Short Chapter: Halloween special

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A/N: Takes place a couple of days before the Hospital Siege. Chapter 14.

Y/N had just finished doing another stream, he had just playing some Call of Duty Warzone. He got himself another fives wins. Using the Grau and using a thermal HDR.

Y/N got off his stream and he was about to go and grab something to eat from the canteen. Maybe after that go and see if Ash is at the shooting range and give him some lessons about shooting a gun.

Y/N was about to get up and leave, until the sound of someone knocking on the door came to his ears, he looked at the door with a confused face. Who would knock on his door? Normally the girls would just let them selves in.

He got up and walked to the door and opened it. There stood Ela, her green hair was covering her eyes.

Y/N: Ela? What's wrong?

Ela: Y/N....I...I don't feel good...

Y/N: Then why not go to see Doc?

Ela: I can't....please...I..want you...


Ela: Y/N please....

Ela reached her hands out to
Y/N's her whole body was leaning against his. He was struggling to keep her up. His face was also very red, due to how close Ela was to him.

Y/N: E...Ela...your getting little too close...

Ela: Y/

Y/N: Uh...w-with what? What do you need help with?

Ela then stood up properly, her arms still around Y/N's back. Ela's hair still covered her face.


Y/N: Y-You want me...?


Y/N: Huh?

Ela: i...want your....blood...

Y/N: Ela I can't hear you...

Ela slowly looked up, her eyes were red and her smiled evily showing her two large canine teeth.


Y/N: O_O










Hibana was walking down the hallway after working the gym, she was gonna get a hot shower in then she and Y/N would go out in her car and....


Hibana: Y/N!?

Hibana heard a loud scream of fear coming from the direction of Y/N's room, running as fast as her legs could. When she finally made it to the door she looked in.

Hibana: Y/N KUN? What's wrong!? Are you-?

The sound of laughter filled the room as she saw Ela and Dokkabei, who had her phone in her hand. Hibana looked at Y/N who had his soul leaving his body, with his eyes swirling around.

Hibana: What happened here?! What did you do to Y/N kun?

Ela: Did you see his face?! Oh my God...

Dokkabei: That was the funniest thing we did.... I'm posting this on my Instagram.

Hibana: Hello!? What did you do to Y/N-kun!?

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