Chapter 7: Off to Hereford

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Y/N was along the stage as camera's were getting photo's of him and his teammates for what they had done nobody could have done. They beat Team D0min0. They best team that has ever graced the Rainbow Six Siege game. And they won the final!

His team were clapping for Team D0min0 who gave a valiant effort to defend their title but ended with them losing. Y/N glanced at Disaster Master. He looked at Y/N in anger, looming at him with a killer intent. Y/N wasn't sure what his problem was. Yes it they were playing against each other for a prize. But at the end of the day, it just a game.

Announcer: And now! Ladies and gentlemen! Let's give it up for the newly crowned champions of the rainbow six majors. Team Dynamite!!!!!

The crowd roared and cheered at the new winners, they were presented a glass trophy with and raised it up and confetti blew up and back down, as the fans cheered. The announcer came over a went over to Y/N.

Announcer: Y/N that was a unreal performance! Not only have broken your record of the most kills, but you've also brought the lowest ranking team from being unbeaten in the pro league to getting R6 majors, to the finals to play the best team ever and to pull one of the best comebacks with one the best moments in this Major. Playing Caveira and getting an Interrogation to win map two and to dominate in map three. What are you feeling right now?

Y/N: It was a hard match. Team D0min0 gave it their all as well as we did. Oregn wasn't our strongest maps, Kafe was a map that us and D0min0 had learned well so we had to give it everything we got to win on this map, and me picking Caviera was not my usual thing, I don't usually play Cav, but she worked well, getting that interrogation on the Nokk was good feeling and my team and I just woke up and we started to play pushing them into Villa which was a walk in the park.

Announcer: Is there anything you want to say to Team D0min0 and your teammates?

Y/N: Yeah. A well done from Team D0min0 to get this far again hopefully looking to stay top spot but unfortunately it didn't happen for them, as for my teammates if I weren't for them, giving me the callouts as well as doing some amazing clutches we wouldn't have won this.

Announcer: Lovely stuff Y/N, as we know one of the members of the winning team gets to go stay in Hereford with team rainbow. Have you made your decision?

Fleix: We think Y/N should get go, he deserves it after what he's done for us.

Y/N was caught off guard by that, he was hoping Paige or Ashley could go because he wanted to stay at home and see Charlotte for a few more times now that if he pays the money for her surgery.

Y/N: No. I'd rath-

Ashley: Y/N. You need to take some time off. You've done what you could. You should go. It will be fun.

Y/N began thinking about it. The operators, mainly the girls were holding their breath.

Ash: Come on, Come on,Come on!

Ela: Please! Please!!

Dokkabei: Please say Yes!!

Y/N thought about it for a minutes, until he sighed.

Y/N: Ok. Fine I'll go.

The girls smiled and were happy, Y/N was going to Hereford. Y/N saw the announcer handed him a envelope and he took it. The crowd cheered for them as they began to walk off stage. When Y/N was walking back he saw the operators were waiting behind.

Dokkabei: How did you do it?

Y/N: Do what?

Dokkabei: You pulled off the biggest comeback of all time, AND you integrated Nokk!

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