Chapter 13: Just when things were going good

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Zofia: You got everything packed?

Y/N: Yeah, all clothes and extra stuff and my Airsoft gear. Yeah I'm good.

Zofia nodded. It was the last day of Y/N being in Hereford, he was going back to Canada later tonight via Harry's jet. He couldn't wait to go home but he was a bit sad that he was leaving here. He had a lot of fun, spending time with the girls. Being suffocated with their breasts and playing games with them. Y/N glanced around the room, one last time before he headed back home.

Zofia: Ela will miss you.

Y/N: Yeah...I'll miss  them and this place too. I had a lot of fun being here. I honestly thought you took your job seriously when I came here, but you proved me wrong.

Zofia chuckled, as she and Y/N walked out of his room, he had a few hours too chill before he left Hereford. Ash was more than happy to teach him a few more lessons with shooting a gun, Ash said to him she'd hope he will never have to be in a situation where he will have to use a firearm. Y/N asked her what is like when you have to stop the terrorists. Ash simply replied with, ''it can be scary and try not to think about been shot, otherwise you will get shot.''

Y/N was walking down the hallway seeing Thatcher talking with Sledge about something when Sledge took notice of Y/N.

Sledge: There's the lad.

Y/N: Hey Guys.

Thatcher: How ye doin Y/N?

Y/N: Good. I'm going home today.

Sledge: Your leavin already?

Y/N: Yeah. It's been three months.

Thatcher: Jesus, it flew in.

Y/N: Yeah. I thought I'd see you guys one last time before I go back.

Thatcher: Well, ye been a good lad Y/N. I'll see ye.

Y/N: Bye guys.

Y/N walked onwards as he walked by Dokkabei's dorm as her door was open Y/N peeked in to see Dokkabei was doing something on her tablet. Y/N knocked on the door, Dokkabei looked up to see him.

Dokkaebi: Y/N! 

Y/N: Hey. I thought I'd see one last time.

Dokkabei: What do you mean? Your leaving?

Y/N: Yeah. I'm going back to Canada today. I thought I'd say goodbye before I go back home.

Dokkabei: Well if your going home here.

Dokkabei walked over to her note pad and wrote down something before she tore off a piece of paper and handed to Y/N to see it was a number.

Y/N: What's this?

Dokkabei: It's my phone number. In case you want to talk to someone if your having any issues. Feel free to call me, anything goes wrong.

Y/N: Wow. Thanks. 

Dokkabei: You're welcome. *winks*

Ela: Y/N.

Y/N turned around to see Ela was standing at the door.

Ela: There's a phone call for you. Just go down the hall on your left.

Y/N was confused as he walked down the hallway and came across a phone he answered it. Ela and Dokkabei looked down the hallway at Y/N was talking on the phone.

Dokkabei: Do you know who it is?

Ela: No. It sounded like a male voice. Perhaps a friend of his.

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