Your calming presence drew me to you
Your pure and sweet persona made me head over heels for you
Your gentle touch lured me blindly as a shadow
Your words coaxed me to your control
Your precious smile and twinkling eyes wrapped me in your hands
You filled the emptiness left in my heart
I thought you were the one for me
My love for you closed me off from the truth waiting for me
Your promise were to be forever with me
You slipped away from my hands
My love blinded me from seeing your true colours
I saw you as a rose of my life
Every moment I spent alone in silence with you
You never stayed for long
I gave you all I could give from me
I gave you all of me
I was your shoulder to cry on when you needed me
I was the angel who supported you
Every time you came, I ran to your rescue
I kept in contact with you from afar
I was there all the way through thin and thick
I never gave up with everything in ruins
I stayed loyal to you as you wanted me to be
I never made you happy
When I struggled, you were never there
You fed me with false hope and truth
You made me cry tears of blood
Everything I thought was just wishful thinking
You gave me the cold shoulder
You just gave me cold comfort
I always bite the bullet for you
As the wind, you left with no notice
expressive and artful poetry part I [Book 1]
PuisiPoems varying from topic to topic every month for you to enjoy and read by me. Book completed. You are free to use my poem for ideas and inspiration. I allow you all to do translations for me if you would like to. All you need to do is contact me fo...