. Uh.." She fumbled for words.

"Why are you doing this to yourself?" He questioned in a gentle tone, knowing anything harsher will scare her off. In the same gentle manner, he took her arm and pulled up the sleeve of her sweater, revealing the damage she had done.

"Why do you even care?" Paisleigh asked, pulling her arm out of his grasp. "Go watch Dallas or teach Ava and Ollie guitar."

"I care because you shouldn't be doing this to yourself. It's not worth it, I promise." Dalton said, absentmindedly playing with the sleeve of his own shirt. He was contemplating whether to tell her what he had been through so many years ago.

"How do you even know? It's not like you've ever done it." Paisleigh snapped, roughly tearing her sleeve down.

"I know because I've done it. No matter the reason, I've been down that road and you don't to be considered crazy." He said, walking to the door. "I'm going to go get your mother and then we are going to tell you a story."


"Wait, really?" Paisleigh asked, looking wide-eyed at her parents.

"Yeah, really. It took years for me to get over that." Dalton said. Maddie was about to add on, but Dallas had come into the room and jumped on Paisleigh.

" 'Leigh come play with me!" She squealed, making a face that was hard to refuse.

"This is why it's not worth it. The people who love you most will hurt as much as you." Dalton said, taking Maddie's hand. "And I know that now."

Paisleigh got up and followed Dallas to her room, where they played with The Littlest Pet Shop toys and My Little Pony toys. Maddie looked at Dalton and saw the same look she had given him so many years ago. The look of worry that reflected the entire situation they'd been through.

"Did she tell you why?" Maddie asked.

"She wouldn't give me a straight answer." He answered, as the two of them walked down the hall to Dallas's room.

"We'll have to take it one day at a time. Just like we did then." Maddie whispered as they reached the room. They looked inside of the open door. Dallas was putting a tiara and feather boa on Oliver, then handing Avalon a cup of 'tea'. Paisleigh was sitting on the floor, holding a plastic tea cup and watching.

This was their life now. Now that he had made it leaps and bounds from where he once was. Now that he made it far from rock bottom and could help others with similar situations. He made a vow to himself to make sure his daughter never made it as far in as he did, no matter what he had to do.

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