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BY: pocketbangtan
RATE: 9/10

First of all ever since I read this book I'm a so soft for hybirds au. This one is a very good one to start if you have a soft spot for hybirds, for me it's one of the authors best book I've read. It was so hilarious and sad at the same time, I could the tension and the drama. My my how I love drama.

Well if you've been around wattpad you'll know this author is one of the best writer in wattpad for bangtan's division, how do I know you might ask ? Well all of that should be answered when you read the book :) (I'm such a tease haha jk).

But if you aren't around bangtans wattpad community yet or you're still baby army in wattpad and you want to read fluffy stuff you should read this book. Beside I don't know about you I'm craving for some CUPCAKEEE !!! That is you need to read the book then you'll understand me. But as always this book has a little bit cliche on the plot, It's a little bit predictable so it's a light plot but the author manage to write it beautifully.

At Last review 24 and 25 is going to be the last format I'm doing like this. I might change it a little bit since I got a little advise and I want to try it out. So keep reading my friends I still have 4 more to go.

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